Chapter 946 Flat-chested Lolita 1

   Several people took beer, drank to their heart's content, and played to their heart's content. Lin Jingsheng went to see the big girl without being quiet for a while, and hooked up with a girl to go swimming and play together in less than three minutes.

  Lu Xiaojiu said, "Lin Jingsheng is very charming."

   Picking up girls is simply an expert.

  He is only fifteen years old.

   "Of course the charm is great, men and women take it all."

   "So heavy?"

   "School belle."

   Several people laughed heartlessly, Lu Bai ran out of beer, took Lu Xiaojiu's and drank it, Lu Xiaojiu pointed to one side and said, "Xiaobai, we are looking at you, she likes you."

   "I don't like her." Lu Bai said.

  If Chen Ying dared to come over, he would beat her up.

   "If you don't leave, she will really come over, let's go, let's go ride the motorboat." Lu Xiaojiu pulled Lu Bai to get up.

  Lu Bai and Lu Xiaojiu went to ride a motorboat.

  Chen Ying came over and asked Chu Lin, "Are Lu Bai and Lu Xiaojiu boyfriend and girlfriend?"

   "No!" Chu Lin said maliciously, "Our family, Lu Bai, hasn't been in a relationship yet."

   Mensao Secret Love has been playing for more than two years.

  Chen Ying is relieved now, Lu Bai has never been in a relationship, she must be very innocent and easily moved, it must be Lu Xiaojiu who forced him, she has confidence in her charm.

   "Chen Ying, do you like Abo?"

   "I want to pursue him."

   "Then you have to work hard."

   "Do you want to help me?"

   "Why should we help you?"

   "I'm prettier than Lu Xiaojiu, and I'm a better match with Lu Bai." Chen Ying said.

  Mu Liang didn't raise his head, "Superficial!"

  Chen Ying is angry and dislikes the taciturn and poisonous Mu Liang very much. I really don’t know why so many girls are fascinated by him. "You think I am superficial, so you find an ugly gossip as your girlfriend."

   "Ugly people only want to find beautiful people to improve the genes of their offspring." Mu Liang said.

  Chu Lin had a knee pain. As a senior good-looking dog, why did he feel that he was shot by an arrow in the knee? He is very handsome, isn't he?

   Damn it!

  Chen Ying blushed with anger, "With your personality, you are destined to be alone forever."

   "That's definitely the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

  Chen Ying, "..."

  She left angrily, and got the answer she wanted anyway, Chu Lin was simply amazed, "Why are you satirizing a girl?"

   "Xiao Jiu is pretty, but she is blind."

   "I didn't expect you and Lu Xiaojiu to have a good friendship." Chu Lin said, "I deeply have the illusion that you and Lu Bai are rivals in love. Tell me, you don't like Lu Xiaojiu."

   Mu Liang said, "Idiot!"

When Lu Bai was young, he liked excitement, adventure, and all kinds of sea sports. When the waves were more than ten meters high, he was still playing surfing, and he played very well. In the past two years, the surfing was too dangerous, and several people died. Personally, Lu Bai enjoyed the thrilling game, Lu Xiaojiu had a quarrel with him, and then he was sent abroad and lost contact. Unexpectedly, after returning, Lu Bai still liked excitement and adventure. out of safe waters.

   "Hey, don't drive that far."

Lu Xiaojiu, who grew up in a military and political family, is a top student and able to fight, but she is not a person who does her own way. In her heart, she has a very strict set of politician standards, and she is very disciplined in doing things. Because of her young age, this characteristic is not particularly obvious. This is obviously different from Lu Bai and the others.

   "Is it exciting?" Lu Bai asked with a bright smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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