The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 882: The impact of big moves

Seeing the scene in front of her, Sylvia and Tessa Moka were still calm, able to stabilize their extremely shocked emotions at the moment, and both Mister and Randall were still unconscious in a coma.

After Tessa Mocha loosened the fixed vines, Sylvia quickly walked to Leo's side, watching the distant avalanche move forward like a tsunami, and couldn't help but feel shocked and curious , Asked Leo "How did you do it?"

"I just let the whole mountain of Rum shake with my strength." Leo's expression calmly explained.

Sylvia didn't know what to say for a while, although Leo made an explanation, but this explanation is not the same. This method sounds very simple, but it is very difficult to actually do it.

In her view, even some gods may not be able to do such a thing, because in all the legendary stories she knows, only three stories have recorded similar things, and the gods involved in the three stories are hills. The existence of the king, the lord of the sky and the black forest.

In fact, Leo was also surprised by the psionic shock created by himself based on the psionicist's data on the skill, because he did not expect that the psionic shock he exerted could produce such a powerful power and could change a mountain. And the topography of the surrounding mountain stretches for hundreds of kilometers, which gives him the illusion that he is like a god.

The scene in front of him also made him realize how powerful the psionic skills mastered by the psionicists in the universe are, and the degree of power is far from what he can match by transforming witchcraft, magic, and other extraordinary powers. I also understand why level 6 psionicists are enough to control the trend of a small-scale intra-galaxy war in a space war.

In his memory, the sixth-level psionicist has been able to fly freely in a small area of ​​the universe, and can destroy the interstellar battleship on the battlefield, but he does not have that strong feeling at all. Now it seems that he is not only evolving There is a deviation in it, even psionic skills.

Like psionic shock, any psionicist who reaches level 5 psionics can master it, and the psionic shock they master is obviously different from Leo’s own psionic shock, you know. Level 6 psionicists can use psionic shocks to create space concussion areas, directly destroy spaceships in the area, and directly use large warships, even destroy warships, or directly kill people in warships.

Obviously Leo’s psionic shock now can’t produce such a powerful power, and this also makes Leo more interested in the spirit bones of the psionicists in the White Deer’s Treasury, as long as he can get that piece of spirit bone. Obtaining a very systematic and regular psionic exercise and usage method can also obtain real psionic skills belonging to advanced psionicists.

Just as Leo was contemplating psionic skills, Tessa Moka had awakened Mister and Randall from a coma. After they recovered, they looked around blankly, and when they Seeing the distant avalanche that had not subsided and the rum peaks that had changed their appearance, they couldn't help but exclaimed, "Poseidon is here! What happened here?"

After exclaiming, the two of them looked at Leo coincidentally. Obviously they remembered the previous things, and it was logical to conclude that Leo was the maker of all the scenes in front of him, which made them unconsciously produce Leo. Out of awe, Leo almost equated some gods in their hearts.

Leo ignored the shock of the two. He scanned the surroundings through the mental network and quickly found a suitable road to go down the mountain. So he said to the others, "The road has been cleared. Let's go down the mountain now!" Strive to get out of this mountainous area tomorrow."

When he was finished, he buckled the rope back again, beckoning others to be ready, and walked down the **** to the south of Rum according to the route he found.

Sylvia and others did not sigh what happened in front of them. They packed up their emotions, tied the rope, and followed Leo.

As Leo expected, after removing the snow and gravel, the **** on the south side of Rum is much better to walk. Except for some places that are too steep, you need to climb to go down, but because there are a lot of The stable foothold makes the difficulty of climbing a lot less, even Mister and Randall can easily climb down the steep walls.

And the most important point is that because of the huge mountain block of Rum Peak, the cold wind on the north has weakened a lot, and it is easier to walk. At night, they have passed three stepped slopes. According to the location, it should be It's already in the middle of Rum Peak.

At the suggestion of Sylvia, Leo stopped going, and found a suitable place to camp under a rock protruding outward, then found some wood and set up a campfire.

As for the food, I did not use the dry food prepared by Leo, but in the surrounding snow, I found several animal carcasses that died under the avalanche. Simply handle it, apply various seasonings, and put it on the campfire. After roasting, it didn't take long for a flavour of meat to come out.

If at ordinary times, this meaty incense will definitely cause a large number of carnivorous animals to come together, but now let alone whether these carnivorous animals have survived the avalanche, even if they have not survived, I am afraid that they have been scared, and escaped from this distance. The mountainous area is gone, and even the birds with a strong sense of the field have disappeared.

Feeling the abnormal silence around him, Tessa Moka couldn't help but say, "I'm afraid the destruction of this area will not be restored in a few decades."

"Does this go against your natural way?" Sylvia cut off a piece of roasted meat with a knife, handed it to Leo, and turned to tease at Tessa Moka. "Did you look at this messy look?" Heartache?"

"You seem to have misunderstood the way of nature." Tessa Moka looked at Sylvia calmly and said, "Destruction is also a part of nature. There is no destruction, and where is the recovery. Although this looks like It has become a forbidden area of ​​life. There are countless dead creatures. Nature seems to have been destroyed. But turning to a perspective, you can find that this has not made enough living space for new creatures. It’s been a long time for people, but for nature, it’s just a moment.”

"You are more and more like the guys in the church who are dedicated to missions!" Sylvia can't refute Tessa Moka's explanation, she can only force a sentence back, and then just like to change the subject, he is eating stuttering beside him. Mister and Randall, who was grilling meat, said, "I will arrange for you to go to the United Kingdom as soon as you get out of the mountain. When you get there, you just need to tell the receptionist about your abilities, and they will arrange your duties properly."

"Miss Sylvia, won't you go with us?" Randall froze, asking.

"No! I have other things." Sylvia replied briefly, then turned back to Leo, and said, "When we get to the place, let's go find some helpers! The success rate will be greater. ."

"Look for a helper?" Leo frowned and said, "Even if there is no helper, there will be no problem."

"Don't take the royal family too much." Sylvia shook his head and said, "Although we are strong, the French royal family has been standing on the top of this world for many years. Their heritage is unfathomable, even if it is a church. When they are the strongest, we dare not underestimate them, so we should be more careful."

Leo was silent for a moment, and felt that Sylvia was right. He was really too small about the royal family. This may be because the arrogant emotions generated by the rapid increase in strength in the recent period have affected his judgment. After introspection, he nodded and accepted Sylvia's suggestion.

After several people had eaten, they slept around the campfire.

I don’t know how long it took. Leo suddenly opened his glasses. He found that he was next to the lake in Bailu’s dream. At this time, there was a footstep behind him. Leo turned to look and saw the white deer. He walked slowly, and on his deer face, a serious expression of anthropomorphism appeared.

"How did you do it?" White Hart asked him abruptly as he approached Leo.

Although this sentence was confusing, Leo was able to guess the meaning of Bailu's words and said, "It's very simple, just let the mountain shake with me."

Hearing Leo’s explanation, Bailu froze for a long time, not knowing what to say. At the moment, like Sylvia, he could understand Leo’s words, but the method in the dialogue was clueless. .

It's just that White Hart didn't struggle with this matter. He just said Zhao Leiou in a serious way. "Don't do this next time, the Lord is not happy."

Leo was stunned for a long time. He knew who the Lord was in Bailu's mouth, but he didn't expect his behavior to alarm the existence.

After recovering, Leo nodded and said that he knew, and then thought of the big sailing ship of Rum Peak, he said to the white deer, "That bone is the reason why the royal treasure house of the French royal family has become a forbidden place of extraordinary power?"

"That bone?" White Deer apparently didn't understand Leo's words, and even misunderstood, saying, "Aren't we saying that? Do you want that bone, just exchange the ring."

Upon hearing White Hart’s words, Leo was startled, and soon realized that White Hart didn’t seem to know anything about the Betcas, so he confirmed, “Do you know the Betcas?”

"Beit Cass? Is that big sailboat trying to explore the mysteries of the world?" White Hart soon thought of what Leo was referring to, and said, "I heard the believers mentioned before, a very arrogant group. The arrogant actions made by people, but they are just a group of ants, they don’t know what they are watching, and the outcome is already doomed from the beginning."

Listening to the white deer's disdainful tone, evaluating the Betkas' exploration of the Silent Sea, Leo has determined that the Betkas on Rum has nothing to do with White Mist, and may even be the Black Forest. The supreme existence does not know that the Betkas is on Rum Peak.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but tentatively asked, "Do you know the final whereabouts of the Betcas?"

"Isn't it already disappeared in the depths of the boundless sea?" White Hart looked at Leo in a puzzled manner, when he suddenly thought of Leo's words that he had asked him before, and quickly contacted them together, guessing "You saw the Betcas at Rum Peak? And you got a bone from the Betcas that could hold all the extraordinary powers, right?"

Seeing the White Deer had guessed it, Leo did not deny it, nodded and said, "Yes, but after I got that bone, the Batecas weathered into dust."

"How is it possible? How could it come back from the boundless sea and still appear on Rum Peak?" White Deer paced back and forth by the lake with an incredible look in his eyes, and then fell into contemplation. He did not doubt that Leo lied, although he did not have many contacts with Leo, but he was very clear about Leo’s character, knowing that the other party would not fabricate lies on such things, and it would be easy to fabricate such The lie is broken, so in this mountainous area on the edge of the Vinovi Mountain, something unclear about him must have happened.

After a while, White Hart recovered from contemplation and said to Leo "This news is very important to me, and I should give you some rewards."

Talking, He leaned his head in front of Leo and shook it vigorously, only to see some bright spots like phosphor powder spilled down from his antlers and landed on Leo.

Leo did not stop the white deer's movements, nor did this prevent the sparkling powder from blending into the body. He was only looking closely at the condition of the body, but what puzzled him was that he could not feel any changes in the body.

Bailu seems to have guessed what Leo is said, "Wait for you to know what it will do in the future, in short, you make a lot of money."

After talking, the whole body turned into a white light, and Leo temporarily lost his sight. When Leo opened his glasses again, he returned to the campfire by the camp. At this time, the sky was gradually brightening, and a long-lost sunlight passed through The dark clouds shone on their camp, and after a while they were covered by the dark clouds.

I don’t know if it’s because of Leo’s movements or the sunshine just now. Sylvia they wake up from their sleep. Several people sorted out their clothes and luggage, extinguished the bonfire, and continued their journey yesterday. go with.

On the road, Leo did not mention to Sylvia that he saw White Deer again last night.

At the same time, as Leo and they were walking down the mountain, a white light suddenly gleamed at the place where the Betkas was located before the northern **** of Rum Peak, and then the white deer appeared where he saw his glasses. It turned into a colorful glaze, and the sight seemed to be able to travel through time, looking at the location where the Betkas had been.

After a while, Bailu's glasses returned to normal, but the look in his eyes became more confused, and his body gradually faded, and eventually disappeared.

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