Chapter 385 Preparation!!

“Okay, you can try it.”

Su Luo smiled and patted its round nose.

The whale liked this kissing move, and after a low whistle, more than a dozen cloud snakes flew out of its body.

After such a long period of growth, these cloud snakes have a body size of more than ten meters long buckets.

More than a dozen cloud snakes flew into the air to the side of the Super Flaming Sea Mirror, wrapped around the tail of the snake, and then lifted to the forehead of the air whale.

At this time, more than a dozen cloud snakes flew to the bottom of the Super Flaming Sea Mirror and connected them with the air whale like a rope.

This stabilizes the anomaly.

The shape of the empty whale is also more interesting, like wearing a sunflower headdress, very cute.

“Okay, good job.”

Su Luo did not hesitate to raise his thumb to praise the mind of the empty whale that was similar to that of a child, and saw the boss give a thumbs up, shake his head and tail happily.

Next, Su Luo took out the spare Vulcan cannon from the warehouse and placed it on the back of the empty whale.

The number of this batch of Vulcan cannons was quite large, reaching more than a hundred.

There was also the Giant Whale Shield of the Blue Sea, and he also had more than a dozen of them, all of which were placed together.

At this point, the empty whale has become a terrible war machine, waiting for the moment of rejuvenation.

And just as Su Luo was preparing to fight, the colorful deer island lords crouching in the ruins of a floating island on the other side were also chatting.

These are six Maiden Island Lords, like Su Luo, who have escaped from the Floating Island World.

“Colorful deer, have you seen the president, and how do others look?”

“Yeah, did you meet, is he good-looking?”

“I guess he’s a muscular man, very domineering.”

“Hee-hee, you guessed it wrong, I heard people say that he was long Sven.”

“Don’t make a fuss, listen to the colorful deer.”

These girl island owners were very curious about what kind of person Su Luo was, and their mouths were chattering and asking.

“I didn’t meet, but he spoke very gently.”

Speaking is the Lord of Colorful Kashima.

She was a young girl of about eighteen years old, long and quiet, and her eyes were as clear and agile as a fawn.

“Yes, how gentle, ah, is not called you a beautiful woman, haha.”

“I guess it must have been called, and said goodnight or something, no, noon.”

“Such a slippery tongue, must be a playboy.”

“You should be careful with that colorful deer, but don’t let people deceive, haha.”

A group of teenage island owners giggled and joked.

It is really boring to squat, and everyone will chat randomly.

Although they were joking, the lord of The Colorful Deer Island was anxious and argued, “Don’t talk nonsense, the president is very serious and bright.” ”

“I see that you are secretly in love with someone, and I will say good things to him before we meet, hee-hee.”

“The colorful deer must be moved, or it will not be so urgent, haha.”

“Needless to say, it must have been heartwarming, otherwise what was the purpose of pulling us here to feed the mosquitoes?”

This group of girl island owners saw the colorful deer in a hurry, and wanted to tease her even more, a strong nonsense.

It is no wonder that the colorful deer here is the youngest, and the most naïve and good temper, and everyone likes to joke with her.

“No, he told me directly that his target was this floating island, and there might be a conflict with us.” It is not the kind of person who asks for the news and then robs the colorful Kashima lord who is forced by them to be anxious, and he speaks urgently and quickly. ”

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