The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 154: Accumulate power, read the article, and open up!

  Chapter 154 Accumulate power, read the article, and expand!

  In the dead silent conference room, the atmosphere became weird.

   Those who are eligible to participate in the meeting are all the senior management of the base.

  Chen Bojun, as the general manager of the Omega sequence, naturally sat at the end of the long table.

   On the left is the vice-captain of the Night Watchmen, Han Jing with her arms folded, her face frosty.

  Wang Taisheng sat beside her, his face extremely gloomy.

   On the right is Councilor Zhang from the trial court, with a cold face and no words.

   Accompanied by Deacon Nie, his expression was uneasy.

  In addition to this, there are some new faces, probably family representatives and sect leaders who came from all over the place.

  After Gu Jianlin raised a question, the atmosphere became even weirder.

   After all, those who are missing are the core, and they are also the best heirs cultivated by their respective factions.

   It was so inexplicably lost, very weird.

  The only person who is not embarrassed is Tang Ling next to her. This girl is still wearing a sun visor, a long white sweater, paired with denim shorts, a pair of white and plump long legs overlapping, and black sneakers.

  It was obviously a serious meeting, but she had been playing a certain card game on her mobile phone.

   One 648 and one 648 are filled inside, which is a bit crazy.

   "Where are the traces at the scene? Are there any clues left?"

  Gu Jianlin's voice was very calm.

  Especially when he raised his head to reveal that expressionless face, the senior executives present had a bad premonition in their hearts, as if they saw the skill on top of his head reading a note.

The parrot stood on his shoulder and shouted: "My God, that's ten fifth steps! Fifth steps! Even if ten chickens are lost, there must be some clues. You don't know anything. ?”

   This is not intended to be a mockery, because this task is really outrageous.

  The first echelon of the Omega sequence is basically over 25 years old. Without exception, they are all five-level ascendants. They have rich combat experience, received higher education, and can become ministers if they go up one level.

   After all, Lu Zijin was only in his early thirties.

   These people can’t handle things. If you send a group of people from the second echelon, it’s basically delivering food.

  Chen Bojun let out a dry cough, and all the senior management were embarrassed at the same time.

   "Currently, we are looking for the divination team to deduce the reason for the disappearance."

Chen Bojun said: "As for this mission, of course, it is not for you, the second echelon, to die. We will arrange corresponding mythological weapons. When you encounter a crisis, you can temporarily open the door of the space-time tunnel. Our high-level combat power helps to ensure your safety."

  He paused: "After all, Tier 6 is already close to the threshold of the sanctuary. Once there is too much activity in it, it will lead to dimensional instability and problems are prone to occur."

  Gu Jianlin asked again: "Why are you looking for me?"

  At this moment, Tang Ling lowered her head, her voice was cold and sweet: "I don't feel at ease because of others."

Chen Bojun said: "That's right, because the top ten Omega has disappeared, and most of the rest are assistants without combat capabilities. Only Lei Ting has a fifth-level combat capability. We need to use her as the core to form a team." The team. But she offered that if you didn't participate, she wouldn't either."

  The high-level officials looked at each other and said, "We want to know why."

  Gu Jianlin was about to speak when he was suddenly kicked lightly.

   "Help me climb the tower, the team has already configured it for you, just click a few times."

  Tang Ling casually pushed her mobile phone over, raised her plain and delicate face, expressionless.

   All the high-level officials stared at the girl.

   "First of all, the Omega sequence is a competing sequence, we are not a group, and I have nothing to do with the vast majority of people here. If all ten of them die, then I am Sequence One."

   Tang Ling said lightly: "Why should I take the risk to save them?"

  Gu Jianlin didn't know what to say for a while, the reason was really impeccable.



I saw a cold and stern middle-aged man with white beard and hair, slapped the table angrily, and shouted angrily: "What kind of speech is this? Why did the Ether Association train you? Why did the Omega Sequence train you? This is to let you represent all mankind to talk to the ancients. Protoss fight. This is a common cause of mankind, and it requires faith, blood, and even life!"

   "You don't have any sense of collective consciousness, and you don't have the slightest sense of sacrifice. How can a person like you win the battlefield? Your disregard for the lives of your companions has exposed the selfishness and ugliness of your humanity."

He said angrily: "You have already entered Asgard, and you have seen those nano warriors fighting on the front line. Have you ever seen their determination to rush in to rescue their companions dragging their bodies? Have you ever seen The sorrow of them crying bitterly while hugging the corpses of their comrades in arms? Those who ignore their companions are destined not to go far.”

   The conference room fell into dead silence again, only his roar.

  "If you abandon your companion today, then when you encounter danger in the future, your companion will also abandon you."

  The middle-aged man took a deep breath: "Lei Ting, I am very disappointed in you."

  Gu Jianlin thought that this person's roar was comparable to that of the head teacher of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School.

  Then silently lowered his head and fiddled with the phone, and continued to climb the tower liver resources.

Tang Ling was reprimanded, but she didn't show any expression, she just said indifferently: "Instructor Zhu, I have indeed met those nano warriors in the fairy palace, and I respect them very much. But respect does not mean that I want to become them. If I want to make a contribution to the human world, I am more inclined to be promoted to a demigod as soon as possible and kill a peak ancestor."

  Her black and white beautiful eyes became sharper: "Instead of sacrificing for your companions."

  The top executives fell silent.

  The Zhu instructor was furious, but he didn't know how to refute.

"Of course, I know that I am still very young. Even if the top ten are dead, I may not have enough time to become king, but this is also not the reason for me to take risks. I still say that, we are in a competitive relationship .”

Tang Ling paused: "I need Gu Jianlin's profile to judge the degree of danger of this mission. If he doesn't participate, then I won't participate either. Because among the currently reserved combat power, the two of us are the most dangerous. Strong. And his profile is very useful, it can guarantee our safety to a large extent in Asgard."

  Gu Jianlin lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, and glanced at the woman indiscriminately.

   This woman has eyes.

   After all, he is a man who can make even the peak candle dragons show their decline.

   At this time, a person in the upper management spoke.

   "But the problem is that the divination team can also predict the degree of danger of this mission."

  Member Zhang said: "In the fairy palace, it can also play the same auxiliary role."

  Deacon Nie also said, "That's right."

  Han Jing crossed her arms and said calmly, "Can profiling and divination be the same?"

  Wang Taisheng patted the table: "The matter is of great importance, this is not the time for child's play!"

  However, a trace of indifference flashed in Tang Ling's beautiful eyes, and she said lightly: "It's really different. I think the ability of the divination team may not be as reliable as profiling. Besides, can those assistants be able to fight?"

  Gu Jianlin put down his phone, at this moment he probably understood what she meant.

   This is to blackmail people.

   "It's not impossible for me to lead a team into Asgard to save people, but I need benefits."

   Tang Ling said coldly: "Otherwise, why would we take the risk to save the people in the first echelon and let them survive to compete with us and steal our resources?"

   After a long silence, Chen Bojun took a look at the expressions of the senior management.

"what do you want?"

  He said with a half-smile.

Tang Ling glanced at the high-level people who were working on it, especially the members of the Judgment Court and the Night Watchers, and said coldly: "I want the SSS-level top-secret guide about the Qilin Fairy Palace, which is the one that was investigated by Gu Ci'an, a former member of the Night Watchers." A summary of the reports, together with the historical archives of the Qilin Fairy Palace that the association has secretly sealed up."

  She raised her chin and pointed to the boy next to her: "I share with him, and I want the original manuscript."

   Gu Jianlin's pupils suddenly shrank, and he thought that was the case.

  Old Gu’s original investigation results must be handed over to the Ethereum Association.

  As the largest sublimation organization in the world, it is impossible for the Ether Association to be ignorant of the Qilin Asgard. Many secrets buried in the long river of history may be in their grasp.

  For example, what role does Venerable Qilin play in history.

  What kind of state has He been in for more than two thousand years?

   Including that mysterious mask.

  The clues may all be in this file.

   For a moment, the temperature in the entire conference room dropped suddenly.

  After a while, Chen Bojun said quietly: "That is to say, you want the secret of the Qilin Immortal Palace."

  The complexions of the high-level officials changed.

  Obviously, the land reclamation of Qilin Asgard is just an appetizer for everyone to get a share of.

   What is really valuable is the real secret in the Qilin Immortal Palace.

   That is, the secret treasure left by Venerable Qilin!

   That was pursued by behemoths such as the Ether Association and Youying Group, as well as sublimation organizations around the world.

  It is also the peak sublimator on the top of the world, and only the qualified to get involved.

   "Yes, I may not be qualified to compete with you, or with other peak ascendants."

   Tang Ling paused: "But... as long as you get a mouthful of soup, it's worth it."

  Gu Jianlin was deeply moved, and said in his heart that he deserved to be you.

  The senior management looked at each other in blank dismay.

  Finally, Chen Bojun said, "We need to consider this matter."

   "It's up to you, but it's not just you who need to be considered, but also us."

  Tang Ling took back her phone, continued the mobile game, and said calmly, "If Gu Jianlin thinks that the difficulty factor of this mission is too high, even if you give us the strategy, we will give up decisively."

  Gu Jianlin noticed that the eyes of the surroundings were all on him.

  At this moment, Tang Ling kicked him lightly again.

   "Xiao Gu, what do you think?"

  Chen Bojun stared into his eyes, but his eyeballs swayed imperceptibly from side to side.

  The higher-ups didn't notice his eyes.

  Gu Jianlin captured it accurately.

  Director Chen meant to let him refuse first.

   In this way, there is a chance to bargain.


   Charge up, read the article.

   "Sorry, I decline."

Gu Jianlin got up, and said indifferently: "Think about it carefully, since I debuted, I have been wiping my **** in the activities of the Aether Association. In the eyes of some people, I am still the son of the fallen. I should not be worthy of participating in such an honor. In the mission, you are not worthy of sacrificing for your comrades who are full of honor, right?"

   After speaking, he pulled away the chair, turned and left.

   "Unless the court is willing to re-investigate my father's case."

  Tang Ling also put away her phone and stood up, picked up the guitar case beside her, her white hair fluttering, and followed her away.

  In the conference room, the atmosphere was very depressing.


   "Asshole! Two assholes!"

  【ps: Kawen Kamon circled, I finished writing the 10,000 words yesterday, see you at 8:30 tonight. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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