The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 134: living together

  Chapter 134 Cohabitation

  Gu Jianlin lay on his back on the soft sofa, feeling like he was about to sink into it.

  He just got out of the shower, wearing loose pajamas, his hair is wet, and a clean towel is hanging.

  It is now 2:30 in the middle of the night, the phone is charging nearby, the interface of the Deep Space Network is displayed on the screen, and the posts in the forum are frantically refreshed, discussing the battle situation tonight.

Due to the turmoil of the Nightmare Master, the administrative and public relations department of the Ether Association was collectively called to work overtime to wipe the **** of the frontline fighters overnight. The urban infrastructure department was also busy, responsible for the reconstruction of damaged buildings in the urban area, including the psychological counseling department. Fully dispatched to erase the memories of all witnesses as much as possible.

  The heavy rain outside the window was intermittent, but the helicopters belonging to the dawn combat order could still be seen flying around.

   One thing to say, this serious and responsible attitude towards ordinary people is very commendable.

  This is what the Ethereum Association really looks like.

   If there is no Inquisition, the Aether Society should be a good organization.

  The sound of splashing water came from the bathroom.

  The translucent glass is hazy with mist, and a slender curve can be vaguely seen.

   There is also an exaggerated curvature of the chest.

  Gu Jianlin just glanced at it, and felt an evil fire in his heart, and hurriedly looked away.

  Recite the Great Mercy and Great Compassion Mantra silently and forcefully meditate.

  For the first time in seventeen years, he brought the girl home.

After all, Yueji really has no place to go, and she definitely won't be able to stay in the forbidden area of ​​Westport tonight. In addition, the hotel on the business card is more than 30 kilometers away. If she can't get a taxi, she might have to walk It was dawn, and there were people from the Aether Association outside, so it was very unsafe for her.

   "It's a good thing the house hasn't expired, I feel like I can renew the lease..."

  Gu Jianlin murmured to himself: "Otherwise, if you take it home directly, there is a high probability that something will happen."

  At this time, the door of the bathroom was opened, Tsukihime came out wearing a cat face mask and wrapped in a bath towel, her long black hair was coiled behind her head, and she stepped on the floor with her bare feet.

   "Do you have to wear a mask in the shower?"

  Gu Jianlin glanced at her hastily, then looked away again.

   "You want to see my face? You want to marry me?"

  Yue Ji just used one sentence, and choked him back.

  Gu Jianlin has actually completed her personality portrait, from eyes to tone, and body language.

   There are also analysis of specific behaviors.

   But that result is too outrageous, a bit of a taste of putting aside the facts.

   But this girl obviously knows him very well, and even knows some weaknesses of his character.

   He can always kill him instantly with one sentence.

   "I'm very tired tonight, go to bed early."

   Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "Which room do you live in?"

   This house has a total of two bedrooms, one for the father and one for the son.

  The last time he came back to live, Gu Jianlin cleaned the room, and then replaced the bedding with new ones. He didn't like the feeling of dust, as if he lived in a tomb.

   All daily necessities are also prepared in two sets, probably thinking that when the familiar doorbell will ring again, then the man will come back with big bags and small bags, grinning at him.

   But unexpectedly, the last person to live in was not a middle-aged man, but a beautiful girl.

   Obviously, the latter is much more eye-catching than the former.

  Yueji is so pretty. Although she is wearing a cat face mask and can't see her face, she has a great figure, with slender curves, and her chest is very plump. Her skin is as white as snow and as delicate as petals.

   It’s also very good, Lao Gu just stay below and don’t come back.

   "I live in this room."

  Yue Ji casually pointed to the room on the left, then hugged her clothes, turned and went in.

   That was Gu Jianlin's own bedroom.

   Very good at choosing.

   There was a bang, the door closed, and there was a rustling sound, the ghost knew what he was doing.

  Gu Jianlin ignored it, took out his phone and glanced at the Deep Space Network again.

  At this time, there was a ding sound.

Taixu appeared on the interface of the Deep Space Network, with a gentle and charming voice, like a lover's whisper: "Dear D-level investigator Gu Jianlin, since you have now become the main candidate of the Omega sequence, I will now open the black cloud for you. The highest level of entry qualification for the Walled City, S-level investigation authority for land reclamation strategy."

   "The Omega Sequence Secret Drug Distribution Library has been opened."

   "The Omega Sequence Alchemy Weapon Reserve has been opened."

   "The Omega Sequence Myth Arms Reserve has been opened."

  Gu Jianlin was shocked when he saw this.

   What he saw, so many resources!

"The purpose of the existence of the Omega sequence is to screen out the geniuses who can resist the pollution of the ancient gods in the first echelon of the contemporary era, and cultivate their ability to master breathing and forbidden spells, so that they can fight the ancient ancestors in the ancient **** world, It even has the ability to confront the ancient gods head-on."

   "And the strongest Omega sequence of each generation will be crowned the title of king, become the beneficiary of the natural disaster plan, get the inheritance of the ghost valley secret treasure, and finally embark on the road to fight against the ancient supreme."

"In the history of the Ether Association, not every generation of the Omega sequence will have a king, because it is extremely rare for someone who is truly qualified to be crowned the title of king. But once it appears, it will become the secret weapon of the human world , has the strength to compete with the ancient supreme..."

  When Gu Jianlin saw the words Guigu Secret Treasure, his pupils shrank slightly.

  According to the document left by his father, the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure is most likely the secret weapon against Venerable Candle Dragon.

   "Become the strongest in the Omega sequence?"

  Gu Jianlin feels more close to the people for this goal.

   After all, he has the power of a unicorn in his body, as long as he develops it, he will kill randomly.

   It is impossible for a human to be his opponent.

   "This is the training plan of the Omega sequence. No wonder everyone wants to squeeze their heads in. Is it only here that ordinary people can learn breathing techniques and forbidden spells? It seems that the King of Blue has already given me a little trouble."

  Gu Jianlin pondered and said, "The title of king?"

  It suddenly occurred to him that the Green King might be a king!

   No wonder the Omega Sequence spares no effort, spares no expense in devoting a lot of resources to cultivate geniuses.

  The so-called natural disaster plan is to train people like the King of Blue again.

  Besides the Blue King, there should be other kings.

  For example, the king of red, the king of black, the king of white and so on.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin suddenly thought of another question.

  If the Omega sequence continues for another thousand or eight hundred years, more and more natural disasters will be cultivated.

   Then what to do when the color is not enough!

   Well, that's not his concern.

  The point is, whether it is becoming the strongest of the Omega sequence, it is cultivated by the natural disaster plan.

   It is still the land reclamation of Qilin Asgard, which is an opportunity that is close at hand.

  He must be caught.

   Only in this way can we fight against Venerable Zhulong.

   As for the curse of the ghost car ancestor, huh.

   At that time, I will be able to fight Venerable Candle Dragon. Are you still afraid of your little ancestor?

   Speaking of this, Lao Gu is really unreliable.

   Keep saying that for the sake of the world where his son lives, he must fight against Venerable Zhulong.

   That's good, Venerable Zhulong came directly to the door.

  Half my life I've been looking for a way to break the curse, but I ended up getting myself into it.

  The curse has not been broken, and the ancestor of the ghost car is probably still coming.

   "Really pit."

  Gu Jianlin looked at the information, and the more he read it, the more sleepy he became.

   Then fell asleep on the sofa.

  The rain fell outside the window, the rain hit the leaves, and the wind whimpered.

   At some point, the door of the bedroom was opened, and a petite black figure stood in front of the boy.


  Yueji snorted softly, and then gently covered him with the quilt she was holding in her arms.

  Her movements were very light, without making any sound, for fear of waking up the sleeping boy.

In an instant, lightning flashed across the sky, and the lightning illuminated the boy's cold side face. Even in the state of sleep, he was frowning tightly. I don't know what he dreamed of in his dream, and his whole body was tense. stretch.

  Yueji didn't bother him, but squatted beside the sofa, watching him silently with her chin resting on her hand.

  Lifty hands raised up, gently touching the boy's forehead.

   seems to smooth his brow.

"Thanks a lot."

  She said softly: "I will always be with you."

if you can.

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, and the next update will be at 11:30 tonight. Just after the fever subsides, I will write more in the next chapter. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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