Chapter 348 Scorpion Division 6!!

The Scorpion Clan’s Lineage Divine Soldier was awakened, and slowly climbed to the mouth of the cave to stand in front of the chief, which was a red scorpion the size of a house, similar to the one that Su Luo had seen before, but slightly smaller.

“Divine Soldier Ancestor, quick, quick, quick, there is an enemy outside!”

The Scorpion Chief urged in a loud voice.

The big red scorpion was not ambiguous, lying on the ground, letting the chief climb up.

When the chief sat down and caught the raised bone spur on his back, he crawled out along the tunnel.


At this time, in the palace outside, the Five Demon Divine Soldiers piloted by Su Luo grabbed a roof with their hands.


The Five Demon Soldiers will throw the roof down at any time.

Boom, the roof smashed to the ground and shattered, rubble splashed, and smoke filled the air.

Behind the Five Demon Divine Soldiers, the roofs of more than a dozen houses were gone, and they could directly see the situation in the houses.

This was also something that could not be done, and Su Luo had to do so.

Anyway, he couldn’t find the chief and demolished all the houses until he couldn’t stand it.

Agulapong and his sister stood in the distance, and there were many Scorpions next to them, all of them staring at the Five Demon Divine Soldiers with stunned eyes.

It’s crazy.

Whether it was the Five Demon Divine Soldier or what it was doing, it was impacting everyone’s brain.

“What the hell is this demon god?”

“Could it be that the chief is so angry that the devil sent down from heaven to punish him?”

“Heavenly gods bless, I hope that the demon god will guess the house of the chief’s family,… Don’t come and tear down my house. ”

“I want to cry, my house is the closest to here, it shouldn’t have been built next to the chief’s house in the first place!”

“Haha, my house is a shack, if lord demon god likes to take it!”

There are pessimists and optimists onlookers, so it can be seen that in the face of disasters, everyone has different views.

At this time, Agulapont shouted with joy on his face, “The Scorpion Department is perverse, this is the punishment sent down by the gods!” ”

His sister quickly covered his mouth, lest she draw outrage.

Only at this moment, everyone was attracted to the Five Demon Divine Soldiers, and no one paid attention to him or paid attention to him.


Agulabon struggled, but he could not break his sister’s grip.

At this moment, only a sound of earth-shattering was heard.


The back of the palace was like a bomb detonated, and the dirt and stones collapsed, and the smoke and sand billowed out.

Faintly, through the sand, you can see a huge figure crouching.

The Five Demon Divine Soldiers, holding a roof in their hands at this time, also stopped and looked in the direction of the explosion.

The dust flew away with the wind, revealing a red scorpion the size of a house, as well as the Scorpion Chieftain on his back.

“Ancestor of the Divine Soldiers, this is this guy, you kill him for me!”

The scorpion chief on the back of the red scorpion climbed down and said, “I’ll go down first, so I won’t get in the way of you doing things.” ”

At this moment, the Scorpion Clan people who were watching from a distance shouted in unison, “It’s the Inheritance Divine Soldier!” Haha, great! ”

“Finally here, the house is saved!”

“Oh my God, how many years have passed, today I finally see the Divine Soldier again, Heavenly God bless!”

“Haha, that steel giant is miserable this time!”

“Divine soldiers, show it how powerful it is!”

At this time, Agurapong’s sister let go of him, and looked at the field with worried eyes, “Big Brother Roselle will win!” ”

Agulabon gritted his teeth.

This sentence was not so much said to his sister as it was to himself.

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