Chapter 461 Siege of Wei To Fight for Aid 7!!

“Rush over, don’t retreat!”

The Candle Dragon roared and personally controlled the Vulcan Cannon to shoot down a retreating floating island.

Even the Candle Dragon took matters into his own hands, and the other members of the Overseer Clan did not dare to be in a hurry, but anyone who saw a retreat was a round of Vulcan cannon waiting.

This fierce method is quite effective.

Seeing this, the island owners of the vanguard did not dare to make the slightest move of retreat, and all of them bravely moved forward.

As a result, the team advanced two miles, and another mile could enter the range of the Vulcan cannon.

However, the casualties were also extremely serious, and at this time, the vanguard had less than fifty or so of one hundred intermediate floating islands.

“One more mile!”

Candle Dragon stared at the empty whale fiercely, and issued an order in his mouth, “The Overseer Team is all ready to fight to the death!” ”

He expected to advance this mile, and estimated that the vanguard should be crippled.

At that time, it can only rely on the overseers to charge to the death, tearing apart the enemy’s front as long as it is in contact with the enemy’s short soldiers, then it will not be afraid of the strange weapons of the other side.

“President, do you want to bring the elite floating island to the front?”

Seeing that the enemy was pressing forward step by step, regardless of casualties, the White Dragon Commander said with some concern, “No, let them not move.” ”

Su Luo put down the tea cup and said calmly.


The White Dragon President now had a blind confidence in Su Luo, and even if the order was not very reasonable, he did not ask questions casually.

And the roc on both sides of the empty whale, at this time, they were all rubbing their fists, eager to rush up and give the Candle Dragon gang a round of shelling.

But Su Luo never gave the order, but they were only in a hurry.

Soon, the Candle Dragon was about to enter a one-mile range after losing more than thirty medium- and medium-sized floating islands.

“All Vulcan cannons ready, aim at the air whales!”

The Candle Dragon gave a loud order.

He didn’t believe that the empty whale could still block a salvo of more than a hundred floating islands as long as it entered the range of the Vulcan Cannon, and all super weapons were invalidated!

And just when he looked at the empty whale with a vicious face and was about to give the order, he was stunned because the empty whale, which had been standing still, moved at this time.

It turned to the rear and flew slowly away.

The floating island of the four traitors of Dapeng also followed behind, slowly retreating towards the array.

“The enemy is afraid! Fast! Catch up! ”

The candle dragon was overjoyed and gave a loud order.

The enemy’s array of primary floating islands, all paper tigers, can cause them to collapse with just one salvo.

The Overseers and the remnants of the vanguard also saw this situation, and all of them were lifted in spirits, and raised the speed of the floating island to the maximum.

Between the original location of the air whale and the primary floating island array, there is a passage composed of wind and thunder grass balls.

Dense clumps of wind and thunder grass floated in the air, and if you didn’t look closely, you couldn’t see it at all.

Su Luo was flying in front of the air whale, and when Dapeng retreated before they carefully followed behind, Su Luo had already asked people to sternly tell them not to touch the wind and thunder grass ball.

Although they didn’t know what these things were, they also knew that the problem was very serious and they didn’t dare to be careless.

Soon, they came to the front of the primary floating island array through the tens of meters long passage paved by the wind and thunder grass balls.

The empty whale turned around here and faced the battlefield.

Dapeng and the others followed suit and also reversed the direction of the floating island.

“Vulcan Cannon Ready!”

Su Luo gave the order, and the remote control of the Wind Thunder Grass Ball appeared in his hand silently.

“Yes, I’ll let you know!”

The White Dragon President agreed and began to contact the Alliance personnel on the elite floating island.

Each of the elite floating islands has an Alliance officer as a tool to relay information.

After a while, everyone was informed.

“President, you’re ready.”

President Bai Long said.

“Well, wait for my order.”

Su Luo nodded.

On the side of the candle dragon, he also saw the empty whale turn around and seemed to have made some other preparations.

But he could not retreat at this time, and could only order the team to move forward.

The Skyhawk saw the whale retreat, but thought it was a good opportunity.

As long as the vanguard and the overseers rush into the enemy position and cause chaos, he can command the army to drown in the past, and the enemy will undoubtedly be defeated.

“The whole army is leaving!”

Skyhawk waved his hand.

The large army that had been preparing for a long time immediately started, and more than two thousand intermediate floating islands pressed forward.


The Vanguard and the Overseers entered a mile range.

The Candle Dragons all saw the red dots of light on the other side’s floating island, which were the signs that the Vulcan Cannon had been charged for a long time.

“Vulcan Cannon!”


Even if it’s not the best distance now, it’s better to fight first than to be beaten.

The Candle Dragon immediately gave the order to fire the Vulcan Cannon.


The other side seemed to be more anxious than he was, just as he gave the order.


Countless cannons rang out.

Hundreds of fiery fireballs shot out from enemy arrays.

In an instant, fireballs covered the entire sky and struck towards the candle dragon team.

The vanguard, the overseer team, the personnel below the Candle Dragon, everyone had a chestnut in their hearts, but it was not over, suddenly, a roar that resounded throughout the heavens and the earth came.

Boom- In front of the array of the primary floating island, countless fireballs exploded, and the entire sky was obscured by the sea of fire.

As far as the eye can see, it is an ocean of fire!

Heaven and earth were full of burning fire, and black smoke filled the air.

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