The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 916: True black forest

"Is this how we can't wait to block our retreat?" Leo looked at the tree wall behind him through his vision, and could not help laughing.

Sylvia on the side heard it, but he was stunned and looked at Leo, puzzled, because in her eyes, there was still a road to the outside.

However, she soon realized what Leo meant. She picked up a piece of mud from the ground and threw it towards the exit at the back. The mud flew in the air for a distance. When it was about to fly out of the Black Forest, it suddenly disappeared. Then, I heard the impact of something hitting the trees in the woods not far away.

"Don't you negotiate with White Hart?" Sylvia looked at Leo with some doubt, and then pointed to the field adventurers who had disappeared at the corner of the road ahead, saying, "Why do I feel we No difference from those guys?"

Leo didn’t answer, he just raised his hand and showed the contract ring on his finger to Sylvia. I saw that the original plain ring gleamed with a light turquoise light at the moment, feeling like It echoes with a certain force.

"Since there is already an induction, but it does not appear, will it be an accident?" Sylvia speculated again.

Leo was silent for a while and made a decision: "Let’s find a place to wait for a while. It’s best if the white deer comes out. If it doesn’t come out, we will go to him according to the instructions of this ring."

Sylvia nodded and agreed with Leo's proposal.

The two then went deeper into the Black Forest, but Leo didn't use his sight-seeking ability at this time to look around.

Because there are too many secrets and ancient existences in the Black Forest, far more than the Auxerre Forest that Leo has ever seen. If you look at it with your eyes, you may see what you should not see. He was the one who ultimately suffered.

The two continued to walk along the road to see if they could keep up with the people in front, but it was weird that after turning a corner, they saw a simple road leading straight into the depths of the Black Forest. Not anyone.

Leo and Sylvia glanced at each other, didn’t say much, and continued to move forward. As they continued to deepen, the foliage at the top of the forest became denser and more and more light was blocked. It didn’t take long for them It was already dark in front.

For ordinary people, this dark environment can't reach with five fingers. Naturally, it's indispensable to illuminate the lights. It is undoubtedly that the lighting in the Black Forest will undoubtedly be very eye-catching, as if it is time to tell all the carnivorous creatures in the Black Forest to eat.

Originally, Leo and Sylvia didn’t need to turn on the lights. With their eyesight, even in such a dark environment, they could still see everything around them, but they didn’t do that. Instead, they were like ordinary adventurers. It also lit a small lantern hanging around his waist, so that his figure appeared in an environment like the Black Forest.

After lighting the lights, the two continued to walk forward for about an hour or so. This artificially opened road seems to have come to an end. A huge tree appeared in the front. This tree is just the root part. It is almost similar to a five-story building, and the road just drilled through the bottom of the tree roots, and at the end is a small arched door.

Leo and Sylvia both stopped in front of this huge tree root, looked at each other without saying anything, and walked in. They quickly passed the tree root and the small arch at the end, and came to an empty space .

This open space is very flat, as if it was pressed by something. The ground is covered with a very soft velvet grass, and it feels uncomfortable to step on it.

The surrounding trees are still very tall, but the branches and leaves at the top of the tree grow strangely, because all the branches and leaves at the top of the trees will not grow on this open space, which also allows the sky to be seen after the head is raised. .

However, it is very weird that the sky that Leo and Sylvia see at this time is night, and even a few stars can be seen in the sky.

Although, how long they had been walking in the forest before, the two did not seriously calculate it, but it would never exceed two hours. According to the normal time, the outside world is probably still in the morning, and it will never be the late night seen now.

"Are we entering the real Black Forest?" Sylvia looked up at the stardust in the sky and said with a deep voice.

"It should be." Leo responded, then turned to look at the huge root when they came in, and the root is now gone.

Just before walking from the arch under the root of the tree to this open space, Leo and Sylvia both felt the unusualness of this huge root. This unusualness did not come from the shape of the huge root itself. It comes from another feeling, the feeling is like the feeling that they entered the Aixel Forest.

After seeing the night sky of the sky, both of them were sure that they are now in a space similar to the Aixer Forest, that is, the real Black Forest.

Compared to Sylvia, Leo is not too surprised by everything at the moment, because this is not the first time he has entered the real Black Forest world.

When he first entered the Black Forest, he inadvertently broke into the real Black Forest world, and saw the Golden Deer, the Lord of the Black Forest, so now everything just deepens his memories.

"Did you feel it?" Sylvia walked a few steps in this open space, then closed his eyes and felt for a moment, said: "There seems to be a force remaining on this open space, a very powerful force, don't you? Is there anything under this lot?"

"There should be nothing special, the power you feel comes from this open space itself." Compared to Sylvia, Leo is more sensitive to changes in various external abnormal energies. When he felt it, he had already noticed the anomaly of the open space, and he also found the reason. He saw that he pointed to the edge of the open space and said, "You don’t think the appearance of this open space is very strange. ?"

"Appearance?" Sylvia looked around and quickly formed an open space overlooking the figure in his mind, then said in surprise: "Is this a footprint? Deer's footprint."

Leo nodded and said, "If you guess right, this should be the footprint left by the golden giant deer of the Black Forest."

"Golden Giant Deer?" Sylvia said with a shocked expression, and looked around for a long time without knowing what to say.

Although there are very few legends about the golden giant deer in the black forest, and most of the legends are purely fabricated, so the reputation of the black forest white deer in the folk, the reputation of the golden giant deer can be said to be minimal, almost not special. Those who study the history of the Black Forest folklore simply don't know the name of the golden giant deer.

However, among the various classics of the Orthodox Church, the golden giant deer has a lot of records. It even even set up a data room for the golden giant deer. Almost all the materials related to the golden giant deer have been included from, to the legend. This data room.

Sylvia is very interested in the mysterious Black Forest. She has also read these materials, and she knows more about the situation of the Black Forest. She also knows more clearly how old the golden deer is. Take a look at the oldest existence, so when Leo mentioned that she had seen the golden deer, she was full of envy and jealousy.

Now, although she is not a golden giant deer in front of her, she can still stand in the footprints left by the golden giant deer and feel the power of the golden giant deer, which still makes her very happy.

"It might not be a coincidence that we will come here," Leo said suddenly.

Sylvia was startled and said, "You mean the White Hart is guiding you here."

"Maybe!" Leo didn't say anything to death. He looked around and said, "Here is still the power of the golden giant deer. The mysterious existence of the Black Forest will not be near here. Let's stay here today. !See if White Hart will show up?"

Sylvia would naturally not object. She and Leo quickly found a suitable place, set up a humble camping tent, then packed up things, found some dead branches, and lit a campfire.

The two sat beside the campfire and were not idle. They each took out various items harvested from the royal treasure house of France and carefully recognized their value.

Only a few of these objects belong to those with historical value. The vast majority of other objects are all kinds of singular objects. Although it is not yet known what kind of power these singular objects contain, but from Judging from the energy fluctuations emitted by these strange objects, their power should be unusual.

"This one emits the strongest energy." Leo quickly picked out a box that looked very simple from the pile of wonders, looked at it in front of him, and said, "From the patterns and patterns on the box, It should be the box of the early first dynasty. The pattern on it is actually a script of the Black Forest tribe called Tinunu. There are very few Black Forest tribes using this script. The most famous tribe..." Speaking of which, After hesitating for a while, he continued: "The most famous tribe is called Battis. It is not only the earliest tribe that settled and unified the swamps in the northern Black Forest, but also..."

"It is also a tribe that believes in the mothers of the nests." Sylvia said after taking Leo's words.

Unlike Sylvia, Leo’s information about the Batis tribe focuses more on the role it played in the First Dynasty, as other aspects are secondary.

At the beginning of the establishment of the first dynasty in France, although claiming to be the master of the Weilun continent, in fact the territory controlled by the first dynasty was not much. Among the various tribes in the Black Forest, many tribes did not have the scale It will be much smaller than the first dynasty, and even large tribes that surpass the first dynasty are not without it. Battis is one of them.

In the early literature handed down from the first dynasty, the Batis tribe was mentioned more than once as the greatest obstacle to the empire. Obviously, the Batis tribe is the biggest stumbling block to the unification of the Weilun continent by the first dynasty.

In the end, what happened to the Battis tribe, there is no data to record, just know that the first dynasty finally completed the reunification of the Weilun continent, and all the Black Forest tribes have become the aristocratic family of the first dynasty.

But apart from these historical documents, the Batis tribe was mentioned once in the early books of the Wizard of the Tower, but there is no specific time on it, and the Batis tribe has all perished at that time, leaving only a lot of remains. In those ruins, there are a large number of gods of the mothers of the nests, from which it can be judged that the Battis tribe was a Black Forest tribe based on the belief of the mothers of the nests.

Compared to the information Leo knows, Sylvia has more information about the Batis tribe, and all of this information comes from the Orthodox Church, and the materials related to the Batis tribe are often all Along with the mothers of the nests, this number one evil **** was wanted by the Orthodox Church for a long time.

In those materials, I did not write too much about the specific content of the Battis tribe, but I knew that because of the belief in the mother of the nest, the leader of this tribe was always a woman, and the status of women in the tribe was also very High, belongs to that extreme matriarchal clan.

The Orthodox Court conducted a very detailed study of the Battis tribe because of the relationship between the mothers of the nests, and got a very likely speculation that the destruction of the Battis tribe was not due to the war with the First Dynasty , But because of sacrifices, because of the large number of sacrifices, and eventually even sacrificed himself crazy.

The Orthodox Court sent a survey priest to the Black Forest Swamp to investigate the Batis tribe, and now that the swamp gods have been absorbed into the Orthodox Church, the information about the swamp tribes has become more.

In these survey materials, it is mentioned that large-scale extinction events have occurred in tribes along the Black Forest There are similar information among research scholars in Fran, but scholars and priests have The causes of demise are different.

Scholars believe that this was because the territorial expansion of the first dynasty of the French Empire was at that time. All the tribes died in the hands of the first dynasty, but the priests of the Orthodox Church believed that the demise of these tribes was all because the Batis tribe wanted to hold. An unprecedented huge sacrifice was involved. These tribes around the swamp were all captured by the Batis tribe as sacrifices.

Afterwards, an altar found in the swamp by the Hannosa Alliance sank into the swamp. The altar of the Batis tribe, which has not been completely destroyed, also proved the priest’s guess, because there are a large number of human bones inside and outside the altar. These bones are huge. Most methods of death are the same, but the head is broken by a blunt instrument.

However, judging from some special characteristics of these human bones, these human sacrifices come from different tribes, and many of them are Batis tribes.

It is also because of the extremely brutal way of sacrificial sacrifices by the Batis tribe that makes any extraordinary items related to the Batis tribe very dangerous.

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