The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 876: Longhorn tribe with headache

The latest website: "Damn, what are these?" Seeing a head displayed in his pocket, several Rock Family warriors who guarded the gate couldn't help but exclaimed and followed two steps back.

Although Rock Sixteen was not as gaffey as his men, he also frowned and showed a disgusted expression on his face.

I saw that the head in the pocket looked barely human-like, but various tumor-shaped meat **** covered the entire head, and each head ball seemed to have a small eye, Let everyone who sees feel strong disgust from the heart and want to crush this thing completely.

"Sir, these are the prey we caught." The eyes of the long-horned tribe showed a little contempt, and then immediately returned to normal, followed.

Just as the tribes of Ferrut despise those tribes who still follow the primitive life of the Northland as a group of barbarians, the Northland tribes who follow the ancient customs of the Northland also think that the tribes of Ferrute are a group of castrated guys Although both sides did not show such contempt on the bright side, both sides knew what each other was thinking.

Although the people of the Longhorn tribe concealed the look of contempt quickly, Rock Sixteen was still easy to see and see, and he was a little angry, but he didn’t say much because of this kind of thing. Unclear.

"What are these?" asked the official official of Rock Sixteen.

The people of the Longhorn tribe also answered seriously: "These are the mutant monsters mentioned in the reward orders issued by the empire."

"Are these mutant monsters?" Rock Sixteen was shocked, and motioned to the people of the Longhorn tribe to open the bag again, tolerating the discomfort in their hearts, and looked at the head inside.

The rewards issued by the empire not long ago caused a lot of sensation in Ferrute City. Although he was not interested in this matter, he also heard some related news from the family members.

The reason why it is so sensation is because the amount of money marked on the bounty order is very large. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as ten mutant monsters mentioned in the bounty order are hunted, a small family like the Rock family can be allowed in the city of Ferrute It has been comfortable for a year.

Thinking of this, Rock Sixteen couldn't help but look at the other bags. After estimating the number of these pockets in his heart, he looked at these long-horned tribes with a trace of envy and jealousy. It is no exaggeration to say that this time the long-horned tribes The bounty money received can definitely make them the tribe with the most cash in Ferrut.

In other cases, Rock Sixteen wouldn’t mind pumping a little oil from the heads of these bounty monsters, but now the heads of these monsters are prey hunted by the longhorn tribe’s winter patrol, if he dares to work on it If it is, then he is not offended by a long-horned tribe. Those tribes who still follow the ancient rituals and conduct winter patrols in the entire Northland tribe will regard the rock family that destroyed the winter patrol as enemies.

At that time, don't say that he is the earl of the French Empire. Even if he is the Prince of the French Empire, I am afraid that he cannot escape the fate of being chased and killed by these tribes.

After understanding the gains and losses, Rock XVI converged on the greed in his heart, waved to his men, and said, "Release."

Some of the gate-keeper warriors besides also realized the value of these heads, and they could not help but have some greed in their hearts, so when they heard the command of Rock XVI, they showed a puzzled look and looked at their patriarch Some wonder why the patriarch let go of such a huge fish with huge oil and water.

"Why? Isn't my order so bad?" Rock Sixteen couldn't help staring at these tribes angrily, and said with a somber face when he found that his men didn't follow his orders.

All of them recovered, and they all opened the way and signaled the caravan of the Longhorn tribe to leave.

Seeing that the Warriors of the Rock family gave way, the people of the Longhorn tribe were relieved a little, their hands were removed from their respective weapons, and then they drove the carriage into the city of Ferrut.

Watching the people of the Longhorn tribe leave, Rock Sixteen waved towards a man beside him, motioned for him to come, and then whispered in the other person's ear.

The soldier who heard the whisper immediately took a big step towards the city and soon disappeared into an alley.

Although he was unable to eat solitary food just now, he had a way to take a slice of the harvest from the Longhorn tribe, and he didn’t have to take any risks. Thinking of it, he smiled proudly, turned around and took a small step towards the top of the wind tower Walk in a warm little room.

In the next few days, the winter tour of the Longhorn tribe became the hottest topic in the city of Ferrut. The reason why it became a topic is not because the winter tour of the Longhorn tribe is so unique. What a danger it is, because the benefits that the Longhorn tribe has gained from this winter tour are shocking and even more jealous.

Many tribes who were not interested in those bounty orders also began to pay attention to the bounty orders hanging on the notice board of the city council. They considered what they would do after the winter passed, and more tribes put their sights on the top The Longhorn Tribe is not a powerful merchant tribe.

Nowadays, the elders in the Longhorn tribe are also mixed, and gratified that this time their unexpected winter tour can be said to be extremely successful, and the gains are far beyond their expectations, but it is precisely because they are beyond their expectations. The anticipation made them unable to prepare in advance, causing the predicament that many tribes are now coveting.

The Longhorn tribe was one of the first tribes to arrive in Ferrut for winter, so they were also the first to see the reward order. Unlike other tribes who dismissed the reward order, they thought it was an opportunity.

Because as a merchant tribe, they know exactly where all the places suitable for human settlement are in the west of the Northland. At the same time, they have also contacted some scholars and adventurers who came to the Northland to study in the Hannosa Union to know what is happening in the south. Knowing that a large number of mutants in the Hannossa Alliance are fleeing to the North, hoping to establish some settlements and shelters in the North, they even have contact with one of the mutants and have done business.

It is precisely because of these advantages that they feel that the money on these rewards is almost in their pockets, and more importantly, they have learned from the tribal council that hunting these mutants is also included in the prey of the winter patrol.

Therefore, when they sent people to participate in the tour, they were very sure that the tour will be successful, but this success far exceeded their desire.

If they know in advance that this winter tour can harvest so many prey, they will definitely not allow the leader's clan to enter the city at the same time with so many prey, if the prey is distributed to all the clan, and then the clan will be entered in batches City, then their impact in the city is much smaller, and there is no such trouble.

However, although the trouble they cause is not small, they are not panicked because they have found a way out. They only need to pay a part of the harvest to be able to join a large tribe in the city and become a tribe of this large tribe. And these troubles are naturally solved by this big tribe.

For other merchant tribes, it is extremely unwilling to be a vassal tribe of other tribes, but for a weak merchant tribe like the Longhorn tribe, becoming a vassal tribe of a large tribe can definitely help them better in the north. The only question to survive in a cruel environment is whether the tribes you join are strong enough and your reputation is good enough.

In the past, after many merchant tribes became vassals of some large tribes with poor reputation, they were eventually annexed by the big tribes. The Longhorn tribe did not want to become such a tribe, so they were always looking for big tribes to attach to. The big tribe who contacted them this time happened to be one of the most suitable big tribes on their list.

And now they have to consider how much bounty should be offered. This number should not be too much. Too much will not be allowed within the ethnic group. At the same time, the big tribe will think that they have a strong ability to pay. Jin Metro will use this number as a benchmark, and this number should not be too small. If it is too small, it will be regarded as an insult by most of the roads, and this vassal road will be completely broken, so their situation may be worse.

Just when the Longhorn tribe had a headache about how much money should be given as a collateral contribution, Leo's sled had arrived outside Ferrute's wall with the north wind going south.

"This is Ferrut?" Mister and Randall, who came here for the first time, asked with some surprise as they descended from the sled while looking at the towering city wall in front of them.

Although they knew that Ferrute was the important town of the French Empire established in the Northland, an important hub city for communication between North and South, and the largest and only city in the Northland before they came here, they still believed that even if they were in the past Ferrut is very big, but it is only equivalent to the average small town.

And now they saw the towering city wall in front of them, and they immediately reminded them of the old big cities in the south. Before entering the steam industry, those big cities were also walls like Yikao to protect themselves, and those city walls are more than they saw now. The wall to be reached is much shorter, and such a wall may only be seen in military cities like Yantie City.

Leo decomposed the sled, put it away, and then looked at the direction of the city gate in the distance, and said, "Are we over the wall, or..."

"Why are we over the wall? We are not thieves?" Sylvia shook his head and said, "If they enter the city from the south, they may search them rigorously, but they enter the city from the north, they don't care so much, and we The scholars who came to the Northland to investigate are not dangerous people."

After she finished, she walked towards the city gate, and the others followed.

A group of people came to the gate. The soldiers who guarded the gate reacted as expected by Sylvia. Although they were curious about them, they did not show much doubt. After asking a few questions casually, they were taken Let go.

With the relaxation of the control of the French Empire to the north, more and more southerners have come to the north, and Ferrut, as a north-south hub, is naturally a necessary place for southerners to enter the north. After seeing these Southerners, these goalkeepers are no longer as curious as they used to be.

The only thing they wondered is that after entering the winter, there were even southerners staying in the northern ice sheet. You should know that those southerners are not in the northern ice sheet. Even in a city like Ferrute, they can’t stand here. The cold, when the first cold wave appeared, they left the Northland one after another, and Leo and their pedestrians were the only group of southerners these gatekeepers would see in a month.

Under the slightly curious gaze of the goalkeeper, a group of people walked to the square near the city gate, and randomly found a Northlander waiting on the square as a guide, letting him lead the crowd to Ferrute. A hotel built by visitors from the south, and then asked about the situation in the city on the road.

Perhaps it’s because Leo and their southerners have no interest disputes with the Northland, and this Northlander as a guide has no worries, and has spoken out some of the big and small things that have happened in the city recently, and he and It was not found that when he mentioned the mutants hunted by the long horn tribe, the look on the faces of a pair of men and women became unusually ugly.

At this moment, Mister and Randall blame themselves, because they now know that not only the settlement where they are located was slaughtered by the people of the longhorn tribe, but also the people of other settlements were given by the longhorn tribe. massacre.

And what makes them blame themselves is probably that they led the Longhorn Tribe to the settlement, because when they fled on the road, they met the merchant team of the Longhorn Tribe and bought some winter supplies from the merchant team , And they also mentioned the settlement when they communicated with the Longhorn Although they were extremely blameful, they still endured the inner pain and tried to make themselves appear calm until they came When we arrived at the hotel, we booked a room and wept when we entered the room.

Looking at the couple's gaffes, Leo did not say anything, nor feel empathy. If it were not for Mister and Randall, who have unusual relations with Sylvia, they heard this news. There will be no slight fluctuations, and now they will intervene in this matter more because of the way.

After the two's mood swings calmed down, Leo looked at the two of them and said, "Tomorrow I will check the news and check the location and situation of the Longhorn tribe settlement. We will act tomorrow evening. It happened that the Longhorn Tribe was targeted by many Northland tribes because of the bounty. If something goes wrong, it will only be suspected by other Northland tribes. No one will doubt us."

"Have you decided?" Sylvia suddenly asked the two again.

"Yes, they should pay the price!" Sylvia's words just fell, and they received a hateful response.

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