The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 940: childhood sweetheart 3

  Chapter 940 Childhood sweetheart 3

  Chu Lin, "Promise!"

  Lu Xiaojiu crawled on his shoulder and asked Lu Bai, "Do you want soy milk? I still have a sip."

  Lu Bai, "..."

Lu Xiaojiu was a transfer student, and the teacher added tables and chairs for her at the back of the classroom, so she could sit alone. Lu Bai originally wanted the teacher to move her to the front row, but Lu Xiaojiu said, "Okay, I'll just sit in the back row. "

Training Course.

  Cultural exam today.

  Lu Bai and Chu Lin sat at the same table. They always sat together in the cultural class, and the professional class was separated. After Lu Bai finished, Chu Lin brought him the test paper, "Copy the answer for me."

  Lin Jingsheng shouted from the side, "Give me a copy, and I'll copy it too, Xiao Jiu, didn't you sleep yesterday, why did you sleep on your stomach?"

   I slept for half an hour.

  Lu Xiaojiu waved his big hand and handed him the test paper. Lin Jingsheng was angry, "Why didn't you ask Lu Bai to do it for you, why did you ask me to...I'll wipe it."

   It was finished.

  Must be a privileged class. They knew the answer yesterday, but they just write the answer today.

  Lu Xiaojiu is bored to death. She has learned all these basic cultural courses, and the exams are all instant kills. Seeing her bored look, Lu Bai asked, "Are you done?"

   "It's over." Lu Xiaojiu said, "I'm hungry."

  Lu Bai took out a piece of chocolate from the drawer and gave it to her. Lu Xiaojiu ate the chocolate, "Why is there chocolate in your drawer?"

   "Sent by a girl."

   "Which girl, is she pretty?" Xiao Jiu's eyes lit up.

  Lu Bai was angry, "Shut up and eat!"

   "Okay, why lose your temper." Lu Xiaojiu took a bite of the chocolate, it was really sweet, "Aren't men bad and women don't love them? So, you and Chu Lin make trouble every day to pick up girls?"

  Chu Lin, "I was shot while lying down, don't pull me."

   "Go out after you finish, don't disturb other students here!" said the invigilator.

Lu Xiaojiu said, "Teacher, can you come up with some challenging questions in the future? I finished these questions in half an hour, and you still have to take the test for three hours. It's an insult to my IQ. Please increase the difficulty, thank you. "

  The whole class, plus Lu Bai, all looked at Lu Xiaojiu with the expression that you must die as a top student.

A week later, Mu Liang and Tian Yi, who went to the special forces training camp next door, came back, and Lu Xiaojiu's legs were also healed. Tian Yi is a very shy and gentle boy, but he fights very well. He and Mu Liang are the most powerful fighters. The contestant who made the special forces next door look at him with admiration.

  Tianyi's father is an admiral. He is the only son in the family. He has no mother since he was a child, only a strict father. He and Lu Xiaojiu grew up as childhood sweethearts, and both Lu Yong and Yao Fang treated and cultivated Tianyi as a future son-in-law.

  He is chasing Xiao Jiu, and many people know it.

   "Xiaojiu, I gave this to you." Tian gave Lu Xiaojiu a crystal rose he made himself, "Welcome back."

   "It's so beautiful, thank you." Lu Xiaojiu was very happy to receive a gift for the first time when she came back. Tian Yi smiled even more shyly and softly. Chu Lin poked Lu Bai, "What did you give?"

   "Does a week of crutches count?"

   "What a strange gift." Chu Lin was also drunk, "It must be more impressive than the crystal rose."

  (end of this chapter)

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