Chapter 336 Secret Realm 11!!

As for how to approach the group of curly-haired blacks, Su Luo thought about it and decided to contact it in a gentle way.

Originally, the Five Demon Divine Soldiers swooped down and caught people and forced questions, which was the simplest.

However, in case of verbal inconsistencies, how to force the question.

Or, the other side will die for the safety of the group.

Although the possibility is small, it is not impossible.

Moreover, this is the legacy of the high-ranking floating island owners, which is to be left to their descendants.

Su Luo was inevitably worried that the other side would set some traps to deal with the Kaijian.

“This guy is full of water, and I guess I’m hungry.”

The corners of Su Luo’s mouth were slightly raised.

The Five Demon Divine Soldiers turned around in the air and flew back to the dead old tree.

It would take at least an hour for the curly-haired negro to return, and he would come and prepare for it.

So Su Luo put away the Five Demon Divine Soldiers, took out the water bladder from the warehouse and filled it with water, and then took some meat and dry food and packed it in a package.

At this point, he looked like a traveler, and he wanted to change his outfit.

He was wearing armor and carrying a Roselle knife.

But after thinking about it, he didn’t feel very safe, and took a cloak cover to count “twitter~”

As soon as he put on his cloak, there was a twittering sound from Inside.

The little guy was covered in a cloak and couldn’t see anything anymore.

“Almost forgot about you.”

Su Luo reached out and grabbed the little octopus and placed it on his shoulder outside the cloak.

This little guy had been incognito, and if he didn’t pay attention, even Su Luo wouldn’t be able to notice.

“To you, I should do the work.”

Su Luo handed it a life essence, then collected some dead branches and piled them under the tree to light a bonfire.

Then I took out some dried meat and put it on the fire and baked it slowly.

He wasn’t hungry either, it was pure fishing, and it was good to roast it slowly.

The curly-haired negro walked unfastly, and it took about an hour to get here.

In the distance, he looked at a pile of bonfires, and his heart was shocked, and he quietly leaned over very quickly, and he came to the vicinity of Su Luo, and hid behind a bush.

He thought Su Luo hadn’t noticed, and hid behind the bushes and observed for half a day.

Su Luo was waiting for him to come over, and he knew that this guy just hid, and didn’t even dare to take a head.

“How can the guts be so small?”

Su Luo was a little helpless, and originally wanted to pretend not to see him, but there was no way to pretend.

“Hey, I see you, do you want to come over and eat something?”

Su Luo shouted at the bushes.

The guy was startled, the bushes shook slightly, but still did not dare to come out and wait for half a day to wait until only the turtle shrunken its head, Su Luo was a little impatient, and picked up a stone from the ground and threw it over.


The stones hit the bushes.

The curly-haired negro was only then sure that the other party had indeed found himself.

So, he carefully walked out, but did not dare to go near Su Luo.

“Come here, please eat meat.”

Su Luo picked up a piece of dried meat and put it on a stone.

No one will misunderstand this kind of move.

The aroma of the grilled jerky in the air was so strong that the curly-haired black man swallowed his saliva and finally couldn’t help but come over and pick up the jerky on the ground and eat it.

“Can you understand what I’m saying?”

Su Luo took a piece of jerky and asked.

The language he speaks is the lingua franca of the Floating Island World, which can be spoken even in the Level Floating Island World.

The curly-haired negro swallowed the dried meat of his throat, nodded, and said, “Are you a passing traveler six?” ”

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