Chapter 326 Secret Realm 1!!

“Tell me what’s going on with this Guoshi?”

Su Luo asked.

“Ah, I, I said, Lord Demon God, please put your hands, let go of your hands, I said.”

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks was almost out of breath, and some shortness of breath said that Su Luo saw that he really couldn’t speak, so he loosened his fingers slightly.


The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks finally took a breath of air, and then looked at the Five Demon Divine Soldiers in fear and said, “The Guoshi came to our country more than ten days ago, when he came down from the floating island, His Majesty the King was very awe-inspired after he knew it, so he worshiped him as the Guoshi.” ”

Su Luo nodded slightly.

It seems that this national division is the island owner of wood elf island, and it can be on the line from time to time.

So, he continued to ask, “What did he catch these children for?” ”

In the hearing of the Five Demon Divine Soldiers, the subtle but even breathing of the children in the carriage could be heard, and they seemed to be stunned.

“This… This…”

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks has eyes dripping and turning, and he is very dishonest.

“This guy still wants to lie!”

Su Luo controlled the Five Demon Divine Soldiers, and his fingers added a little force.

“Wait, Lord Demon God, I, I’m just organizing the language, you slow down, slow down.”

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks was honest and hurriedly said, “The Guoshi told His Majesty the King that there is a secret place in the kingdom, and there is an immortal elixir in it.” But it takes specific blood to open the secret realm, so His Majesty the King has people collect children into the city. ”

“That’s all? There’s nothing else to do,” Su Luo laughed and gave him some verbal offensive.

This guy asks and says, extremely dishonest.

Perhaps, there are still some important things that have not been said.

“Yes, yes, Lord Demon God, I have said everything.”

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheek misunderstood what Su Luo knew, and quickly confessed, “I heard the familiar palace maid say that the king told the queen’s mother that this floating island ruins originally belonged to the king’s family.” ”

The secret realm needs to be opened with blood, presumably because the ancestors want to pass it on to their descendants, so they need to be tested for blood.

However, the king was worried that his blood was not so pure for many generations, on the other hand, the king’s health was not very good, and he was worried that bleeding would hurt his body.

“So I listened to what the Guoshi said, and the whole country selected the bloodline.”

Su Luo listened, smiled softly, and said, “Your king is usurper, right?” ”

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks was stunned and immediately said, “Lord Demon God, there has been no usurpation of the throne in this country, and the king is indeed orthodox.” ”

“That’s fear of dying.”

Su Luo nodded and said, “Let those children go.” ”

“Lord Demon God, spare your life, if I let them go, I won’t have any good fruit to eat when I go back.”

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks cried bitterly.

“If you don’t put it, I’ll fry you into juice now!”

Su Luo smiled and said, “Ah, that’s okay, Lord Demon God, I’ll let it go right away, let it go right away.” ”

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheek said with a bitter face.

Since he promised to release him, Su Luo was no longer embarrassed and put him back on the ground.

The middle-aged man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks did not dare to play tricks, and quickly ordered the guards to open all the carriages and let the farmers take their children away.

The peasants were overjoyed and tearful, and they all hugged their children and knelt on the ground to thank the Demon God loudly.

“Okay, let’s go back.”

The Five Demon Divine Soldiers waved their hands.

After repeated thanks, the farmers took their children and left.

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