The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 955: If you don't agree, start fighting 1

  Chapter 955 Start a fight if there is a disagreement 1

   Lu Bai suddenly squeezed her wrist with one hand, and with a sudden force, Chen Ying's face changed drastically, and tears flowed from the pain, "It hurts, it hurts, let me go, let me go, you madman."

   "Can't you understand human language?" It was the first time I saw such a wishful thinking person, and it was an eye-opener, "I'm not interested in you, don't pester me, I hate it the most."

  He threw Chen Ying away, she clutched her wrist, and cried loudly as she watched Lu Bai's back. It was a series of flowers after all, and it was embarrassing to be rejected by someone she liked.

  Chu Lin walked over with a book in his arms. He had just finished class, and Lu Bai pulled him, "Come with me to practice guns."

   "You've never been interested in guns."

   "Now interested, have a question?"

   "No." Chu Lin said, this is who provoked him, and he actually blew up.

  Lu Bai has a lot of professional courses, especially information science, which requires a lot of time to study. He can't spare so much time to learn fighting skills and marksmanship, but it's not that bad.

   Various technical subjects are maintained at the upper-middle level.

   Marksmanship and fighting are his weaknesses.

  Chu Lin's marksmanship is good, at least better than Lu Bai's, and it's more than enough to practice with Lu Bai, "You should ask Xiao Jiu to practice with you, Xiao Jiu likes to touch guns so much, and her marksmanship is good, shocking enough, she teaches you to get twice the result with half the effort."


   "Oh..." Chu Lin understood in seconds, it turned out to be a matter of face.

He said why Lu Bai suddenly wanted to touch the gun. The gun is Xiao Jiu's favorite. Her marksmanship is fast and accurate. It is not at the same level as them. Hand, what do you need such accurate marksmanship for?"

  Now, he has changed his mind.

  He's about to hit a good shot.

  There are too many places to practice marksmanship in the military academy.

  The two of them found a place at random, surrounded by people, and Lu Yuan was also practicing.

   Several people got together.

   Lu Yuan said, "It's going to rain red today, don't you not touch the training ground except for exams?"

   "Who said that?" Lu Bai was angry, which **** slipped the tongue.

   "Your last firearms test was taken by Mu Liang instead of you. Don't think I don't know." Lu Yuan said, "If you want a good grade, but don't practice well, find someone to cheat. It's too... smart."

   Lu Bai gave a thumbs up.

   This ridicule is just right.

  Lu Bai glared at Chu Lin angrily, Chu Lin was extremely wronged, "I didn't say that."

   "Someone in our class took the make-up exam with you. The teacher called Lu Bai, and Mu Liang came out to shoot. That's all right. I didn't report you, so I thought we were brothers, right?" Lu Yuan laughed.

   Lu Bai said, "Stay away from us."

   "The small group is still so close." Lu Yuan smiled, "Our Xiaojiu's marksmanship is so good, why didn't you ask her to practice with her?"

   "Xiao Jiu and Tian Yi are at another training ground." Chu Lin said.


  Lu Bai, "..."

  He took a gun and fired six shots in a random manner. Lu Yuan commented, "Except for three shots, it was pretty good. You can't be a sniper at your level."

   "Abo has a lot of professional courses, so he doesn't have so much time to practice. Besides, he doesn't need to learn these things."

"Men from our country C, it's always good to have an extra skill. I don't know when it will come in handy." Lu Yuan said, "I'm going to go out to cruise the sea, don't you wish me a smooth journey? ?”

"So fast?"

   "I'm too slow, I can't wait to drive the ship."

  (end of this chapter)

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