The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 888: Royal secret

"The Belmont family?" The people in the living room showed a surprised look after hearing Pepero's story. Even Leo also had an unexpected expression on his face. They never thought they would spare it. Onto Sylvia.

However, beyond the surprise, the surprised expression on Sylvia's face disappeared quickly, and then he fell into contemplation.

Leo also recalled about the Belmont family at this time.

For most French people, the Belmont family refers to Sylvia, a family living in the Belmont manor, but in fact, like the noble families of the French Empire, the Belmont family It is also a big family with many branches and intertwined internals like a big tree.

Up to now, the Belmont family has three branches besides the Sylvia branch. These three branches are also named after Belmont, so when Earl Pipero said he sold them to alien cells When the person was the Belmont family, the names of the three families immediately appeared in Sylvia's mind.

"Tirifas, Gerio, or Claire?" Sylvia asked after the names of the three families.

Unlike Sylvia, the other three branch families did not defect from the French Empire. Although they were more or less influenced by Sylvia, they were reviewed by the imperialists, but they did not find any defection. Signs, and there is no contact between them and Sylvia, so I let them go.

"Neither, it's your Belmont family." Pipero shook his head and said in a positive tone.

Sylvia's face immediately became somber, and then suddenly thought of something like that, Shen Sheng asked: "When did you buy this alien cell?"

"Two months ago." Count Pipero said for a time, and then felt that it was not accurate enough. "The third day after the Jinyang Flower Festival two months ago."

After listening to this sentence, Sylvia's face became more gloomy, and she also showed obvious anger. She should have guessed who the person who wanted Earl Pipero to sell alien cells.

Sylvia did not confirm it like this, but continued to ask: "Did that person wear a heavy nasal voice when speaking, and there was a strong tobacco smell on his body?"

Earl Pipero nodded and said, "It does have a strong tobacco smell, and it is still very good Bland Island tobacco."

"Damn, it's really him." Sylvia had no doubts, and she had already determined who Count Piperro was talking about.

"Do you know who that person is?" Leo asked.

Sylvia nodded and said, "He should be my uncle, Lord Lord."

Later, Sylvia told Leo about Barod Lord.

It turned out that Sylvia’s mother came from a desolate aristocratic family. The whole family had only her mother and uncle, so after marrying to Belmont Estate, her uncle lived in Belmont Estate and grew up. Later, he worked in a factory under the name of the Belmont family.

Although the two are blood relatives, the relationship between Sylvia and Baron Lord is not very close. It is very general. When Sylvia was about to defect from the French Empire, he did not think that Baron Lord would be with her. Since joining the United Kingdom of France, he was only planning to give Baron Lord a sum of money, or divest some of the property that had not been sold.

But what surprised her was that when the rest of the family was still hesitating, Baron Lord took the initiative to express his willingness to join her in the United Kingdom with France, and he was still using it to build on the For some relations, he obtained several precious drawings of the imperial weapons. It was for this reason that he was quickly reused in the United Kingdom and held important positions, mainly responsible for a very important Kingdom arsenal.

"How could there be alien cells in his hand?" Tessa Moka could not help questioning at this time.

"I also want to know." Although Sylvia had a few answers in her heart, she couldn't be sure, and this incident also gave her a new understanding of the uncle she had never followed.

In the memory of Sylvia, this uncle is just a person who is good at drilling, always able to seize the opportunity and obtain the desired benefits, and it can be mixed up in the United Kingdom government of France. Because of his ability to meet every source.

However, now Sylvia needs to re-recognize his blood relatives. He can obtain alien cells as a trading product, and can silently sneak into the home of Count Pipero and Pipero, closely monitored by the empire. Earl's ability to trade is obviously not something a person who can rely on to show off his tongue and gain profits.

"What am I going to do with you now?" Sylvia looked at Count Pipero and said in a deep voice.

"I should be of some use to you." Count Piperro did not seem too flustered, saying: "I know some secrets of the royal family of France, these secrets..."

Sylvia couldn't help but smile, interrupting the other party's words, saying: "What kind of royal secrets can a puppet under house arrest know?"

Earl Pipero said calmly: "The Pipero family is called the glorious nobility, and has been a noble of the Franks since the beginning of the first dynasty. When the knight king signed a contract with the Black Forest, my ancestors were also nearby. , Do you know why Louis X had to master the Pepero family at all costs?"

As Count Pipero spoke, Leo felt that the mark left by the White Deer suddenly produced a wave of energy.

"Promise him, but his French royal secrets are to be revealed now." Leo suddenly said to Sylvia.

Sylvia was stunned. He didn't think about it or asked Leo why. Instead, he said to Count Pipero: "I can safely send you to the United Kingdom. As for the conditions, you have heard it."

At this time, Count Pipero looked at Leo somewhat surprised. Although just through the dialogue between Leo and Sylvia, he could feel that the relationship between the two was unusual, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is beyond He expected that after hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia could not hesitate to accept the other party’s proposal, which all showed that Sylvia’s absolute trust in Leo, which made him feel incredible. .

You know, in the French empire, Sylvia was said by the French emperor at that time to be a wild horse that no man can tame. At that time, there were a lot of people who pursued her, and these people were without exception. Escaped, but now Sylvia has apparently found his other half, which makes him wonder about Leo's identity. What kind of man can he tame this wild horse?

"Can you tell me who he is?" Count Pipero couldn't help wondering, and asked Sylvia.

"Leo Dodd." Leo did not let Sylvia answer, but said actively.

"Dodd? Inge?" Count Pipero quickly judged Leo's origin from his surname, but he was still puzzled about Leo's identity, because Dodd was obviously not a noble surname. .

Sylvia said impatiently: "What are you asking so much? If you don't want it, just when we haven't said it. After waiting tonight, we will send you to where you are. Is it dead?" Live, watch your own luck."

Earl Pipero said quickly: "Don't worry, I'm just a little worried that after I tell the secrets, are you willing to keep your promise?"

Leo said flatly: "You have no other choice now but to choose to believe that we will keep our promise."

Earl Pipero was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "I know, I choose to believe you. After all, Sylvia's reputation outside is varied, but at least he has never failed to keep his promise." He looked at Tessa Mocha and said, "Are we talking here? Don't change places."

"No need, just say it here!" Leo said in a deep voice: "The secret that more than two people know is no longer a secret."

Seeing the matter so far, Count Pipero no longer hides tucked, after drinking a sip, changed to a comfortable sitting position, and then said with a serious face: "French royal family has long claimed that it has the blood of the gods ..."

Sylvia interjected: "It's not just the royal family of France, the monarchy countries of the royal family of Inge and Sigma have circulated similar rumors."

Count Pipero didn’t care about Sylvia’s intervention, he continued: “Yes, the bloodlines of the gods that the royal families of those countries said are indeed unconfirmed rumors, but I can tell you with certainty that the royal family of France The blood of the gods is not a rumor, it is true. The royal family of France does have the blood of gods."

After saying this, he paused deliberately, waiting for Sylvia’s shock or similar reaction, but he was disappointed that the three people in the living room seemed very calm and didn’t seem to care. This secret.

The expressions of several people misunderstood Count Pepero. He quickly explained: "Do you think I am making up a story? What I said is true, written in the notes left by the ancestors of the Pepero family. After signing the contract with the Black Forest, the Knight King received a drop of blood from the Lord of the Black Forest and became the blood of the Lord of the Black Forest."

However, he found that his explanation was of no use at all, because Leo still had a light look.

No wonder this is the case. For ordinary people, the blood of the gods is indeed amazing enough, but for Leo and Sylvia, they are obviously not a matter of concern, because Leo’s own situation does not say By the way, neither Sylvia nor Tessa Moka’s blood and power are much worse than the gods of the Velon world. Naturally, they will not treat such gods and blood like things.

"Speaking of the spirit bloodline, isn't the alien cell on your body also a kind of spirit bloodline?" Sylvia pointed to Count Pipero himself and said, "It's just that your bloodline is uncontrollable!"

"No, no! Not the same, different." Earl Pipero shook his head quickly, and said, "The bloodline of the gods I am talking about is not alien cells. This is the real bloodline of the gods."

Although Count Pipero tried his best to explain it, the vocabulary he explained was very scarce, so Leo even if they heard that Count Pipero said that the bloodline of the gods was different from the bloodline of the gods they understood, it was not clear where they were .

Earl Pipero also realized that there was something wrong with the way he spoke, so after listening to it, he thought about his words before continuing: "The Knight King did something very important to the Lord of the Black Forest. , So he got the favor of the Lord of the Black Forest, and promised a knighthood to the knight king, so that he can directly become a **** from a mortal."

"Impossible!" Sylvia directly interrupted without thinking, "No one can directly become a deity from a mortal, even if it is a deity."

Sylvia’s remarks are not casual nonsense. A large number of things about the beloved are recorded in the Orthodox Court’s books, and among these beloved, there are many noble beloved who are regarded as the Son of God. He has all the powers given by the gods, just like the gods walk on the ground.

However, even those who received such favors did not have a direct example of obtaining new gifts from the gods. Therefore, in all the churches of the true gods accredited by the Orthodox Court, it is almost a consensus that mortals cannot be gods.

And also in the theology of theology, it is also a general consensus that the gods cannot allow gifts.

There is a similar argument in the philosophical world, just as one cannot make others a self, and a **** cannot make others a god.

Therefore, when Count Pipero told the story of the king of knights, Sylvia immediately rejected this statement.

However, compared to Sylvia’s denial, Leo agreed with Earl Pipero’s statement said: "It is not impossible, the true **** may not be obtained through the gift, but close to It is possible that the spirits of the gods can be obtained through certain methods."

Leo also made this judgment based on what he knows. Some high-level omega-class living bodies in the universe can control the life level of creatures to nine-level spirit through some energy transmission methods. The level of the capable is only that the life class of this creature can only stay at this level forever, and there is no possibility of evolution.

"God close to the gods?" Sylvia and Tessa Moka looked at him a little puzzled when they heard Leo's remark.

"It's like a white deer." Leo made an explanation. He knew that the white deer is definitely not an omega-level higher living body, but in the theology of the Velon world, the black forest white deer is no different from the gods.

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia and Tessa Moka understood a little, but still confused.

So Leo gave another example and said, "It's like the current ice queen."

After giving this example, Sylvia and Tessa Moka fully understood Leo's statement.

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