The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 909: Undefended Treasury

"Wait for you to stay behind. The **** smell on your body is too strong and will attract the attention of those knights." Leo looked at Sylvia who was splashed with blood on his body and said.

"Don't you have blood on your body?" Sylvia also pointed to the blood on Leo's body and hands.

Leo did not just use the power of blood to produce a slight vibration on the clothes and body surface. Then he saw that all the blood seemed to drip down, and no drop was left on Leo.

Sylvia saw Leo's process of using the power of blood, and also felt in her heart that she should be free and also looking for this power in the body, which might be used in the future.

After processing the blood on his body, Leo was ready to continue to move forward, but after looking away from the headless body under his feet, he seemed to find something stopped, and then squatted down to take a closer look.

This channel is not in the remains of the battleship. There is no metal plate that can emit light for a long time. Although light sources such as braziers are installed at intervals, these braziers are rarely used because of these channels. None was lit, and the entire passage was dark.

In this environment, it is difficult for ordinary people’s eyesight to see clearly, but for Leo and Sylvia, this environment will not cause any impact on them. What can be seen under normal circumstances can still be seen at this time Look clearly.

The reason why the headless underground corpse attracts Leo's attention is entirely because of the skin exposed on the neck of the corpse. That kind of skin is obviously not like human skin, but like some kind of reptile skin.

After confirming this, Leo immediately took off the armor of the Royal Guard Knight, and also signaled Sylvia to do so.

However, Sylvia just took off the helmets of the two Royal Guard knights who died in her hands and stopped, because there is no need to take off his armor, just look at the heads of the two knights. , It can already be determined that the two Royal Guard knights are completely inhuman.

I saw that the appearance of these two heads was completely inhuman. A huge mouth split to the sides until it was next to the ear. The mouth was covered with sharp teeth with uneven layers. There was only one hole left in the original nose. The holes were covered with tentacle-like granulation, and only the eye sockets were left in the glasses, and the original eyeballs had been replaced by a flesh mass, covered with tiny **** spikes.

On the other side, the headless corpse unleashed by Leo also showed the whole picture. Although he looks like a person from the outside, in fact, he is very different from the person. The skin on the surface of the body is all reptiles. The **** skin, hands and feet are all tentacles. In addition, there are some things similar to cancerous sarcoma in the chest. Each sarcoma has an eyeball.

"What the **** is this?" Sylvia asked in surprise.

"Don't know?" Leo shook his head.

As he said, he couldn’t figure out what was happening to the monsters in front of him. At first, he guessed that it was some kind of clan or variant, but he couldn’t find any kind of clan and variant in his memory. The shape is consistent with the monster in front of you, and more importantly, their mutation pattern is completely different from the family and the mutant.

The mutations of the clan and the mutant are caused by the influence of the superior power and cells. No matter how strange their mutations are, they must meet the power characteristics and appearance characteristics of the superior, but the mutations in the knights in front of them But it seems that several different mutation forces are kneaded together, and more importantly, they mutate so seriously that the vital organs of the body have not mutated with their bodies.

Sylvia felt a little surprised when Leo did not know the origin of these knight mutants, and then looked at the corpse under her feet and said, "Did the knights in the rest room seem to have such changes?"

"Yes." Leo nodded and then seemed to think of something. He crouched down to examine the armor on these royal guards carefully, then pointed at some of the armored badges on the armor that looked very special, and said: "Although The shape of the armor is the same, but the badges above are somewhat different. Do you know the meaning of these patterns?"

Sylvia looked at Leo's fingers. After seeing the pattern on the armor, he was a little stunned, but he quickly remembered something and said, "It's the badge of the Silent Knights."

"Silent Knights?" Leo was stunned for a moment. He quickly remembered the relevant information and said: "Just the Knights related to the Black Forest?"

"Hmm." Sylvia nodded.

Although the Royal Guards of the Français is a complete knighthood, but there are small knights of all sizes inside and outside, but these small knights have mostly failed to build up due to various reasons. In the history of the French Empire Knights, leaving no trace, but the Silent Knights are different.

This is one of the few knights in the Royal Guard Knights who participated in the frontal war under the name of a separate knight. They are also the last knights that defeated the array of steam engine crossbow infantry from the frontal battlefield. It can be said that they are knights. The last glory of the frontal battlefield era. Since then, no matter which country's knights have been able to defeat the enemy on the frontal battlefield, they all carried out tactics such as raids from the side battlefield, or long-range enemy rear.

There are many legends about the Knights of Silence, not only because they are the last light of the Knights, but also because they are very short from appearance to disappearance, only less than four months, and the Knights of Silence announced the dissolution after four months , Never appeared again.

Because the Royal Guard Cavaliers they wear are all standard armor, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish them from ordinary Royal Guard Cavaliers. The only thing that they know is that each of them does not speak, which also makes some people think that joining the silence The prerequisite for the Knights is to cut off the tongue.

"I didn't expect that the famous Knights of Silence turned out to be this way." Leo said a few emotions without much emotion, and then analyzed: "From their physical structure, their physical qualities are indeed better than ordinary knights. They are much more powerful, but this physical strength is not enough to allow them to defeat the steam crossbow of an array legion. They should have other strengths, but the environment here should limit them."

"If that's the case, then the empire's research on the artificial clan may have far exceeded our expectations. It should be known that the Silent Knights appeared more than fifty years ago, which means that the empire has been more than fifty years ago. I started some experiments, and I also have a mature method." Sylvia frowned and whispered, a little worry appeared on his face, and then seemed to think that this was not a place to think about, so he said: "Let’s go Well! These things have nothing to do with us. When I go back, I will report the matter to them. How to deal with them depends on themselves."

Leo nodded, and didn’t bother any more on the body of the silent Knights, and continued to walk forward. When he walked a distance, and was about to approach the exit of the passage, he let Sylvia stay away, and then Stealing quietly forward, he quickly walked out of the passage and came to the edge of a small square that was not very large. After carefully checking the surroundings, he walked along the dark corner of the square and quickly Moving to the gate of the guard room, while throwing the stun grenade into the room again, he did not hide his body, and rushed directly to the few guard knights outside the guard who looked like they were performing routine patrols.

Unguarded, these silent knights on patrol didn't even have time to realize what happened, and died under Leo's men. On the other side of the guard room, the other silent knights were all the same as before Like their colleagues, they were either fainted or paralyzed under the stun grenades.

Sylvia saw Leo from a distance, and immediately rushed towards the guard room. While Leo resolved the few members of the silent knight figure outside, she also rushed into the guard room, looking away. At a glance, quickly resolved those silent knights in the end.

"The well-known Silent Knights disappeared silently in your and my hands." Leo came to the guard room and looked at the body on the ground.

Sylvia did not feel much emotion, but said in disapproval: "There are countless knights that silently disappeared in this world. The silent knights are neither the most powerful nor the most famous."

The two didn't bother with the matter of the silence of the Knights of Silence, their attention was quickly put on the door of the treasure house not far from the exit on the other side of the guard room.

Sylvia opened the door and walked out of the guard room. He stepped to the front door of the treasure house and looked at Leo who was walking beside him and asked, "Is this an ordinary door? Is there anything hidden?" Traps, institutions and the like?"

It turned out that the gate in front of them was very different from the treasure house gate they had guessed before. This gate is just an ordinary metal gate, and there is no one but a very old style lock on the gate. Anything worth noting anymore.

In Leo and Sylvia’s previous guesses, this treasure trove gate was either a high-tech gate modified with prehistoric civilization, that is, the wreckage of a battleship, or a mysterious power gate with various protective forces or Turing circles on the surface, but The ordinary metal gate without any defense in front of them is somewhat beyond their expectations.

Leo thought for a moment and speculated: "This basement should be built later. Even if there are wreckages of prehistoric civilization that can be used, I am afraid that the builder cannot know the method of use. As for the gate containing mysterious power, now Under these circumstances, it is even less likely to play a role."

Sylvia nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Leo signaled Sylvia to step back a bit, and then reached out to twist the latch on the door, and then grabbed the two handles covered with a layer of dust on the door handle, slowly pulling the door.

Although Leo believed that there could not be any dangerous organs and traps on the gate, when he pulled, he was still very careful, ready to let go at any time.

But as the door opened slowly, the danger he feared did not appear, and everything was very calm.

"It's that simple?" Sylvia didn't feel any danger, so she walked to Leo's side, looked at the treasure house inside the door, and said in disbelief.

"It seems that it's that simple!" Leo responded in the same tone, and then smiled with a self-deprecating smile: "We seem to think too much."

In fact, if you think about it as a bystander, you will think that the two of them are really thinking too much. Whether it is the current French emperor Louis X or the former builder, I am afraid that after the death of the building here It is believed that if someone can break into the core of this palace, it means that the French Empire is late, and it is meaningless to add any defense means to the door.

After trying to understand this, Leo and Sylvia began to focus on the treasure trove. The size of the treasure trove is not small, but there are not many things. Every thing is well separated and not close. Together, it looks like this should be a treasure trove of special items stored by the Emperor of France.

Leo’s eyes swept through the treasure trove and soon found his contract ring, his primary goal.

At the moment, the ring was lying quietly on a stone platform in the middle of the treasure house, and there were some other mysterious objects that would make people feel unusual.

However, when Leo glanced at the surrounding objects, he felt that there was no problem. When he was about to take the contract ring away, his sight was suddenly attracted by a stone statue placed on a stone platform.

The reason why this stone statue will attract him, except because he feels that the mysterious power that envelopes this place comes from this stone More importantly, he has seen this stone statue before, just In the stone pillar space where the stone throne is located, this stone statue is the stone carving on top of one of the stone pillars.

"Why are things here?" Leo couldn't help murmuring to himself.

"What?" Sylvia looked at Leo with a puzzled look.

Leo didn't answer, turned to Sylvia and said, "Go and put away all the things you see are valuable."

After he finished speaking, he walked directly towards the stone carving, and when passing by the stone platform where the contract ring was stored, he took it off and put it on his hand.

Leo, who came to the front of the stone carving, did not rush to put his hand on it, but leaned down and carefully looked at the weird patterns on the stone carving. What was surprising was that the mysterious power that enveloped here came from Stone carving, but after approaching the stone carving, this power is very weak, so weak that if Leo did not feel the power of the Stone Throne in person, I am afraid that it cannot be clearly felt.

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