The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 69: Meet Chen again. Stormstout

At first, she was not used to it. The physical habits of human beings are completely different from the flying habits of birds. Several times, her feet would hang down very naturally. As a result, she tripped over some branches or trunks during the flight and fell to the ground.

The hard training in the middle of the night can't be said to be fruitless. It's too far away to say, and she probably has no problem flying back to the West Wilderness from Gold Shining Town.

In order to allow her body to adapt faster and remember the flying form, she has been transformed into a falcon to walk through the forest.

There are many obstacles here, suitable for practice.

Like practicing a drill pipe, go back and forth around the trees.

She is often hit with a bruised nose and a swollen face, but her flying ability is also rapidly improving.

In the process of flying and healing herself, she discovered yet another application of the power of fire.

Her healing spell is somewhat similar to the Extremis virus in Iron Man 3. It extracts the cellular energy in the subject's body and reassembles the limbs according to the cellular memory. The input speed of the flames turns the subject into a human bomb, three two one, blasting into the sky with a bang, which is also a means of attack...

After treating all the bruises on her body, she cleaned up and walked back. The shouts of killing in the distant forest were still loud and clear, and the battle must still be going on.

Flying at low altitude, she suddenly saw a moving figure in the distance, what should this figure say? Like a moving hill.

What is this? Is there such a thing in Elwynn Forest?

I was a little curious, and the flame treatment accelerated the blood circulation in her body, which made her a little excited, so she turned into a human form and sneaked over to watch.

In the middle of the night, the visibility was extremely poor. Even though she had good eyesight, she was a little far away, and she couldn't see what it was after looking for a long time.

I only know that it is very tall and very big, and it seems that the other party is in a prostrate state, lying on the ground.

monitor lizard? Or the Kodo of the orcs?

She took a closer look.

One hundred meters, did not see clearly. Eighty meters away, only a shadow can be seen.

Fifty meters, this seems to be...

"Come here, come here... come to me..." someone around whispered to her, Vanessa turned her head, Yo, isn't this Uncle Pandaren, Chen Stormstout? Just separated more than ten days ago, what is he doing hiding here now?

That thing outside can make the legendary monk dodge? Is it a dragon?

Walking lightly to Lao Chen's side, he has a good view, and under the moonlight, Vanessa finally saw the huge monster not far away.

What kind of dragon is this? It's a pig! It's not an insulting curse, but the truth, the thing that looks like a hill in front of me is a pig, not a wild boar, but a huge domestic pig, a sow...

This guy must be super strong for civilians, and the huge tonnage is simply unbearable for ordinary people, but it is nothing for professionals.

Can this scare away legendary monks? Just kidding!

The panda man, Uncle Chen, still has his panda eyes. Even if we meet in this environment, he is very calm.

Not only was he calm, but he also greeted Vanessa in the common language: "What a wonderful meeting of fate, I never expected that we would meet again in such a short period of time!"

Vanessa looked around at the surrounding environment, and replied in a strange tone: "Is it worth feeling reunited in the pigsty? Then this fate is really bad..."

Uncle Pandaren didn't care, he lowered his voice, and looked at Vanessa with the eyes of a kind-hearted person: "Are you also here to steal wine? I heard that the wine made by this family is very delicious. The big guy is blocking the way, you lead it away, and then you will get half of the wine!"

With his ability, it would be no problem to beat that sow as big as a hill to death, but he has a set of self-discipline standards that are completely different from ordinary people. A kind of attitude towards life, he will pay money afterwards, but not hurting the other party's livestock, this will affect the other party's life, he will never do this.

I don't sleep in the middle of the night and come here to steal wine? are you crazy! Besides, there are no good brewers on the human side. If so, why would she go all the way to buy wine from the dwarves?

Vanessa kept shaking her head. Chen Storm Spirit was like a child, soft and hard. Even though she repeatedly explained that there was no good wine here, he just wanted to steal a few sips.

Vanessa had no choice but to agree to lure the big sow away for him.

She still has experience in pulling a certain monster to a certain place. She walked around to the other side of the farmland and transformed into a cheetah. She sat on the ground in a humane manner, waving a small red flag in her paw, and looked at the big pig not far away.

At this time, she had already thought of the origin of this guy, and this guy has nothing to do with it... It has nothing to do with the Burning Legion, the Alliance and the Horde, the Emerald Dream, or the future of Azeroth. It's a sow with a genetic mutation!

I remember that this pig is called 'Princess' and seems to like Huo Huo I don't know if this guy is delicious...Vanessa touched her mouth and ate mess every day in the western wilderness Stewed, drinking and eating rabbits every day at the Lion King's Pride Hotel, she almost forgot what pork tasted like.

She even wanted to buy this sow and take it back for a tooth-beating sacrifice for everyone!

This pig seems to weigh at least five tons, and I don't know what kind of feed it grew up on. The person who raised this pig is also a talent. If the other party is willing, she also wants to row to the Western Wilderness, and she will be responsible for raising it in the future. pig!

Vanessa shook the little red flag for a long time and found that the other party was indifferent. She grabbed a clod and threw it at the sow from a distance.

The small eyes of the 'princess' scanned the vicinity for a long time, and finally saw Vanessa, the 'little animal' in its eyes, in the shade of the tree.

The 'princess' didn't want to talk to her, she closed her eyes and wanted to sleep, but Vanessa was jumping up and down, throwing stones and waving flags, she raised her paws, showed her middle finger, and grinned provocatively.

The big sow, who was already bad-tempered, was irritated, growled, and pressed towards her like a mountain of meat.

If you can be caught up by this kind of thing, then don't practice any flame druids.

She suppressed at least 50% of her speed as she walked through the forest, and the sow chased after her.

In order to tease the big pig's nerves, she grabbed the stones around her and threw them backwards from time to time, hitting such a big target accurately.

Vanessa estimated that the time was almost up, so she led the princess directly to the other side of the dirt mountain. She spared half a circle, crossed the river to eliminate the smell, and flew back to join Chen Storm Spirits.

"I was cheated by those farmers, it's really not good wine!" Uncle Chen, the panda man, was full of bitterness, sitting on the ground with his fat body, looking very depressed.

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