Chapter 416 Banishment 2!!

He came to Roselle Island and ate and slept well, but he missed his people every day.

Even though Su Luo had promised to reunite his family, he didn’t dare to fully believe it.


He couldn’t imagine that Su Luo would make a promise so quickly, and at this moment, his heart was stirring, and he only felt that he was willing to do it for Su Luo.

“Thank you, Lord of the Island, I’ve cooked for you all my life.”

Sister Agulapong is also a strong thank you.

She knew more than her brother.

But like Su Luo, the master who even promised thousands of dollars to the slaves, she had never even heard of it.

Not to mention that to help the entire tribe migrate, Roselle Island needs to pay a huge amount of materials.

And once Su Luo agreed, he did it.

This kind of boldness and integrity are heartbreaking.

She decided in her heart that her future children and grandchildren would serve on Roselle Island forever.

“You’re welcome, when the time and space door opens, I will send divine soldiers to escort you over and move all the tribesmen over.”

After Su Luo calmed the two brothers and sisters a little, he came to the deputy chief and the two intermediate island masters.

At this time, these three people were all in their hearts, and they didn’t know what Su Luo was going to do with their deputy commander, even if they were frightened in their hearts, their faces were as usual.

The Golden Elf Island Lord and the Water Elf Island Lord were different, both of them were pale and frightened.

Su Luo had already seized two islands last night, and the two were worthless at this time, and their hearts were terrified.

“My position here has been exposed, so it is impossible for you to return to the camp Fan Xinyuan before Su Luo finished speaking, and there were two thuds and two kneels.”

“Lord of the island, spare your life!”

“Lord of the Island, I swear never to say it, please don’t kill me!”

The Golden Elf Island Lord and the Water Elf Island Lord knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

“After listening to me, I promised that if I didn’t kill you, I wouldn’t kill you.”

Su Luo was a little helpless and let the two get up.

But the Golden Elf Island Lord and the Water Elf Island Lord were really scared enough, and they knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up.

Forget it, it’s up to them.

Su Luo also stopped persuading, and continued, “I got a small secret place before, although the environment is a little harsher, but with your ability, you can still survive in it.” ”

“I intend to send you inside for the time being, and when your camp disintegrates, I will let you out.”

Su Luo’s attitude towards captured enemies can be described as friendly, without a little tyranny.

But being locked up in a small secret place and waiting until the camp disintegrates to get out is not known how long it will take.

If the camp had not been dismantled, it would not have been locked up for the rest of its life.

The Golden Elf Island Lord and the Water Elf Island Lord, you look at me, I look at you, and I don’t make a sound.

“Thank you for your kindness.”

At this time, it was the deputy chief who opened his mouth, he knew the cruelty of the two worlds fighting, and Su Luo could deal with them so rationally, which was already a great mercy.

“Thank you for your kindness.”

Seeing the deputy chief open his mouth, the Golden Elf Island Lord and the Water Elf Island Lord also wanted to understand that being exiled was better than being thrown into the wilderness, not to mention, there might not be a chance to come out.

Only at this time, the two did not know whether to pray that their team would win well, or that Su Luo would win well.

On the other side, the old octopus and his assistants, with the help of a group of goblins, finally got the altar right.

“Your Honor, the altar is arranged.”

“Let’s get started!”

With Su Luo’s order, the altar shot out a white pillar of light, and a space gate formed.

Behind the space gate, the vast desert and undulating sand dunes are exposed in front of everyone’s eyes.

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