Chapter 372 Treasure of the Stars 21!!

Su Luo left part of the Xeno Legion to guard the altar, and the others and equipment brought the empty whales with them.

The empty whale then enters the desert secret realm through the time gate and heads to the Grand Canyon.

Even though the whales were very fast, it still took a long time to reach the Grand Canyon.

At this time, the Agulapont siblings were still waiting for Su Luo in the wooden house.

Su Luo came to the wooden house alone.

The two were overjoyed to see him, and Agurapont asked, “Big Brother Roselle, how did you go so long?” ”

“I’ll go back to floating island, and you’ll come with me.”

Su Luo led them out of the wooden house and then put the wooden house into the warehouse.

At this time, the Agulapont brothers and sisters who saw the empty whale were both stunned and stunned.

The two supported each other so that they could barely stand.

“Don’t be afraid, they are all my men and will not hurt you. Come with me. ”

Su Luo led them up to the empty whale.

No matter how scared and surprised they are, without too much explanation, after a while they will naturally adapt and waste their saliva unnecessarily.

The Agulapont sisters and brothers saw that there was really no danger, so they sat down on the back of the empty whale and looked around curiously.

Su Luo also had no time to take care of them, and directly ordered the air whale to take off and fly towards the depths of the canyon.

Not long after, the empty whale landed in front of the bronze gate.

The old octopus got off the empty whale, ran to the bronze mirror embedded in the cliff wall, and studied it with a magnifying glass.

At this time, the lighting equipment on the back of the empty whale is fully turned on, illuminating the entire valley floor like daylight.

Su Luo was not in a hurry, and waited slowly for the old octopus to study enough.

Agulpon and his sister walked over with some hesitation and asked nervously, “Big Brother Roselle, is this where you are?” ”

They thought this was the place to live later.

Listening to their question, Su Luo was slightly stunned, and turned back to know that they had misunderstood, “No, I will take you to Roselle Island later, it is a good place, you wait first.” ”

“Oh, okay, Big Brother Roselle.”

Agulabon and his sister relaxed their minds, did not dare to disturb Su Luo again, and found a place to squat.

Not long after, the old octopus finished studying the bronze mirror, walked over to Su Luo with a happy face, saw its appearance, and quipped, “Did you steal the master?” ”

“Oh, the island owner is very enlightening.”

The old octopus smiled and said, “Lord Of the Island, let’s go and see the star out of the title.” ”

Su Luo nodded, leaving the Agulapont brother and the Little White Mothman girl, and a few extraterrestrial xenomorphs protecting them, and led the others to the bronze door.

“Lord of the Island, I want to go with you.”

The little white moth-man girl hurried over and tugged at his sleeve.

“Okay, okay, don’t mess around when you go in.”

Su Luo had a headache as soon as he saw her, and he had to agree to come down, anyway, there was no danger.

The group entered the bronze door and passed through the steel passage to the hall.

At this moment, there was a sudden drop of electronic sound, and then the steel female warrior moved.

At this moment, her original white eyes turned red, and she pressed su Luo and her party tightly, and said, “The test of the star can only be entered by one person, and the others please exit this room immediately!” ”

And at the moment when she moved, a chilling sound sounded in Su Luo’s head.

Listening to the warning from the Cold Rune, Su Luo did not hesitate and said, “Take her down!” ”

With a command, a black shadow shot out like electricity and pounced on the Iron Female Warrior.

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