Chapter 112 Lesson

  When Gu Jianlin returned to the store, he saw a group of men in black coming out of the store cursing from a long distance away, carrying steel bars, machetes, and even shotguns in their hands.

  The three smugglers were watching from the door of the shop, their eyes full of fear.

  Gu Jianlin ignored them and went directly into the store to have a look.

  The goods in the store are all intact, but other daily necessities have been smashed to pieces. There are glass fragments all over the floor, smashed electric fans, and torn wires.

  On the smashed recliner, Zhong Guoqing lowered his head, his hair turned gray overnight, there were a few muddy footprints on his clothes, and a large nosebleed on his neckline.

   "Xiao, Xiao Gu."

  Zhong Li squatted on the ground to help his father wipe away the nosebleed, lowered his head and said, "You're back."

  Gu Jianlin asked lightly, "What's going on?"

   "It's all right, it's just that I had a little conflict with someone."

  Zhong Guoqing raised his head, wiped the nosebleed, and squeezed out an extremely ugly smile on his sad and ruthless face: "Go ahead and work, the work in the store can't be delayed, so as not to be held accountable by the higher-ups."

  He got up and picked up a broom and dustpan to clean the room without saying a word about unexcused absenteeism.

   "Xiao Gu, here is your salary from yesterday, plus a bonus of fifty yuan."

  Zhong Li touched his tears, took out 350 yuan from the store, and handed it to his palm: "I heard that you didn't take the 10,000 yuan yesterday... Thank you, thank you very much."

  Gu Jianlin remained silent, and he found that the father and daughter's attitude towards him had changed significantly.

  Zhong Guoqing's shop manager shelf was obviously gone, and Zhong Li also began to be cautious.

   Presumably it should be because of that gold card.

  The people who fight black boxing here are all to reach the finals and win the gold card.

   Either walk out of the cage alive and kill a Fallen.

  Gu Jianlin beat the vulture to death yesterday to give him a ride and give him a good time.

   Ten thousand yuan is just an extra.

   Although this amount of money is a lot for people living in the forbidden area, if you can find a relatively good job, 10,000 yuan is only a month's salary.

   Obviously, the Zhong family's father and daughter valued family members more than money.

   "What happened just now?"

  Gu Jianlin saw the girl's expression that hesitated to speak, and said coldly, "Say."

  Zhong Li shook his head, but just gritted his teeth and turned and ran away.

  Even Zhong Guoqing went to sit in the warehouse with the broom in his arms, smoking a cigarette silently.

  Gu Jianlin had no choice but to turn to the three smugglers and put a hundred dollars on the table.

"what happened?"

   he asked.

I saw a stowaway with sharp eyesight and quick hands, took the money away: "It was Boss Zhang who came just now, because Boss Zhang lost a lot of money because the vulture boxing match was lost, and the resources for cultivating vultures were wasted. The store manager and his daughter It was through Boss Zhang that I booked a place to leave here on a human-snake boat to live in Southeast Asia."

   "Now that the quota is gone, Boss Zhang said that they will stay and continue to work."

   He added: "Until the money is paid off."

  Gu Jianlin said calmly, "That's it?"

   "Well, because Boss Zhang is in charge of port trade, if you want to leave here, you have to rely on him."

   said the stowaway.

  Gu Jianlin understood, and said lightly, "I thought he would come to me."

The stowaway quickly apologized and said with a smile: "This is different. You should already have a gold card, right? This proves that you belong to Mr. Liu. Mr. Liu's rules are very strict, and he dare not pass those rules." means to get you to do things for him, unless you voluntarily go to him and find him as a backer."

  Gu Jianlin thought for a while: "I see."

   This is really a coincidence, it just so happens that Boss Zhang is in charge of port trade.

  The stowaway said: "Boss Zhang went out for a trip, and he only gave them five hours to think about it. If they can't collect the money to him, then they can only sell themselves to work for him."

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

  The sophistication of people in the forbidden area is like this. Yesterday he was still a dull-headed young man working hard.

   But once he got the gold card, everyone greeted him with a smile.

  However, Gu Jianlin could see the true emotions hidden under every smiling face.

   Zhong Guoqing and Zhong Li's smiling faces hide their sadness and humbleness.

  However, what the smiling faces of the three smugglers hide is flattery and treachery.

  Five hours, then wait.

   Just took this opportunity to get close to Boss Zhang, and waited for the Yan family couple to come over.

  Gu Jianlin stood in front of the counter, waiting for the customers.

  At this moment, a sneaky figure suddenly glanced at him and ran away quickly.

   As a result, in less than ten minutes, a group of people came to appraise the treasure.

  There are five counters in total, the bookman has already absented from work, and there are four left.

   However, in front of the three smugglers, there was no guest.

  All the guests gathered at Gu Jianlin's side.

   "Help me, my daughter is sick and can't hold it anymore."

   “My wife had a difficult labor, but there was no money to go to the hospital.”

   "I want to send my father out of here, but I'm short of five thousand yuan, can you help me?"

  Humble or pleasing, depressed or worried, sincere or hypocritical.

  Gu Jianlin was dumbfounded.

   Dozens of people gathered in front of him, this feeling is like that in a costume drama, a rich man came to a slum, and a group of dirty beggars gathered together to ask for money.

   Gu Jianlin understood.

  Maybe it was the person who came to attack him in the dormitory yesterday and told about the bad guy in the treasure shop, so that a large number of people who are short of money gathered here today.

  Those eyes are longing for the young man in front of him to appraise treasures instead of them.

   Then give them the money.

At this time, Zhong Guoqing and Zhong Li rushed out with shotguns, and shouted: "Get out! Get out! Are you **** shameless? Ah? There are so many of you, how many times do you want little Gu Jianbao? His life?"

   Maybe this father and daughter can only stand upright at this time.

  Because they are protecting the people in the store.

  The group of appraisers got scared when they saw the muzzle of the gun, and left angrily.

  Someone spit into the store before leaving.

   "It's okay, Xiao Gu, those people dare not come here in the future. For the next two days, if you can't do it, you can stay in the store. It's safer to have guns in the store. You sleep on my bed, and I sleep on the floor."

  Zhong Guoqing glared at the group of people viciously: "These bastards."

   This old man looks much stronger than expected.

  Brother died yesterday, and today he was deprived of the hope of leaving here.

   I didn't expect to recover so soon.

   This is the tragedy of adults.

   Whatever happens, you have to hold on.

   must also be braced.

   Because there is no one behind you.

  Zhong Li put a shotgun on the table and forced a smile: "The gun is here, be careful."

  Gu Jianlin felt a little irritable for no reason, and his breathing became rapid. The spiritual tide in his mind ebbed and flowed, and the sound of the raging tide seemed to become irritable, roaring like thunder.

  Suddenly, the world became quiet.

  The sound of the tide stopped abruptly, and the howling of the sea wind between the sky and the earth disappeared without a trace.

  The whole world seems to be going away quickly, and the hustle and bustle of the world is submerged in silence and disappears.

   Someone pushed a wheelchair and came to the door of the store.

   "The first lesson is over."

   I don’t know when, Jing Ci appeared at the door of the store, still wearing a suit and leather shoes, classic and elegant: "The name of this class is human nature. I think, after these two days, you have already fully understood it."

  The old man dozed off in the wheelchair, his breathing sounded long.

  Gu Jianlin remained silent.

   "Originally, the teacher and I were still thinking about how to send you into the forbidden area. I didn't expect you to come by yourself. It's really reassuring. If that's the case, let's talk about your feelings."

  Jing Ci looked at the sky: "The second lesson is about to start."

  【ps: This book is first released on the Qidian app, and the next update will be at 11:30 p.m. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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