Chapter 346 Scorpion Department 4!!

“Big sister, you just have to tell me where he is.”

Su Luo said with a smile.

“But… But. ”

Sister Agulapon looked at her brother with some concern and hesitation.

Agulabon also had a look of worry in his eyes, and said, “Big Brother Roselle, let’s inquire slowly, there must be a lot of people around the chief to protect, so run directly over…”

He wanted to say that it was a death sentence to run so directly, but he was afraid of offending Su Luo, and finally did not dare to say it.

“Actually, I’m joking.”

Su Luo saw that the two of them were like this, and knew that it was useless to say anything, so he smiled and said, “Can the eldest sister take me to see how grand the place where the chief lives today, I am just curious.” ”

The Agulapont brothers and sisters were greatly relieved to hear him say this.

The sister said, “Oh, you little brother, almost scared your sister’s heart out.” ”

Agulabon was also relieved, “Big Brother Roselle, your joke is not funny at all. ”

“Haha, I like to joke, don’t be weird.”

Su Luo said with a smile.

“Well, well, you finish eating the bread, I’ll take you outside the chief’s house to see, it’s not okay to go in, someone is guarding, I can’t take it in.”

Sister Agurapong said.

Hearing his sister’s words, Agulapong quickly finished eating the bread in his hand, then clapped his hands and said, “I’m done eating.” ”

“I’m full too, so the eldest sister will take us over now.”

Su Luo also said, “It’s really childish, such a hurry,… It’s a big house, and I’m tired of looking at it every day. ”

Sister Agulapong shook the purchase, finished packing the cups and plates, and led the two out of the house to the chief’s house.

The chief’s house was in the middle of the oasis, a small palace surrounded by walls.

Just by the lake, surrounded by green grass and sparse green forests.

Sister Agulpon took the two to the lakeside, but was too far away to go over.

“There are guards over there, and they are caught and whipped.”

Sister Agurapong said, “Just look here.” ”

“Such a big house chief lives alone, what a waste!”

There was a bit of indignation in Agulphun’s tone.

In fact, he lived in the desert and did not know much, and the palace area of the king of a small country outside was several times that of this.

Sister Agulapont looked into the palace’s eyes, which were also a little hateful.

If it weren’t for this chief, she wouldn’t have left home and gone to this place to work as a servant.

Just when the two were jealous and hateful, they could only hear a loud bang next to them.

The two were startled and turned their heads in unison.

Only to see a huge steel giant suddenly appear on the lawn.

A silver body more than ten meters high stood like the sky, and the one-eyed man on the huge head was opening up, revealing a cockpit.

“You’re here, don’t run around.”

Su Luo’s voice came from the side, and the two were stunned for a moment, then they saw a figure leap up, spanning a distance of more than ten meters and jumping to the cockpit.

The two followed the figure and saw Su Su Luo sitting down in the cockpit, waving slightly, and then the giant’s one-eyed eyes closed.

Su Luo disappeared into the giant’s one-eyed eyes.

“Brother. Brother, I’m a little dizzy. ”

Sister Agulabon’s body shook slightly, and she almost fell.

Agulapong was also confused, and quickly supported his sister, but his eyes kept staring at the steel giant.

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