Chapter 333 Secret Realm 8!!

“Guoshi come in with me.”

Su Luo said lightly.

One of the Five Demon Divine Soldiers picked up the Guoshi again, and then walked towards the mouth of the canyon.

“No, I don’t want to go in!”

Guoshi howled loudly.

He is now alone, and it is extremely dangerous to enter this secret place.

However, Su Luo didn’t care what he shouted, and went straight into the secret realm.

Leaving this guy in place, it is inevitable to worry that he will run back to the floating island and then take the floating island away again.

Now, take him into the secret realm, find a farther place to put him down, and he will be gone.

Su Luo piloted the Five Demon Divine Soldiers, standing on a hill and looking around.

But here is an endless desert, completely devoid of vegetation, only sand dunes and windswept sand.

Just as he was looking around and planning to fly in a direction to see, there was a strange clicking sound behind him.

Su Luo quickly looked back.

I saw that the time and space in the place where I came in were cracking, and a series of black cracks crisscrossed and crisscrossed, dividing the outside scenery into pieces.


As if the blisters burst open, the black crack disappears in an instant, and the scenery outside disappears.

You can only see this side of the world, full of sand dunes.

“It’s over, I can’t go back.”

Guoshi looked at the restored world and wailed.

“What’s going on?”

Su Luo asked lightly, and his heart did not panic at all.

If someone else wanders into the desert, you may be afraid.

But he was different, there were so many supplies in the warehouse, enough for him to support him for a long time.

“Ancient books record that this is a passage connecting exotic spaces, and even the original island owner has not been explored.”

GuoShi hung his head in frustration and continued, “It must be that too much time has passed, the organ has been broken, and this son can’t get out.” ”

“The original island owner, is there any other way to go back?”

Su Luo asked.

“It’s not clear, it’s recorded in ancient books that he accidentally hit and bumped into this place when he was exploring the ruins of the floating island, and there is no record of how he went back.”

Guoshi shook his head and said.

“Okay, here we are to break up.”

Su Luo said and put him on the ground.

“What? Hey, you’re at least taking me to a place with an oasis. ”

Guoshi shouted loudly.

“Take your time, I’ll go first.”

As soon as Su Luo’s voice fell, the Five Demon Divine Soldiers had already flown to the extreme distance with a bang.

“Sleeper, make no mistake!”

The Guoshi shouted at the back of the Five Demon Divine Soldiers.

However, the figure of the Five Demon Divine Soldier had already gone to the extreme distance, and he couldn’t hear it even if he shouted through his throat.

Guoshi was abandoned here, and it would not be possible to die of thirst and starvation, after all, he could still open the warehouse and find some supplies from inside.

However, it is very difficult to go out this way.

Therefore, Su Luo walked with peace of mind.

The Five Demon Divine Soldiers flew in the desert for half an hour, and at its speed, at least two or three hundred miles flew out at this time, but they still didn’t see any green.

Since this was the case, Su Luo flew directly in one direction, and anyway, as long as the direction was not chaotic, he could always fly out of this desert.

This flight flies until the sun sets in the west and the moon rises in the east.

The sky is pitch black and dotted with stars.

The Five Demon Divine Soldiers slowly descended from the air and came to the back of a large sand dune.

Although Su Luo piloted the Five Demon Divine Soldiers, it was only with the mind, but it still needed to rest.

Just after the dune, Su Luo put away the Five Demon God Soldiers and took out a piece of paper to write his own situation and put it in the warehouse.

When the old goblin goes to the warehouse, he will see that the island will not be chaotic because of his disappearance.

Then take some food out of the warehouse and start eating and drinking.

This dining environment, for the first time in his opinion, is very fresh.

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