The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 188: Whispers of the Old Gods

"Reptile! You're too presumptuous!" The Fire Demon King was furious, and through the energy channel, he saw Vanessa who was crazily absorbing the flames in his body at a glance.

The energy channel connecting the two grew by one-third in just two seconds. Since this power was too late to be decomposed and transformed by the force of nature, Vanessa was covered in haze, and the color of her hair changed from black to pale. red.

Huge and irritable energy surged towards her. While using druid methods to transform the elemental power of the Fire Demon King into the natural power of nature, she released the dross into the underground magma river.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment. From the corner of her eye, she saw the solemnity on Thrall's face, Jaina's urgency, Bolvar's persistence, and the complex expressions of many subordinates.

There are people who care about her, and people who are jealous of her. In the end, all kinds of complex emotions converge into a faint whisper.

"Power, you need power, only I... only I can give you power, you will become the queen, the supreme king of the alliance! You will rule the whole world..."

Whisper was talking to her in a very friendly manner.

Vanessa was taken aback for a moment, she even thought she was hallucinating, but the next moment she found that the whisper was still bewitching her.

"Call on me and I will help help you become who you imagined to be...greatness, power and strength..."

Does this make me a fool? She sneered.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, whispering was not in a hurry, and popped up to say a few words from time to time.

Vanessa snorted coldly: "Men are rubbish! Men are all crap, and what they say doesn't count. I won't believe what you say! I don't believe a single word!"

Whispered for a moment, is this a woman with hurt feelings? It doesn't look like...

"Men are also good, believe in me, I will let you find a new love..."

The whisper was interrupted by Vanessa: "Yes, you are right! My grandpa is a good man. Last birthday, I sang to my grandpa. It was very nice. Have you heard it?"

Whispering was a bit ignorant, but Vanessa didn't care about it, and while absorbing the power of the flames in the transformation body, she sang the birthday song full of energy.

After she finished singing, she asked, "Did I sing well?"

Whispering and subconsciously replied: "It sounds good, it sounds good, your wish is to be a singer?..."

Vanessa's tone of reminiscence, Balabala said for a while: "My grandpa is very kind to me. I have loved to drink the tea my grandpa made since I was a child. In the spring of that year, the mountains were full of tea trees. That scene was beautiful. ...By the way, you won't think I'm long-winded after talking so much with you, will you?"

It was the first time I saw someone who talked so much, Monk Zhang Er was a little confused about Whispering, so I could only follow her meaning and say, "It's very good, it's very good... Who is your grandfather?"

"It's the one on the mountain, Fan, isn't it? You're so capable, you must know?"

Whispered for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Fandral Staghelmet on Mount Hyjal?"

Vanessa was amazed, and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, you are amazing, you can guess it! Grandpa is very old, and his son died. It was very hard. I want to help him, I want to learn from him The technique of frying tea..."

Her grandfather talked long and short for ten minutes, and whispered several times to interrupt her, but he didn't know where to interrupt, so he could only echo a few words casually.

They talked about the old man's body from the tea tree, Whisper wanted to bring the topic to immortality, but Vanessa also talked about reducing the burden on her grandfather, and wanted to sell tea, but there were no customers, so she wanted Whisper to help introduce some customers !

"It's a pleasure chatting with you, I'll come again next time..." The energy in the whisper was exhausted, and I had to retreat.

"Remember to introduce me some customers!" Someone was still shouting in the spiritual world, only to find that the other party had already left.

An ancient **** like a pauper dares to fool my old lady!

She scoffed!

The spiritual world sang and chatted, and the outside world only passed for a second.

With the buffer of this period of time, Vanessa transformed the flame energy that exceeded her own limit, successfully broke the shackles of the intermediate druid, and is moving towards the direction of the advanced druid.

Suck! Suck! Suck again! Bolvar kept defending, Thrall kept attacking, and the Firelord couldn't spare Vanessa at all. At this time, he was continuously transmitting his own flames to her like a charging pile.

Chance! Jaina is also a battle-tested figure. She absorbs the power of water elements scattered around her, and releases a sky-blue frost ray at the Firelord.

This is not over yet, she constantly mobilized the magic power in her body, guiding the rays to continuously bombard the Fire Demon King.

A fiery red energy ray in Vanessa's hand is absorbing the flames. Jaina controls the sky blue frost ray to weaken the Balrog. One of them is red and the other is blue, one **** and the other hits. Both of them are extremely threatening. Wang was completely angry.

"Everyone back! Back!" Vanessa shouted suddenly.

Everyone didn't know what this meant, but the Red Vengeance Army and the Night Watchmen retreated together. Bolvar's men and the orcs were confused about what was going on, but they also retreated a certain distance.

As if rehearsed, the next second, the Fire Lord raised his hand and unleashed a huge explosion of flames.

Magma soared into the sky, and the entire fan-shaped area was covered by flames.

"Taste Saffron's flames! Eh?..." The flames were let out, but apart from Vanessa taking the opportunity to absorb a lot of energy, few enemies were hit. Everyone just retreated out of his attack range.

"Continue to attack, continue to attack!" Vanessa took advantage of the convenience of the energy connection between the two, and through the changes in energy strength, she was able to roughly guess a few moves of the Fire Demon King in advance, and directly became a humanoid DBM!

At first Sal and Bovar chose to resist, but later found that her command was very predictable, so they chose to evade, and only defended if they couldn't dodge.

"Fireball! The fireball is coming! Durand, go to my direction at five o'clock."

The middle-aged soldier ran over in a hurry, and then saw a fireball the size of a washbasin rushing toward his In order not to hurt the soldiers behind him, he raised his shield to parry, and was directly shot more than 30 meters away.

Fortunately, he was well equipped and physically fit, so he stood up after rolling.

"Watch out for the magma, watch out for the magma!"

"Be careful! What is his move...Miss Althea, be careful of your front left, it seems, yes, it seems to be a few fire elements!"

Lian Mengtao guessed that although everyone was commanded to turn around, the casualties plummeted, and gradually even the fighters of the Frostwolf Clan accepted her command.

"The one with two streaks of gray on his face, go to the right! Get out of the way!"

Am I ash? I'm drawing a tribal totem, okay?

The orc who was called was full of depression, but he still ran to the right according to her instructions. In the next second, a big fireball hit the position where he was standing before.


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