The latest website: "What do you want to do so much? I just don't want them to take revenge." After hearing Tessa Moka's rebuttal, Sylvia glared at each other impatiently, and said with some strong words.

Tessa Moka raised her eyebrows and looked at Sylvia without saying anything.

And Leo can clearly feel that Sylvia does not want Mist and Randall to retaliate at the moment, but rather that she does not want Mister and Randall to retaliate against the Longhorn Tribe.

Leo signaled Tessa Moka to leave before asking Sylvia: "Is there anything special about the Longhorn Tribe?"

Sylvia sighed and smiled bitterly: "I remembered that the Longhorn Tribe was ours two days ago."

"Your people?" Leo was stunned, and soon realized the meaning of Sylvia, said: "French people in the United Kingdom?"

Sylvia nodded and said, "It is the people of Rupert Fitz that are correct. Both His Majesty and Rupert Fitz hope that through the Longhorn Tribe and other Northlands, the Northland and the Black What is the secret relationship between the forest and the French royal family. In addition, they also hope that when necessary, they can attack the empire with the north and the north.

Although Rupert Fitz is just an ordinary person, Leo did not dare to underestimate him, so he thought about it and asked, "Will all Northland merchant tribes have the same relationship with Rupert Fitz?" Relationship?"

"I am not very clear about this. After all, Rupert Fitz did not absolutely trust me," Sylvia shook his head, but the words turned again, saying: "But I guess it should be, because according to my hands According to the data, Rupert Fitz has invested a lot of materials in the Northland in the past year. These materials are enough to supply half of the Northland tribes."

"The French Empire didn't notice so much material in the North..." Leo showed a little doubt, but the question had not been said, and he already thought of the answer and said with a little surprise: "The Hannosa alliance has already been with France The United Kingdom is united, right?"

Sylvia glanced at Leo and was surprised by the fact that he thought of these things based on this information alone.

Leo no longer needs Sylvia to answer, because from the look of the other party, he has already got the answer, and then he thought about it again and said, "What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know." Sylvia sighed and said: "The Longhorn tribe has done too much this time, and it would be impossible to let them go if I wanted to," she said, paused. I shrugged and said, "But the life and death of those mutants has nothing to do with me, and I have no obligation to avenge them. Everything depends on Mister and Randall's decision. I just try to see if I can keep these. People, what has to be done has been done, and if Mister and Randall really want revenge, I will not stop it."

"What's so special about Mist and Randall, how do you value them?" Leo asked somewhat puzzled.

"The knowledge of the two of them is one of the reasons why I value them. It is no exaggeration to say that the two of them are experts in the Black Forest. There are not many people in the entire Velon world who can compare with them. If they were not opposed by themselves, they Now she is one of the full members of the Society of Scents.” Sylvia explained her temptation very seriously, and then hesitated again, saying, “In addition, I suspect Randolph may be the witch.”

"Is there any basis?" Leo questioned: "I don't feel any special power from Randall."

"No." Sylvia shook her head and said, "It's just feeling."

Seeing Sylvia answering Leo in this way, he did not ask more. He was silent for a while and asked Sylvia, "You give me a definite answer. Do you want the Longhorn tribe to live or die?" "

Sylvia was silent for a moment and said her answer.

Leo nodded, saying he knew.

With the passage of time, it was already late into the night, and Leo climbed directly from the outer wall of the hotel and came to the street.

After that, Leo used the spirit net to accurately grasp the position of each patrol guard on the street, bypassed all the light and dark checkpoints, and came to the long corner tribe's residential area.

At this time, a large number of spies were still hidden in the houses around the residential area. Although there have been rumors in the city of Ferrute, the Longhorn tribe will rely on a large family to become its vassal, but these tribes are still some undead. Heart, I still want to see if there is a chance.

After discovering these people, Leo did not stun these people by himself, but gave them to Tessa Moka.

I saw Tessa Moka's hands suddenly open and stretch out a vine from the inside, and then the vines continued to bloom a lot of flowers, and then stopped after only a hundred flowers bloomed, and then a fragrance of flowers From floating out, flying into the air.

Although the surrounding cold wind continued, this floral fragrance was not blown away by the cold wind, but instead aggregated and accumulated, and quickly accumulated a large amount of floral fragrance, spreading around, infiltrating the surrounding houses, and infiltrating the Longhorn tribe In the residential camp.

All the people who smelled the flowers were naturally tired, and a heavy drowsiness struck them, causing them to close their eyes involuntarily and fall asleep.

Among those who were brought into deep sleep by the fragrance of flowers, those who stayed in the house were still good. There was a stove next to them, and they would not be frozen, while those who were outside fell directly into the ice and snow, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye Covered with ice and snow, it will freeze to death in a short time.

"Let's go, killing a whole tribe is not an easy task. If you don't hurry, I'm afraid that dawn doesn't want to kill people completely." After feeling that everyone has been fascinated by flowers, Lei Ou turned his head and said to Mister and Randall, then he walked towards the settlement of the Longhorn tribe. Sylvia and Tessa Moka, who had recovered the vines, did not say much and followed.

As for Mister and Randall, they both showed very ugly faces. Obviously, Leo’s words just touched them a lot.

After a group of people entered the camp of the Longhorn Tribe, Leo led Mister and Randall to a house and said to them: "The owner of this house is the guide of the Longhorn Tribe's winter tour. He was also responsible for killing the people. Now his family is inside. They have no ability to resist. You can go in and kill them now. We will go to the next house."

After talking, he took out two knives and handed them to them.

Hearing Leo’s words, Mister and Randall hesitated a little, and seemed to be hesitating whether to do it, but in the end they reached over and took the knife, then glanced at each other, took a deep breath, and walked into the house. .

After a while, there was no movement in the room, and then I heard Randol’s cry and Mister’s comfort. After a while, the voice calmed down, and then I saw Mister and Randol pulling their heads from The house came out, and the knife in his hand was still clean, without any blood.

"Let's go!" Leo asked nothing, took the knife from the hands of the two, and turned to walk outside the settlement. The others also followed, and upon leaving, Tessa Moka released a new kind The fragrance of flowers awakened the dizzy people from their sleep. Except for a few people who suffered frostbite, they did not cause any casualties or cause any major movements.

After returning to the hotel, Tessa Moka apparently couldn't see past the weak behavior of Mist and Randall, looked at them very contemptuously, and went back to his room.

Sylvia didn't say anything, just let them go back to the room to rest. They were going to leave Ferrut tomorrow, and then they returned to the room with Leo.

After returning to the room, Sylvia couldn't help but wonder, Leo asked, "What's the situation in that room? How can you be so sure they won't do it?"

Leo patted the snowflakes on his body and said, "It's nothing. It's just a family of ordinary people living in the Longhorn tribe. There are old people, children, and babies."

"You didn't mean..." Sylvia was stunned for a while, then awakened and said: "You are lying to them."

"Actually, the two-day journey is enough for those two to calm down. They are actually just passers-by with those mutants. It is not so close to them. At first, they may feel revenge because of the death feelings of those mutants. , But after calming down, the revenge will soon weaken, and the thoughts you instilled in them on the road will further weaken their revenge," Leo carefully analyzed: "Even if I do not persecute They make the final decision, and they won't really start. They are different from us. They are just two academic scholars who don't have much experience."

After listening to Leo’s analysis, Sylvia nodded in agreement, but she was still hard-mouthed and asked, “What if they really do it?”

"Then let them go, and you, the United Kingdom, are not the only ones to respond." Leo shrugged casually, and then he seemed to think of something, and the expression suddenly said seriously: "However, in this way, you You have to be careful of these two people, even the baby can handle it, I am afraid..."

Sylvia also nodded and said, "Fortunately they can retain a little humanity, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with them."

Having said that, Sylvia did not put her mind on this matter anymore, and after a refreshing, she rested, but compared to Sylvia, Leo revenge on Mister and Randall. After a moment of thought, the spiritual network spread to see the behavior of the two in the next room.

Just now, he learned about the situation in the house through the spiritual network, and found that although Mister and Randall looked like they could not bear to start with this family, crying because of self-blame, and finally gave up revenge, but in the process, the two A little action, but caught his attention.

The Mister has been flicking his fingers since entering the room, some powder spilled from the tip of his finger from time to time, and fell to the ground, while Landor on the side deliberately wiped tears there. The family hung on the clothes on the wall.

In Leo's view, whether it was Mister flicking his fingers or Randall wiping his tears, it was for the purpose of leaving some secretions from his body in that room.

It is unknown what these secretions do, but in Leo’s opinion it’s definitely not a good thing.

Leo did not intend to tell Sylvia to know this, nor did he intend to stop it, but he really wanted to see the follow-up development of this matter, as to whether they would pose a danger to Sylvia At this point, Leo has no worries. With the ability of Sylvia, as long as she is vigilant, these two methods are useless.

After spending the night in the hotel, everyone regained their experience, Leo, they packed up their luggage, left the hotel, and walked out of Ferrute again from the gate that entered yesterday.

After a distance from Ferrut, Leo took the sled back and assembled it, and then led a group of people to the east. They planned to cross the Rum and enter the French Empire.

The reason why I did not choose to take the relatively gentle peaks on both sides of Mount Ferrute to cross over, mainly because of the territory of the French Empire opposite Mount Ferrute, the three counties are all directly under the Royal Family, and the investigation of outsiders is very strict. The important thing is that the United Kingdom has never been able to successfully place manpower in these three counties. No one has responded to several forged identities for them. It is difficult for them to walk within the French Empire.

Compared with the past French Empire, the current French Empire has begun to implement an updated ID card inspection system, which is more stringent and more addition to disguising identity in a short time, There is no way to deal with this inspection system.

Leo and Sylvia also exchanged some time for the place to cross. The final choice was Rum Peak. This is definitely not the most suitable place to cross, but it is indeed the most suitable place for them to cross the Vinoway Mountains.

The origin of the name of Rum is a bit ridiculous. Fadia’s most famous climber, Fadia, was very close to the peak when he climbed Rum for the fourth time. When he saw the shape of Rum, he said this The mountain is somewhat like the **** of his nephew Rum. Although he failed to climb the Rum peak afterwards, this sentence was remembered, and it became the name of the mountain over time.

There is also a mystery that Fadia will be so clear about his nephew’s **** because he has an inexplicable relationship with his nephew. Although this statement has not been confirmed, it has been circulated and removed along with Rum Peak. Well-known things.

The reason why Leo and Sylvia chose Rum is mainly because after turning over Rum, it is Sardinia. This is the territory of the old lord of the French Empire, the Earl of Sardinia. It is also the county with the smallest influence of the French emperor. One, more importantly, the United Kingdom has a secret liaison office here. Sylvia can use this liaison office to disguise a suitable identity for several of them.

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