Chapter 323 Five Elements Divine Soldier News!!

“Very good, I like this stuff.”

Su Luo smiled and gave affirmation, and then said, “The instrument that detects energy must be solved first.” ”

“Understood, Lord of the Island.”

The old octopus took a bite.

At this time, there was nothing else to do, and Su Luo came out of the laboratory, made a circle in the valley, and returned to the island master’s mansion.

Idle, opened the alliance chat panel.

“Brothers, have you been out hunting lately?”

“Hey, don’t mention it, the enemies are all shrunken together, and hunting is not so easy now.”

“How many mid-level floating islands do we have in our alliance, can we come hard and fight with them head-on?”

“Yeah, break them up so we can continue to capture their floating islands.”

“Recently, there have been statistics, and now there are more than a hundred intermediate floating islands in the alliance, and it seems that it is not enough to confront them.”

“Don’t be impulsive, don’t mess up the good situation that the president has worked so hard to create.”

“Rest assured, we’re not stupid.”

“Well, he won’t show up for a long time, and if he’s willing to take the lead, I guess he’ll be able to defeat the enemy all at once.”

“Get it, you don’t hurt the president.” Without him, now we all have to hide, and that’s the situation we have now. ”

“That is, the enemy still has at least two thousand intermediate floating islands, and you let the chairman take care of them all.”

Looking at the chat message, Su Luo had a smile on his face.

The alliance he named is now very much dragged.

The enemy was harassed by their wolf pack tactics and did not dare to go out, and most of them quickly rose to protect themselves.

A small number of the members of the alliance also captured the enemy’s floating islands, and their strength was greatly enhanced.

It is estimated that if this situation continues, it will not be too long, and the situation in which the enemy is strong and we are weak will be completely reversed.

“By the way, the news of the Five Elements Elf can keep them an eye on it.”

Su Luo suddenly thought, so he issued a reward in the Alliance Channel.

Roselle Island (President): A member of the four kinds of elven messages of gold, wood, water and earth, who can exchange the news with me for various supplies.

He was so close that he didn’t float, and this speech was like causing an earthquake, and everyone was excited.

“Wow, it’s president, let’s take a picture!”

“Haha, I’m in the same frame on the third floor!”

“I’m on the fourth floor, and the queue at the back should be neat!”

“Hello, you’ve been busy lately, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

“President, when are you going to organize a big event?”

“President, the news you want, I will ask you for you, no reward.”

“Everyone hurry up and ask, those who have not watched the channel, contact them to see if anyone knows.”

“I’m asking, my friend probably knows.”

The members of the alliance were very enthusiastic, and they asked their friends one by one.

Before long, several valuable messages were passed to Su Luo, of which eight were transmitted, because the five element elves found were all in the enemy base camp, and Su Luo gave up.

It is easy to defeat a floating island, but it is more difficult to drive a floating island out of the enemy’s lair without injury than to ascend to the sky.

The remaining two, one for the water elves and one for the wood elves.

The floating island with these two types of elves has been seen somewhere by one of its members.

They were on the remains of two floating islands that were far apart, and they didn’t know what they were doing.

Whether it is still there or not is not certain.

Su Luo thought about it and decided to go and see it.

Anyway, there was nothing to do when he was idle, and on the same day he set off with the Five Demon Divine Soldiers.

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