The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 625: Speaker of Azeroth

Garrosh Hellscream is a leader with no shortcomings in will, intelligence, and courage. This is why Thrall chose him to take over as the great chief of the tribe.

It didn't take much for him to see the discord within the Zandalari trolls.

It was okay when we were rich, but now that we are poor, conflicts arise immediately.

Garrosh's original desire to ally with the Zandalar has faded, and he now wants to swallow Zandalar whole.

He wants gold, warships, elite troll warriors, mages, and shamans.

He was worried that he was putting too much pressure on him, and that the king and the council would unite to deal with him temporarily, so he took over the task of crusading the blood trolls, and took away a large amount of food from the Zandalari tribe, further detonating the conflict between the two. Make room for them to have a good fight.

Not only did he lead a large army to attack the blood troll, but he also sent Zaira, the female orc chieftain of the Dragonmaw clan, to deal with the snake people, and sent his adjutant, Malkorok, who originally belonged to the Shattered Hand clan, to Pandaria.

Whether it's a snake man or a thunder god, he wants them all!

The blood troll, who had been coaxing all the time, was defeated, and suffered a miserable defeat in front of the Horde army.

Blood Queen Lana Thiel and her Salayne vampires were beaten by Vanessa and Old Fording to the point where they couldn't take care of themselves. This is not to say that vampires are weak, but that the Northern Expedition of Lordaeron is too strong. Now they are dealing with a group of blood-powered Trolls, it's really easy and fun to fight.

The entire Nazmir was completely occupied by tribes, and very orc-style buildings began to appear in this swamp.

Garrosh led a small team into the ancient ruins known as Uldir, looking for the legendary ancient artifact.

It was all easy, but an unexpected visitor disrupted all his plans.

Garrosh pushed back his soldiers, and walked into a side hall with doubts in his heart.

Magni Bronzebeard, transformed into an oversized diamond, was waiting for him.

"Dwarf, I don't remember that we are friends." He was very surprised that Magni Bronzebeard appeared in Odile, and he was even more surprised by the current life form of this dwarf.

He knew that the dwarf king was an outstanding legendary warrior, but at this moment, the dwarf didn't have any warrior breath on him, just like an empty shell.

"Garrosh, we are indeed not friends, and we will never be friends. I am looking for you because of a very important matter. Azeroth is at stake. We need your help." The life form of the dwarf king is very strange, and his personality It is completely different from before.

"We?" Garrosh mulled over the word.

Following the sound of rumbling footsteps, the 20-meter-tall Titan creation, the Virgin of Purity, stepped out.

"The Burning Legion has mobilized a large number of troops. They are about to start a new round of expedition to Azeroth. Even their leader Sargeras is quickly approaching Azeroth. Our situation is very dangerous and time is running out. Already." The dwarf king said seriously.

"The Burning Legion..." Garrosh recited the name in a low voice. He started war against the Alliance because of interests, and he hated the Burning Legion because of hatred. He hated the Burning Legion and demons, and many people knew that .

He can seek power from the void, but he will never surrender to the devil.

"Why me? I don't think I'm your only choice." He asked.

The dwarf king looked at the Virgin of Purity, and the Titan creation activated the device in Odir, revealing images one after another, all of which were leaders of the alliance.

"Malfurion and Tyrande can fight the Burning Legion, but the night elves have too few troops, and you know that very well."

When the dwarf king finished speaking, Garrosh smiled cruelly.

Then King Varian appeared on the screen, and the Dwarf King pointed and said, "Varian's focus has always been on the Tomb of Sargeras, and he was too much involved in the matter of the Nightborne."

The Dwarf King commented all the way without any disturbance: "I left Khaz Modan, and now the Three Hammers are becoming unstable again. The blood elves have few troops, not to mention Gilneas and Kul Tiras."

The last image shown in the Virgin Mary is Vanessa.

Vanessa was lowering her head to count her gains in the Mogu'shan treasure house. Even though the distance was thousands of miles away, the eyes of several people still made her feel something. She raised her head and looked around vigilantly, and the Virgin of Purity quickly closed the interface.

The dwarf king's evaluation of Vanessa is more straightforward: "She is too greedy, and her power has reached the peak of a demigod. Once she is allowed to go too deep into Azeroth, she will definitely steal Azeroth's energy. The result can be said Worse than the Burning Legion invasion."

What is the energy of Azeroth? Isn't Azeroth just the land under your feet? What's the secret here? Garrosh found that there was much he didn't know.

Orcs lack too much knowledge in this area, maybe Thrall knows, but Thrall doesn't say anything.

Garrosh looked at the two strange beings, tall and short, in front of him.

"I need to know more details."

"Of course, we will make the necessary explanations."

Garrosh was making up lessons with the Dwarf King and the Virgin Mary, while the Va King and the Nightborne Grand Magister Elisande attacked the Tomb of Sargeras together, preparing to work together to remove the fel pollution and completely eliminate this source of danger.

Vanessa in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms was also stunned for a few seconds. She felt that something was peeping at her before, but after checking for a long time, she found nothing unusual.

"Happy! I'm so happy!" She was quickly distracted by the huge harvest and smiled brightly.

Fifteen ships were filled with all kinds of gold, silver and jewels, all of which were her personal gains!

The trade between Lordaeron and Pandaria has been going Pandaren in Pandaria are not all good. They are the best in farming in Azeroth, but they are not so good in breeding. .

Lordaeron exported three flowered pigs the size of a small mountain, which made the pandaren of Pandaria extremely awed. How did such a large pig be raised?

At the same time, the Pandaren in Pandaria are also very superstitious, and the lucky rabbit feet in stock can be sold again!

"Dear God, we have dug through the underground passage! There is indeed an extremely large building complex below, which seems to be in the architectural style of Titans." A pandaren monk came to report to her.

Vanessa immediately became serious.

She immediately ordered the excavators to withdraw, the things there were very dangerous.

Although in her memory, the Heart of Y'Shaarj would not be revived without entering the springs of Pandaria, it is always right to be cautious.

The pandaren of the Golden Lotus Sect evacuated one after another, and the mogu also left the underground building. Vanessa said hello to the four gods, and then walked down the passage alone.

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