The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 918: Black Forest, World Tree

Leo absorbs the contents of the data while arranging those Black Forest materials.

As he had expected before, the real Black Forest is definitely not as simple as what he sees, it is just a forest. This is actually a world, a world that may be bigger than the sandwich between the Vinylon and Minsk continents. And such a big world is not only one piece, but countless pieces.

Just like the Axel Forest, the Black Forest seems to be part of a huge tree, and each layer of foliage constitutes a world, but compared to the Axel Forest, you can see that the trunk that directly penetrates the layers of the world is different. There are no visible trunks running through the upper and lower levels of the world in all levels of the forest. There are only invisible passages that are invisible. Some are like subspaces.

According to the information provided by Guangren, the world formed by each layer of foliage is independent. For example, the world they are in is called the night scene. It is divided into more than twenty regions, one of which is managed by a different powerful existence. These powerful existences are undoubtedly the ancient existences that fled into the Black Forest to take refuge.

What are the names of these existences, where are their fields, etc. There is no information provided by Guangren, because she has never been to those places, she can only get into the brains of some Black Forest creatures by mistake Remember, piece together a relatively complete geographic map.

   Other regions with strong existences have their own separate names, while regions without names are all called Black Forest.

White deer have a lofty status in the entire Black Forest world. The reason why the light people have it is that White Deer once taught here for a while, but not everyone living in the Black Forest respects White Deer so much. In the eyes of many powerful masters in a field, White Deer's status is no higher than them, and some even have a hostile relationship with White Deer.

The method that really attracts Leo’s attention is to go to Luyuan Forest. The method provided by Guangren is very simple. It is to go to the nearest mirror lake. In the lake, there is a direct path to Luyuan Forest. Just jump into the lake. Go directly to Luyuan Forest.

   It's just a little trouble to go to Jinghu. One is a straight route, which needs to go through two troublesome places, one is called Xiaoluyuan, and the other is a strong presence and control of the edge of the area.

   Xiaoluyuan, as the name suggests, is a replica of Luyuan. This is where some branches of the deer garden live and live. There are many places in the Black Forest. Xiaoluyuan is their collective name.

   Because of their relationship with Luyuan, they have a certain status in the Black Forest, and also make them do something extraordinary by their special status.

Once someone hurts them, it is easy to cause the hostility of Luyuan, which will cause the entire Black Forest to generate repulsive force. This is absolutely fatal to those living in the Black Forest, so I want to pass through such places as Xiaoluyuan safely Without getting in trouble.

   However, this is not too much trouble for Leo, because Leo's contract ring represents his identity, and the deer of Xiaoluyuan will not offend those who wear the contract ring.

Compared to Xiaoluyuan, the real trouble is actually the area with powerful existence and control. Guangren doesn’t know much about that area. The only thing is that the creatures in the Black Forest are very scared of that area. The edge of that area is also reluctant to approach.

If you don’t take the nearest straight line, you need to go around the road. The distance around the road will be very long. How far is it? The bare people are not very clear. I just know that there was a bird flying in the Black Forest. It took forty full moons to reach Jinghu.

Forty full moons are converted into the time of the Weilun world. How many skylight people do not know, but from the information provided by light people, this layer of the world has no daytime, it is night, so it is called night scene, and it is hanging in the sky. The moon is the only time standard. A lack of time is the standard time for a full moon. However, there is no standard, but it is estimated to be at least forty or fifty days.

   Calculated in this way, if you take a detour, it may take a few years, and that is still the flight speed, not the walking speed.

   Therefore, if you don't want to waste your time, you can only choose to go straight through the area controlled by an ancient and powerful existence.

In addition to the knowledge about the geographical route, Leo also learned a lot of knowledge of most species in this layer of the Black Forest from that knowledge, which at least kept him from being found when he encountered some extraordinary creatures The correct response plan.

After finishing all the knowledge systems, Leo returned to the part of the knowledge about the overall form of the world, although there is nothing in the information given by Guangren that mentions what the complete form of the world is. It looks like, but Leo still thinks of the world tree from the Mosang continent from the division of the world in similar layers of the Aixer Forest.

The creation of the world said that it appeared in the mainstream society of the Velon world very late. When the Velang mainland and the Minsk continent discovered Mosang continent one after another, and began to colonize the Mosang continent and the wilderness tribes began to communicate, this kind of creation said Mosang continent spread to the other two continents.

It's just that because this creation theory is contrary to the mainstream religious scriptures of the Velon world, it has always been suppressed by the churches of the True God with the Orthodox Court as the core, and even the underground church is very disgusted with this creation theory until In the past two hundred years, the control of the church has begun to weaken, and the world tree creation theory has reappeared, and it has been accepted as a folk story.

In the creation theory of the world tree, the world tree is the main body of the entire world. The stars, moon and sun in the sky are the fruits of the world tree, and the Velon world is just a certain leaf of the world tree. It is formed in the world tree. In the big world, there are countless small worlds such as Velon World.

This kind of world tree creation theory seems very absurd to most people in the Velon world, but the wilderness on the Mosang continent has spread widely. Almost every shaman priest knows this legend, whether they believe it or not Apart from the legend, some people who believe in this legend have in turn established some kind of church beliefs for the core. For example, the natural way of the witch Tessa? Mocha belief is the belief with the world tree as the core.

  After thinking of these, Leo could not help but think of the world tree seed mark on him, which was derived from the mother tree seed in Tessa Moka.

   In the natural way of Tessa Mocha belief, in the world formed by each leaf of the world tree, there is a mother tree, which is the projection of the world tree in the leaf world.

This projection does not exist permanently. After a period of time, the mother tree will wither and decay, and eventually die, and at the same time, it will grow a seed, which will re-germinate and grow, and eventually become a new mother tree. .

Although it is just a projection of the world tree, it is actually part of the world tree, so Leo thought that if the Black Forest is also part of the world tree, then the imprint of the world tree seed in the body can definitely exert unexpected power here. .

   Thinking of this, Leo immediately tentatively stimulated the power of the tree seed in the world of the body.

Almost as soon as Leo excited the power in the imprint, Leo felt like he was completely integrated into the world around him. All the energy of the whole world resonated with him, although he could not use those energy, but But it will not be repelled and hurt by those energies.

It's just that Leo quickly withdrew from this state and stopped the excitation of the World Tree Seed Mark, because he found that the resonance response was still dominated by him at first, but soon this resonance response became passively accepted If you continue, there will be only one result, that is, he will be swallowed up by the resonance reaction and become one with the surroundings.

Although it was only a brief passive acceptance, the energy shock produced by the resonance reaction also had a certain effect on his body. This effect has bad and good effects. The bad thing is that his body was slightly injured because of this impact, and This kind of injury may not be able to be treated with wizard medicine. The advantage is that this shock has caused a counterattack of the body's blood power, which has improved his control of the blood power.

After recovering from his physical discomfort, Leo opened his eyes and wanted to check on Sylvia's situation, but at this time, Guangren stood in front of him and bent over, the face without facial features was right Holding him.

  Although there are no facial features, Leo can still feel the sight falling on himself.

   "Is there anything?" Leo Shensheng asked.

   "I just felt the Lord's breath on you just now?" Guangren straightened and said.

   "Lord?" Leo's mind remembered the World Tree Seed Mark.

"Impossible, how could you have the breath of the Lord?" Guangren quickly denied himself the feeling just now, and then said to Leo: "You will leave after a while! I'm going to sleep, here will be temporarily Closed, if you are still here, it may be dangerous."

  Finally, without waiting for Leo to reply, the whole person sank underground and disappeared.

   Leo did not think much, he packed up the contents of the temporary camp, and then checked the situation of Sylvia, then carried it on his back and walked out of the open space.

At the moment when he walked out of the open space, a strong energy storm suddenly broke out in the open space. Leo, who was just at the edge of the storm, also felt the pressure. He had to build several layers of psionic shields to barely resist this energy. storm.

   And after the storm subsided, the open space also disappeared from Leo’s eyes. The original open space was already covered with a large number of trees that towered into the clouds.

   Leo just looked at the original location of the open space, did not explore where the open space went, and turned to walk towards the direction of the mirror lake he obtained from the data.

On the way, Leo also found that through the extraordinary five senses, some snoopers were hidden in the surrounding forest, but these snoopers all only stopped in secret snooping, and none of them made attacks, even those who could obviously feel The hostile spy spies did not attack Leo, but watched Leo leave the area under their control.

   "It seems that this contract ring is more useful than imagined." Leo looked at the contract ring in his hand and muttered.

Because there is no hindrance, although Leo is carrying a person, he still travels fast. According to his estimate, he has walked at least two or three hundred kilometers in an hour, but what puzzled him was that the light man provided A landmark mentioned in the data used to identify the location still does not appear in the eyes.

At first, Leo thought he was going in the wrong direction, and climbed to the top of the tree, looking around. When he saw the distant place, his eyes barely saw the location landmark that appeared at the limit distance of the object. He realized that he might have made a mistake just now, that is distance.

Obviously, bare man has never left the open space where she is. All the knowledge comes from the brains of the extraordinary creatures of the Black Forest who strayed into the open space. Those creatures judge the distance because of themselves, so they are very cognitive. The landmark of the location that can be reached soon is obviously impossible to reach in a short time.

This discovery also caused Leo to have some doubts about his previous judgments based on the data, but the doubts will soon be small. He did not intend to change his initial chose to walk around the road, but Still just the previous decision, straight through a region controlled by a mysterious existence.

   "Put me down! I feel much better." At this time, Sylvia also gradually recovered from a semi-comatose state. She lay on Leo's back and looked at the surrounding scenery, then said.

   Leo did not insist, put Sylvia off his back, supported her on a tough branch beside him, and then said the route he chose.

  Sylvia frowned and questioned a little, saying: "Will it be a bit risky to go directly through the area controlled by the mysterious existence? After all, we don't know whether the mysterious existence is in danger?"

"I also can't predict whether there is danger, but the time required to go around the road is too long, I don't want to waste too much time on the road." Leo responded, thinking again, explaining, "According to the truth Say, the moment I entered the Black Forest, White Deer should be aware of it and find me to complete the transaction, because White Deer attaches great importance to this ring. But now White Deer has not appeared, even There is no information at all, then there is only one possibility, that is, the White Deer has an accident, so? Have to temporarily put the matter of the contract ring aside. I don’t know what trouble the White Deer has encountered, but I I don’t want this trouble to affect my transaction in the end, because the things provided by Bailu are very important to me, so I will choose the shortest time to go to Luyuan Forest to complete this transaction."

  After listening to Leo’s explanation, Sylvia didn’t say much, but nodded, expressing his agreement with Leo’s decision.

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