The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 892: Rudolph's troublesome task

   On the carriage to Cambe, Baron Rudolph put down the file in his hand, threw a piece of firewood into the brazier next to it, and stirred the firewood piled up in the basin to make the fire more vigorous.

   "Do you need a little more?" The attendant on the side took out a bottle of gin which had been soaked in hot water for a long time and asked.

  Baron Rudolph wanted to refuse, but in the end he still couldn't hold back the greed in his heart and said, "Just a cup!" Following the sentence that was emphasized again, said: "A small cup is enough."

"Does the baroness still urge you to hangover?" The attendant has been with Baron Rudolph for many years. The relationship between the two is not so much a subordinate as a friend, so he is also very concerned about Baron Rudolph. Understand and speak a lot.

"Less nonsense!" Baron Rudolph glared at his attendant a little disappointedly, and then took the large glass filled with wine from the other party. Although the glass was not a small glass he emphasized, he did not mind, being careful. After taking a sip, he reluctantly placed the cup on the table, wiped the stain on the beard, and then picked up the file next to it to read it.

   "What's wrong? Did this cause you a headache?" Seeing Baron Rudolph frowning as he looked at the file, the attendant asked curiously, "Is the person you want to catch very troublesome?"

   "It's a little trouble." Baron Rudolph nodded and said, "This is a matter for the Special Operations Department."

   "Oh." The attendant officer immediately showed an understanding expression, and didn't ask any more.

Baron Rudolph put the dossier that he had read three times aside, rubbed his eyes, took another sip of wine, and then leaned against the back of the seat, doing his eyes closed and keeping his mind in his head, thinking about himself quickly The case is going to be dealt with.

On the surface, this case is that the chief of a secret department in the locality made a mistake and needs to be taken back to the internal affairs headquarters of each secret department of Dongling City for re-examination and loyalty inspection. Like a similar case, he has dealt with it in recent years. No less than thirty times, the simplest of all his tasks.

But this time the task is different, because according to common sense, this task should not fall on him as the first-level reviewer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Imperial Security Bureau. The chief of the crime department is not a person of the Imperial Security Bureau, but another power. The officer of the big special operations office, handing this task to him is as absurd as to let a Kabulado hunter go to the carriage.

   At the time, after receiving this task from above, the first feeling was who would joke with him again. When he confirmed that there was no error in this task, he immediately thought that he might have become a **** in the power struggle above.

Many of the empire’s secret services are intricate and have varying degrees of power. The Empire Security Bureau has always been the most powerful of all secret services. Its power network covers almost all empire’s departments. The minister is even called the shadow palace.

  Although for various reasons, the power of the Imperial Security Bureau has decreased in recent years, and the restrictions have been increasing, but no matter how reduced and restricted, it is still the largest secret department of the empire.

However, the emergence of the Special Operations Department directly cut half of the power cake of the Imperial Security Bureau, and the Ministry of the Interior also granted the Special Operations Department a lot of powers that even the Imperial Security Bureau did not have at that time, such as the ability to mobilize some local troops. , The powers of the military police and the police, etc.

Therefore, the Imperial Security Service is habitually confronted with special operations on many things, only because of the level of execution power, even if the Imperial Security Service will have some small actions, it will still cooperate with some tasks in the end. Special Operations Department.

Although legally speaking, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Imperial Security Bureau can oversee the internal affairs of the various departments of the Imperial Government, but the legal principle does not represent everything. The internal affairs department of the Special Operations Department has always existed independently. This time there was a special The housekeeping task of the Operations Department falls into the hands of the Imperial Security Bureau, and those who get this task will naturally think of it.

Baron Rudolph, who didn’t want to be a chessman, found all his relations with the Imperial Security Bureau on the day he received the mission. He explored the content related to this mission. Eventually, he discovered that this mission was related to the glorious noble Pipero family. It also involves the disappearance of the contemporary Count Pipero.

The aristocratic circle of the French Empire is also divided into layers. There are hereditary aristocrats and military aristocrats, but no matter what aristocracy, the old aristocrats who inherited the ancients are still extremely respected. The glorious aristocracy Pepero who has appeared since the first dynasty The family is such a respected noble family.

Because of its ancient heritage and the history of marriage covering the entire three dynasties, the nobles of the French Empire now have more or less blood from the Pepero family, which has made this generation of Pepero family even if it has fallen. However, it can still be regarded as the most respected ancient aristocracy by the aristocratic circle of Flange.

It is precisely because of the status of the Pepero family in the aristocratic circle that the actions of the French emperor against the Pepero family were greatly opposed by the nobles of the French empire. All industries in the empire should also be transferred to the United Kingdom for many reasons, and the Pipero family’s experience should be one of the reasons.

After all, in the eyes of anyone, the royal family can fight with the knight king at that time, and the ancient nobles who inherited the three dynasties can also start. Then other noble families may be a piece of fat in the eyes of the French royal family. Never mind.

Although Louis X succeeded to the throne, in order to eliminate the nobility of the aristocracy and the royal family, he made some compromises to the old nobles, and even let those nobles enter the real power department, but at the same time he also promoted many military nobles, and Differentiate the aristocracy circle and make the aristocracy circle full of contradictions, temporarily removing the attention of those old nobles from the royal family.

  However, as the puppet master of the Pepero family suddenly disappeared, no matter the old nobles or the military nobles, their eyes returned to the royal family.

   At that time, news came out that the puppet master had become a human-eating monster in that sudden world change, and killed several guards who guarded the manor and escaped.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this matter is not a big deal. After all, ordinary people suddenly mutated into monsters in various towns. At first, ordinary democracy may have been flustered by this, but now it is used to it, and it is even listening. After arriving at this news, I will also feel gloating and believing that some nobles have also transformed into monsters.

But for the noble circle of the French Empire, this news is obviously not accepted by them, because until today, nobles in the French Empire have not had a case of mutating into a cannibal monster, although some people have happened physically There are some non-human mutations, but this mutation is controllable, and the mutants can still maintain reason. Unlike the mutant monsters that appear everywhere, they are all irrational and feed on people.

Therefore, it is hard to believe that the current Patriarch of the Pepero family has become a cannibal monster. In addition, the Pepero family is completely controlled by the royal family, and the soldiers guarding the Pepero manor are elite soldiers. Dealing with mutant monsters, but it should not be difficult to damage the mutant monsters and drag them to other supporters.

  However, it was learned through some secret sources that the soldiers guarding the Pipero family were not injured at all, and the alleged injuries were actually disguised.

These rumors instantly reminded all the nobles of some hidden experiments carried out by the Royal Union and some scholars. The current Patriarch of the Pepero family is probably the royal family as an experimental product. The inexplicable panic soon came. The noble circles of the empire spread.

In the eyes of the nobles of the empire, it is not unacceptable for the royal family to experiment with ordinary people, because this does not touch their interests, but now it seems possible that the royal family will experiment with the nobles, which makes the nobles of the empire feel that their lives have been affected. In response to threats, the response is naturally strong.

However, in the face of the reaction of the nobles, Louis X was very strong, temporarily suppressing the dissatisfaction of the nobles, and secretly sent people to step up the search for the missing Chief Papero, no matter what Before the other forces catch Patriarch Pipero, catch or kill it. Otherwise, once Papiro Patriarch falls into the hands of the nobility, then the rumor of the final direction is not what he can control.

The sub-minister of the Campbell Township branch of the Special Operations Department that Baron Rudolph was going to deal with this time involved a task related to the arrest of Patriarch Pipero.

It is mentioned in the dossier that this sub-minister sent all members of his team to catch a cannibal mutant who tried to escape to the north. As a result, he unexpectedly encountered a major avalanche that had not been encountered for thousands of years. All human mutants disappeared in the avalanche. After the branch minister sent a distress letter to the nearby special operations office, he went to the forest to find the whereabouts of the missing member.

This is just a very common accident caused by wrong instructions causing huge casualties. According to the procedure, this sub-minister will be taken back to the headquarters of the Special Operations Department for review to see if he deliberately caused casualties and whether he is still loyal to the empire. The problem is that after investigation, it was found that the cannibal mutant who went to the chase is most likely the missing Pipero patriarch, then this ordinary responsible housekeeping incident has become a major event that the nobles and royals are staring at. .

After discovering the complexity of the incident, the Special Operations Branch immediately referred the incident to the Imperial Security Bureau. The reason is simply that this matter involves national security issues. The members are inside the Special Operations Branch. The office is not suitable for handling this matter.

The Imperial Security Service wanted to throw this thing back, because they also knew it was troublesome, but they didn’t have any more appropriate reason to throw it back, and eventually they could only fall on Baron Rudolph, who had a suitable position in the Security Department’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. The authority examiner.

After clarifying the cause of the matter, according to Baron Rudolph’s own thinking, he also hopes to dump this task to other people. Unfortunately, although he has many relations with the Security Bureau, there is no relationship with that person. He took over the problem, and there were many people who offended him inside the security bureau. These people prevented him from giving up the task voluntarily. Eventually, he could only be rushed to the town of Cambe.

  Although, on the road, Baron Rudolph did not encounter any trouble or danger, but his keen instincts on the battlefield for many years could find that there were many eyes around him.

   Some of these people are very familiar with the sight of Baron Rudolph. They are the sights of the hunted beasts of the Security Bureau, and a large number of people are unknown. However, they should come from both the royal family and the nobles.

Baron Rudolf didn’t know what the royal family and nobles were going to do, and he was not interested in knowing that he only hoped that he could safely take the branch minister from the town of Cambe, and successfully bring it back to Dow’s City, and give it to the relevant departments. End this task.

   "How far is it from the town of Cambe?" Baron Rudolph suddenly glanced at the woods outside the car window, looked at the cavalry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who followed him, and asked his attendant.

"You have asked this for the third time This question is like your peeing every night. From time to time, the attendant teased very casually, and then the Baron Rudolph was annoyed. Before, I replied: "Almost half a day away, it should be able to arrive at night."

While talking, there was a very unpleasant strange noise outside the carriage, followed by a strange bird with a long beak and dark feathers, flew to the carriage, and landed steadily on a specially installed On the shelf.

Seeing this strange bird appearing, Baron Rudolph and the attendant were stunned. The attendant quickly returned to normal, and quickly hurried to the window, took out a meatball from a pocket, and carried it in front of the strange bird. The bird swallowed, and then took a special small clip from the claw neck of the strange bird and handed it to Baron Rupert.

   Baron Rupert opened the clip, took out a text message stored in it, and repeatedly looked at the dim light in the carriage, with a surprised expression on his face.

   "What happened?" Seeing the expression of Baron Rudolph something wrong, the attendant asked quickly.

Baron Rudolph handed the note to the attendant, and said, "Those who hunted Pipero... No, the special operations team who hunted the cannibal mutants survived, and a very magical thing was snatched from the monster. The singular thing above requires that the three people and the singular thing be returned to Dong Rin City immediately without any stay in the middle."

   The attendant just briefly looked at the note and said, "It seems that the wonder is very important."

   Baron Rudolph nodded, then stopped talking, and told the carriage and the cavalry behind to speed up and reach Cambe Town as soon as possible.


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