Chapter 387 Golden Elf Island Lord!!

The two floating islands are above the king and the hundred officials, which can be said to be extremely rude.

However, under the leadership of the king, the hundred officials dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and only endured.

Because the slightest carelessness is a catastrophe for the destruction of the country.

The two mid-level island masters landed on the ground, and the Golden Elf Island Lord’s arrogant attitude greeted the crowd.

“Is something ready?”

He saw that King Jinjing had bowed his hand, and he had no intention of returning the salute, and the big thorn asked.

“The two island owners have worked hard, the things are ready, and I will immediately ask someone to send them.”

The attitude of the two people, King Jin Jing was already commonplace, he looked unmoved, and quickly called for someone to send Jin Jing up.

Not long after, a cart of Jin Jing was pushed by the guards and sent to the front of the main hall.

Looking at the carload of golden crystals shining with gold, the Golden Spirit Island Lord’s eyes flashed a hint of satisfaction, but his mouth said, “Every time I am stuck with the number I want to send, are you still hiding some?” ”

“No, absolutely not, the two island owners can search, if we have a little left, we are willing to be punished.”

The king hurried.

The hundred officials heard it behind him, and all of them bowed their heads, indignant.

It was a great shame that his own king was so difficult for outsiders.

And the king ruled the kingdom for forty years, but the experience and forbearance were very human, at this time, he also said attentively, “Two island lords, I have set up a banquet to entertain the two, please come with me.” ”

“No more.”

The Golden Elf Island Lord unceremoniously interrupted, and then said, “After I leave this time, I may not come back for a long time, and you will keep the gold crystals you have dug up for me, waiting for me to come and get them.” ”

After saying this, he glanced at the king and the hundred officials, and his tone turned stern, “When I come to take it, if the number is insufficient, you don’t want to be a king’s minister in peace and stability, understand?” ”

“Understand, the two island owners, please rest assured, we will keep the gold crystals dug up, waiting for you to come and get them.”

Listening to the other party’s threat, King Jin Jing did not disobey at all, and said very respectfully.

At this time, several young military attaches behind them could not hold back and wanted to say a few words, but they were pulled by the older ones next to them.

“Don’t be impulsive, do you want to kill everyone?”

A few young military attachés could not, but secretly stared at the two island owners fiercely, “You understand.” ”

The Golden Elf Island Lord expands the warehouse to collect all the gold crystals, and then returns to their respective floating islands with the Eagle Banshee Island Lord.

After receiving the two people, the floating island immediately flew back along the same road.

Seeing the two men leave, the king and the ministers were relieved and straightened up.

“Hey, we still have to urge the people to mine, otherwise the next time they come again, I’m afraid it will be difficult to cope.”

The king shook his head and said.

“Your Majesty, if you continue like this, there will not be enough food to eat.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, if this continues, the people will starve to death.”

“I have to think of a way, they don’t care about our lives or deaths, and if we continue like this, sooner or later everyone will be forced to a dead end.”

“It is true that we cannot continue to do so, continue to mine for the whole people, and sooner or later there will be famine.”

The ministers were indignant and gathered around the king to make a generous statement.

“Hey, man-made knife sister I’m for fish, what can I do?”

King JinJing’s face was full of sorrow.

He had been king for forty years, and he could not imagine that when he grew old, he would have to endure such tribulations.

He thought to himself, and it was tragic enough.

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