The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 106: Candle Dragon Legacy (4000)

  Chapter 106 Candle Dragon Inheritance (4000)

  The stands on the second floor are places that only the big shots in the dark world are qualified to occupy.

  Because since ancient times, high-ranking people like to look down.

  Behind the black curtain, Ms. Lan seemed to smile sweetly, and said happily, "After watching the game for more than two months, today is just a little something to watch. Sister Yueji, what do you and the butcher think?"

  The butcher scratched his head and turned to look at the boss.

  Yueji was silent for a moment, then said softly: "Very strong."

   "Sister Yue Ji always says that?"

  Miss Lan smiled and said: "Then, it's not bad to have a good relationship. Third master, what is his identity?"

  Liu Sanye raised his hand, and immediately a bodyguard put a tablet computer on his hand.

   "Gu Ting, seventeen years old, a first-rank priest, a handyman in a treasure shop."

  He scolded with a smile: "You can master the dark vibrations proficiently, and you are still at the first level. But this is normal. People who are not good at hiding themselves will not be able to survive in the dark world."

  Miss Lan said with a half-smile, "That's not what I'm talking about."

  Liu Sanye raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look: "Huh?"

Ms. Lan said lightly: "I mean, he doesn't seem to be that interested in money. He seems to have a personality. This kind of person either has no desires or desires, or he has big plans. Give him a gold card to try." Bar."

  Master Liu hummed: "Yue... hey, butcher, where is Miss Yueji?"

  In the stands, Yue Ji had disappeared at some point.

   Only the butcher was left scratching his head, and said, "I don't know, it's not like you don't know that she is a way to kill ghosts, and you can't find her even if she is elusive. Who knows when she left."

  But as a long-time partner, this reckless man can see how much the boss cares about that boy.

  Because of the whole game, Yue Ji kept staring at that boy and never looked at other people.

  Liu Sanye thought for a while: "All right."

   "Boss Zhu, Boss Zhang, today's game is over."

  He smiled and said, "Do you two want to stay for a drink?"

  Zhang Miao smiled awkwardly, just said something else, then turned and left.

   On the contrary, it was Zhu Cheng, who obviously won the game, but his face was ugly, and he left in a hurry.

Mr. Liu had his hands behind his back, and his face like a smiling Buddha was full of regret: "Crooked melons and dates, all of them are crooked melons and dates. The more this boxing match is held, the less interesting it is. I want What is more is a genius who can rival the Omega sequence of the Aether Association. What are these things?"

  The butcher scratched his head: "Third Master, why do you continue to hold boxing matches?"

   "You don't understand, this is a tradition in the dark world, because the first king in the dark world came out of black boxing many years ago. Well, it wasn't called black boxing at that time, it should be called fighting beast."

  Liu Sanye waved his hand: "Ning Chen, go meet the newcomer with me."

  A drowsy young man came out from the corner and said sleepily, "Okay, boss."

  Liu Sanye suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, go to the warehouse and pick up an alchemy weapon. Um... just take the one made by Ms. Lan, we can't be as stingy as the association."

  Ning Chen yawned: "Oh, I see..."



  Gu Jianlin had just stepped off the ring, and everyone who saw him automatically parted ways.

  In the forbidden area, human life is not valuable at all, and there are no rules restricting you from killing people. Therefore, whoever has the biggest fist here makes sense. No one wants to provoke a ruthless person who can defeat aberrants with bare hands.

   Face-changing becomes really fast.

  Gu Jianlin still remembered the expressions on the faces of them looking at the fighting beasts in the audience just now. They clearly saw people and mutants together as animals struggling to survive in a cage, full of a sense of superiority.

  Like a fighting cage, it can give them a sense of security.

   But when he came out of the cage alive, the way those people looked at him changed.

  There is fear, fear, flattery, and apprehension.

  The change of identity and status is so sudden.

  伱 Whether one has the qualifications for dignity also depends entirely on one's own strength.

   This is the dark world.

  Suddenly, a waiter in a black dress came up to him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, Mr. Liu, please go upstairs and have a present for you."


  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly. The reason why he stood on the ring was not only to give a roar when he saw the injustice, but also to show his strength a little bit so that he could get in touch with the higher-ups in the forbidden area.

   Given his talent, this is an easy thing to do.

   "Then please."

  The waiter led him all the way to the second floor and entered a separate guest room.

  The decoration of the room is quite exquisite. It is clearly just a speakeasy in a black market, but it has the feeling of a nightclub. The overall decoration is like a crystal palace, obscene and luxurious.

  On the red soft sofa, a smiling fat man is holding two bunny girls in his left and right hands.

  One bunny girl is responsible for feeding him wine, and another bunny girl peels grapes for him and feeds them into his mouth.

   There is also a drowsy young man in the corner, yawning.

   "Yo, here?"

Seeing the young man coming in, Sanye Liu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Not bad, I am very satisfied with today's beast fighting. Young man has a future, although your fighting skills are mediocre, or It’s not at all. But the extraordinary ability is very solid, and the action of throwing money at the end is also very handsome.”

  He waved his hand: "Sit down."

  Gu Jianlin walked into the room, and there was only one chair in front of him, obviously reserved for himself.

  He sat down and looked at the mysterious boss in the forbidden area opposite.

   To be honest, even if he analyzed it with his profiling ability, there was nothing special about it.

  The only thing is that the eyes are very small.

   It was the smallest he had ever seen in his life.

   "Don't tell me, dare to open your eyes and talk."

  Liu Sanye raised his eyebrows: "I'm so **** wide open."

   Gu Jianlin fell into deep thought.

   Unless the other party has mind reading skills, otherwise, everyone will say this sentence when they see him.

   "Go, accompany the guests."

  Sanye Liu patted the buttocks of the two bunny girls.

  The two bunny girls smiled charmingly, and walked over slowly with their waists twisting.

  However, at that moment, the cold light of the dagger flashed, and suddenly cut off one of their hairs.

"do not move."

  Gu Jianlin held the dagger and said calmly, "Sit back."

  The two bunny girls looked at each other, and a strange light flashed in their beautiful eyes.

  Because their hands were placed behind their backs, they almost touched the holsters around their waists.

   "Although you have undergone special training, you still haven't hidden your eyes."

  Gu Jianlin said lightly: "Let's forget about this level of temptation."

Mr. Liu laughed loudly, without showing any embarrassment, he directly called the two bunny girls back, and said with a satisfied smile: "Not bad! You are very vigilant, only people like you can survive in the dark world I won't talk nonsense anymore, this gold card will be given to you."

  He took out a pure gold card from his pocket and threw it directly.

   Gu Jianlin caught it and saw four words engraved on the gold card.

  —Youying Consortium.

"People who can't survive in the real world will often flee to the dark world. Some people are persecuted, some are self-inflicted, and some have conspiracy, but no matter what kind of people they are, they will want to join us. Because as long as With our protection, they don’t have to hide their faces and hide.”

Liu Sanye said with a smile: "I don't know what kind Mr. Gu is, but I hope you are the third type of person. Because only this kind of person is qualified to cooperate with us and truly...become one of us .”

  Hearing these words, Gu Jianlin suddenly felt that he had underestimated the forces behind this forbidden area.

   What this fat man means is that as long as he is protected by them, he no longer has to worry about being hunted down by the association.

"Of course, the benefit of joining us is not just as simple as being protected. What we need is a real strong man, the kind of person who can conspire with great things. You also know that the Qilin Fairy Palace is here, and everyone is aiming at It comes from the mystery of longevity in the Immortal Palace. According to legend, Venerable Qilin holds the power of disaster and life."

Mr. Liu seemed to be pointing and said: "However, anyone with a brain knows that the Qilin Immortal Palace is a battleground for the Aether Association. Now, half of the people in the dawn battle sequence have already entered the sea from the entrance of the Black Cloud Walled City. Go in, cooperate with the genius seeds of the Omega sequence, and carry out a large-scale cleaning."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect it to be so soon, and he didn't even know about it.

   Presumably, that kind of level of battle is obviously not what a rookie like him should participate in.

   A strange light flashed in Sanye Liu's eyes, and he said in a persuasive manner, "However, we have another entrance to the Qilin Immortal Palace in our hands, as well as a secret that can be regarded as confidential even in the Ether Association."

  Gu Jianlin hesitated for a moment: "This kind of secret, can you tell me such a small person casually?"

   "Of course it is possible. After all, the Aether Association has always been stingy, and such news is not likely to be shared with the people below. But it is different in the dark world, where people talk a lot, and everything is possible."

  Liu Sanye laughed and said: "You can tell from your expression that you don't know. Can you guess why Venerable Candle Dragon and Venerable Qilin fought in the East China Sea more than two thousand years ago? The sky fell apart and the dimensions shattered?"

  When Gu Jianlin heard this, his pupils shrank slightly: "Why?"

  Liu Sanye spread his hands: "We don't know the details. Our archaeological experts are not as reliable as those of the association."

  Gu Jianlin suffocated on the spot, almost swearing.

"But what we can be sure of is that Venerable Candle Dragon did have some kind of problem more than two thousand years ago, so he is eager, even crazy, to find a solution to this problem. When according to a secret It is rumored that after nine hundred years of slumber, Venerable Qilin lowered the Qilin Wedge in the East China Sea, trying to restore himself to the power of his heyday through an ancient sacrifice."

  Liu Sanye spread his hands: "And Venerable Zhulong is trying to usurp the results of this sacrifice."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, this kind of battle between the ancient supreme beings was too far away for him.

  Even if he inherited the power of Venerable Qilin, it doesn't sound real.

"At the same time, Venerable Qilin is of course not a vegetarian. He also took this opportunity to devour the power of Venerable Zhulong! In our group, there is a sublime who claims to be a descendant of Xu Fu. According to From the ancient documents left by the ancestors, from the clues, an astonishing fact has been deduced."

  Liu Sanye said faintly: "In the Qilin Immortal Palace, there are definitely not only treasures left by a supreme Qilin Venerable! Because there is also buried the inheritance of Venerable Zhulong!"

  As if a thunderbolt exploded in his mind, Gu Jianlin was moved by it no matter how strong his concentration was.

"Don't think I'm bragging. There is a sublimator in our group who traveled to the fairy palace. He claimed to have encountered the ancient ancestors of the Candle Dragon clan! After we verified it, we found that he was not lying, so we completely confirmed that statement.”

Mr. Liu smiled and said: "Actually, this incident is also recorded in some ancient documents. Throughout the dynasties, people have gone to the East China Sea to look for traces of the Qilin Fairy Palace, and there are many famous people who have left history. Do you know? Venerable is honored as the strongest among supreme beings, but Venerable Qilin is definitely not weak."

   "Even in the ancient gods, he is an extremely dangerous and terrifying god. Except for the Suzaku who came with him at the beginning, almost all the supremes want to kill him."

  He paused, and his tone was mysterious and deep: "Although I don't know why, He must have some kind of special authority. Even the same kind who are also supreme are extremely afraid of Him."

  Gu Jianlin was extremely calm on the surface, but he began to mutter a little inwardly.

  Currently, he still knows too little about Qilin's authority.

  Besides ancient divine language and ancient deification, he knows nothing else.

   "The battle of annihilation two thousand years ago was a game set up by Venerable Qilin and Venerable Candle Dragon to devour each other. Although Venerable Qilin was suppressed and killed in the end, Venerable Candle Dragon had the last laugh."

Liu Sanye said: "But what is certain is that Venerable Candle Dragon has also paid a huge price. Even though he is still active in the ancient **** world and the real world for nearly two thousand years, his power is really not as recorded in ancient books. He was strong at the peak. Guess, is there a possibility, what did he leave behind in the Qilin Immortal Palace?"

  He said furtively: "Otherwise, why would he leave this tomb on purpose? Even if Venerable Qilin cannot be completely killed, wouldn't it be good to just banish him into the turbulent flow of dimensions?"

  Gu Jianlin's eyes flickered, but he didn't speak.

   "The goal of the Ethernet Association is Venerable Qilin, and our goal is the inheritance of Venerable Candle Dragon."

  Liu Sanye said: "Isn't it very attractive?"

  Gu Jianlin had to admit that this made him a little moved and curious.

   "This is the gift you prepared for me?"

   he asked.

   "Ah no no no, of course not."

  Liu Sanye crossed his arms and said with a smile: "I said before, we are not as stingy as the Ether Association. The next thing I want to give you is an alchemy weapon built by Ms. Lan herself, which can be called the ultimate art!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the glass window suddenly shattered, the fat man's head exploded, and blood spattered out.

  Like a broken watermelon.

  Gu Jianlin: "..."

  The expressions of the two bunny girls changed, and they suddenly looked out the window.

  The roar of the gunfire rolled up, as if it shattered the night.

   "There are assassins again."

  The young man standing in the corner yawning turned around and left, listlessly said: "The Hawkeye of the Overlord Path cooperates with the strengthening of Domineering. Alas, since the invention of thermal weapons, the Overlord Path has become more and more terrifying."

   "Tell the boss, I'm going to catch the assassin."

   After speaking, he jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

  At this time, Sanye Liu's body trembled, flesh and blood squirmed and multiplied from the terrifying wound on the neck, and countless blood vessels and muscle fibers burst out and converged, reshaping a head in a short moment.

   "Ah, sorry, there was a little episode."

  He laughed: "Let's continue."

  【ps: This book is the first starting point app, welcome to read the genuine version. The next update is at 11:30 tonight~]

  (end of this chapter)

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