The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 634: Vanessa's plan

The light in the Pantheon was a bit dim, and it seemed that the tragic experience of the masters had also affected this space.

Nine mountain-sized seats are distributed in a semicircle, standing quietly not far away.

They have different appearances, some are gorgeous, some are ordinary, some chairs have abstract symbols such as eyes and branches on the back of some chairs, and some seem to be composed of substances such as flames and mountains.

"Nine chairs?" Vanessa roughly took a seat according to her memory.

In the middle is undoubtedly Aman'Thul, the father of the titans, and the symbol seems to be an eye composed of complex patterns.

Afterwards, Aggramar, Ionar, Gorgannath, Khaz'gros, Norgannon, and Aman'Thul are listed on the left and right. Energy cyclone.

Vanessa heard from Eonar that this is reserved by the titans, they can use this to restore some of their former strength, and it is also an important basis for dealing with Sargeras this time.

On the left hand side of Aman'Thul is a chair surrounded by flames.

That should be the position of Sargeras. The traces of the past left by this fallen titan are much stronger than those of the other titans. Peeping for a moment is like facing the entire universe. The energy contained in it has reached the blocking time. Even at Vanessa's level, she couldn't look directly at it for a long time, so she turned her head quickly.

She looked at the leftmost and rightmost two of the nine seats.

One was full of emotions such as violence and pain, and she guessed that the seat belonged to Argus the Unmaker.

As for the last remaining seat, she felt a sense of intimacy and uncertainty, and she thought it should belong to Azeroth.

The Pantheon discovered the existence of Azeroth very early on. For these Titans who came out of the planet, tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years is just a very short period of time. It is nothing to prepare a seat in advance. What a fuss.

Nine seats correspond to nine Titans.

Vanessa walked to the huge seat in the middle, which belonged to Aman'Thul, the father of the titans.

She flew into the air, and took out an ornament with a pale golden halo from the dark compartment next to the seat, which was Aman'Thul's vision.

The father of the titans made arrangements very early on. He originally thought that the catastrophe came from the void, but he never expected that the betrayer would be his brother Sargeras.

The layout he left behind is basically useless, but as the creation of the father of the Titans, this accessory is also the top-level artifact, and it is still useful to Vanessa.

Titan is the most powerful life form in this universe, there is no doubt about it.

If there is no chance, if Vanessa is still a thief in the western wilderness, she dare not make extravagant hopes.

Standing in the middle of the road and yelling "I want to go against the sky, I want to replace it!"

But Vanessa already has the foundation, and she has the confidence to say this...

Although it was beaten here and there, according to Eonar's estimation, the power of the Titan in Vanessa's body has reached about 10% of that of the Titan Kazgros himself. With a mortal body, it can accommodate 10% of the Titan It is very powerful, she not only tolerates it, but also controls it very well. Just talking about the understanding of Titans, she is even higher than Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

Eonar's guidance also allowed her to see the essence of the Titan. Whether it is theory or practice, she has a certain room for maneuvering.

If God does not take, you will be blamed! When it's time to strike, we must strike. The question now is who to choose as the target?

The six dead titans are not considered, they are all dead! Could Vanessa still die for them?

The remaining choices are only three, Sargeras, Argus and Azeroth.

Needless to say... Sargeras, Sa was always rejected by her immediately. If she had the ability to replace him, she wouldn't have to cooperate with a lot of Titan star souls. There are still a few.

Azeroth? As the most powerful Titan in the prophecy, this is a good choice, with great potential and strength, but it is not practical.

Because he hasn't been born yet, it's like investing in Ali, but in the end, he travels back to the 1950s, when Papa Ma was not born, what an investment!

One thousand years, ten thousand years, one million years, who knows when Azeroth will be born, Vanessa can live for a long time, but she can't live longer than a planet, she can't afford to wait.

Then there is only one target left, the poor, weak, and helpless newborn Titan, Argus!

Vanessa lingered on Argus's seat for a long time, secretly calculating the advantages and disadvantages between the two sides.

After a long time, she placed Eonar's mark on the seat that echoed the mark the strongest, and then turned into a streamer, left the Pantheon, and returned to the material world.

It seems that she only stayed in the Pantheon for a while, but in terms of the material world, she has been away for fifteen days.

Returning to Eonar's sanctuary, she found that the draenei prophet Velen had been here for two days.


"Your Highness."

In Velen's memory, Vanessa is still Lordaeron's regent, but she didn't explain it. Compared with other gods who have lived for tens of thousands of years, Lordaeron's history is completely incomprehensible, Your Majesty There is no difference.

"The prophet also talked to Eonar, right? What are you going to do?"

Velen was still the same, thinking for thirty seconds before speaking, he said slowly: "This is an opportunity to completely end the Burning Legion, we should seize it, and we must seize it!"

Vanessa nodded on the surface, but she didn't think so in her heart.

Mr. Sa's eyes have long been looking at a higher level, and his pursuit is not in the material world at all.

Now his brothers are fell into the cesspit, don't think about it, we have to drag you down anyway!

And Vanessa is the number one accomplice in this cesspit operation.

Old Man Velen is number two.

Can imprisoning Sargeras solve the Burning Legion? It was a big mistake. The Burning Legion hadn't had a leader in the tens of thousands of years. Kil'jaeden dared to hang up on the phone of President Sa in another timeline, which showed that the organization had developed like a sheep.

Imprisoning Sargeras will not have much impact on the future universe.

But Vanessa also thinks that Mr. Sa should be locked up, which is beneficial to her Argus plan.

"We need to go back to Argus. The demons we will face this time will be endless. Our army will attract attention from the front, and then we will form an elite team to rescue the star souls of the titans and completely eliminate Sargeras."

Vanessa talked about the plan she had discussed with Eonar, which was not complicated.

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