The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 862: Tessa Moka's determination

The latest website: "True." After absorbing all the insect debris, Tessa Moka stood up, turned her head towards Leo, and said, "The seeds of the mother tree are derived from truth and feed on illusion."

Looking at Tessa Mocha, Leo frowned, and Sylvia's face on the other side also showed a solemn look. They did not make such a response because there was something wrong with Tessa Moka's words, but Because of Tessa Moka's state at the moment.

Although there is no change in the appearance and shape of Tessa Moka, the temperament and energy fluctuations of the body have completely changed for one person. At the moment, both of them can feel an invisible pressure.

"I feel unreal in you!" Tessa Moka suddenly said to Leo again.

"So what do you want?" Leo asked rhetorically: "Also absorb the illusion in me?"

Tessa Moka shook her head and said, "When you are swallowed by illusion, I will, but it is not the right time."

After saying this, her unique temperament and invisible power retreated like a tide, and she returned to normal, but she did not show any surprise at what happened just now. Obviously she also knew herself well What happened just now.

"What are you doing?" Sylvia stared at Tessa Moka in a solemn expression, and said, "You know you just..."

"I know." Before Sylvia finished, Tessa Moka nodded. "Of course I know what I'm doing. This is exactly what I want. I want to assimilate the seeds of the mother tree. "

"Do you still choose that way?" After hearing Tessa Moka's words, Sylvia quickly thought of something that the other party had mentioned, and her face was a bit gloomy, saying: "In the end you are likely to Become its nourishment."

"That's fine, at least I can be the next mother tree." Tessa Moka looked at Sylvia calmly and said, "I just chose to go the way I should have."

"Those of you who believe in the way of nature are crazy." Sylvia sneered, sneered, and turned around and said nothing more.

The three continued to follow the route indicated by the map to another ice cave channel. The entrance of this ice cave channel was a little narrow and could only be passed by one person, but after entering a distance, the channel expanded like a trumpet. It became a large channel with a diameter of more than ten meters.

According to the data measured last night, although this passageway will be much wider than the entrance, it is only six or seven meters in diameter, which is not as wide as a dozen meters.

At first, one of them was caused by the internal changes of the ice cave, but soon a large number of insect claw marks left on the ice wall around the ice cave let them know that this ice cave passage is not naturally formed, and it widened so much overnight. It should be related to bugs.

Although I don’t understand why the bugs want to widen the ice cave passage, it is conceivable that they will never do meaningless things, and it can be speculated that there must be those insects at the end of the passage.

The three did not think much, and continued to move forward quickly. After walking for about an hour or so, Leo, who led the way, slowed down a little and looked towards the ice wall beside him, and his eyes seemed to wear Through the ice wall, I saw the situation on the other side of the ice wall.

"What's wrong?" Sylvia asked quietly.

"There are bugs over there, and they have found us." Leo sensed through the spirit net that some bugs were trying to dig open the ice surface to introduce seawater, but apparently they underestimated the strength of the ice wall, channel The ice layer on the inner wall may be easily cut by them, but the closer it is to the outer layer, the stronger the ice layer will be. It is difficult for the claws of insects to make a small hole in those ice layers. .

Because Leo's footsteps created a very slight vibration on the ice, and this vibration will not disappear, but it will be transmitted because of the connection of the ice cave channel.

The extremely keen insects also seemed to transmit slight vibrations from the ice, sensing Leo and them, and extremely accurately confirming Leo's position. After two ice walls were cut, they found that they could not penetrate the ice wall and reached Lei. After the ice tunnel where they were, they quickly moved in the direction of Leo's march.

It looks like they are going to the next ice cave node, find the entrance to the freezing channel where Leo is located, and it is likely that they will also gather a lot of bugs to rush over.

Leo then explained the situation, and then turned to Sylvia and looked at Tessa Mocha.

"Next, let me lead the way!" Tessa Moka said quietly, and then bypassed Leo and walked forward.

Leo had no objection to this, and followed Sylvia behind Tessa Mocha and moved on.

After about half of the time disappeared, the three of them almost felt the ice layer under their feet suddenly shaking slightly, and heard a lot of rustling from the front. It felt that a large number of insects were rushing towards this side.

Tessa Moka, who walked in front, motioned Leo and Sylvia to stop, and then she walked forward for a while, standing still.

Then the energy fluctuations in her body suddenly changed and became extremely powerful. It seems that it should be converted into another consciousness formed by the world tree seed.

When the energy fluctuations of Tessa Moka's body reached similar to that of Sylvia, the other party's body suddenly changed into the shape of countless vines, and then these vines flew out around, and the sharp tips plunged into the surrounding ice In the layer, a large net of vines was formed, and at the same time a large number of flowers were blooming in the middle of the large net. These flowers exuded a smell that was smelly.

"It's terrible!" Sylvia sarcastically said.

And just as her sarcasm fell, some of the vines in the vines group formed a Velon universal curse gesture, and she raised her face.

Sylvia continued to sneer and sarcastically: "I hope that when you return to the original state, this odor will not remain on your body, otherwise you will try to stay away from us."

The vine then changed another gesture, also a curse gesture.

"Come!" At this time, Leo's spiritual network expanding outward to the limit had sensed those weird bugs. It is more appropriate to call it a bug tide at this moment. Is the entire cave densely covered with bugs, which made him recall. He started a small battle against the Cosmic Zerg.

The current situation is similar to how it was at that time. The only difference was that he was just a cannon fossil fighter who could be sacrificed at any time, and now he is a strong man who is not nearly as good as a senior psionicist.

Just as Leo’s mind had reminiscent of past memories, the insect tide had advanced to the spread of the smell of the smelly flowers, and all the insects that smelled of the smelly smell rushed over here like crazy. At the same time, when they rushed over, they would inexplicably attack the same kind of people next to them. Before they overwhelmed the vine net, the worm corpses had fallen in the ice tunnel.

The bug that rushed to the front hit the vine giant web at once, and the impact force was so great that it slammed the giant web inward. Although the vine looks very fragile and will break at any time, it is actually extremely The impact of toughness simply cannot cause any harm.

At the moment when the bug touched the vine brand, numerous tiny capillaries were pricked on the vine, plunged into the body of the bug, and extracted any nutrients that constituted the shape of the bug. The bug also collapsed and ablated at a very fast rate.

The insects in the back didn't see the tragic situation of their companions. They rushed down the giant net like a fire moth, and were caught and swallowed by the giant net. The insects in the back continued to rush to fill the vacancy.

The giant vines of the Katen vines that Tessa Mo has digested have a very fast digestion speed for these insects. A half-height insect can only be swallowed up in a few seconds at most, and there is no residue left, although the insects The number is huge, but it can’t withstand such swallowing. In addition, the insects will become very violent because of the smelly smell, killing each other, and eventually resulting in less than ten minutes, this thousands of insect swarms have been all Extermination is exhausted, even if there are still alive, they are still broken limbs without any fighting power.

At this time, Tessa Moka's transformed vine web loosened the vine tentacles tightly attached to the surrounding ice wall, followed by curling into a ball, and slowly rolled forward, Leo and Sylvia also followed.

Along the way, all the corpses of insects touched by the vine ball were quickly digested, and soon the corpses of insects in the tunnel of the ice cave were swept away, leaving only some blood and body fluids that formed ice.

After all the bugs were cleaned up, the vine ball continued to retract, shrinking to one person's size, and then gradually returned to the appearance of Tessa Moka, and the warm clothing she had originally worn was destroyed just now, now she is wearing The clothing is made of vines and looks a little thin, but what is more conspicuous is not her thin plant clothes, but her figure at the moment.

Although there is no change in Tessa Moka’s face, her figure has increased laterally several times, and it looks like a sphere.

"Haha! It's so funny!" Sylvia laughed outrageously and mocked: "What are you doing to support? Or is it supposed to be your figure, as I saw before?" It’s just disguise!"

"Huh!" Tessa Moka, who also found his body abnormal, knew that his current situation was indeed the same as what Sylvia said, so he couldn't find a suitable statement to refute for a while, and he only sneered. And then said towards Leo: "I will be able to recover after a while."

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry." Leo nodded and found a place beside him to sit down, and Sylvia didn't let the other person's thoughts go on, and continued to ridicule and sneer around Tessa Moka, while Tessa Mocha refuted a few words at first, and then closed his eyes at the back, a look that was invisible.

As Tessa Moka said, it didn't take long for her bloated and fat figure to gradually shrink, and after a few minutes, it returned to its normal state.

"Can you move on?" Leo stood up and asked Tessa Moka.

Seeing Tessa Mocha change back to its original state, Sylvia sighed regretfully as if she had lost a good toy.

"Okay!" Tessa Moka glared at Sylvia, then nodded at Leo.

"Wait a moment, or are you going to deal with those bugs?" Leo asked again.

Tessa Moka thought about it, nodded, and said, "Leave it to me!"

A group of people continued to move forward. On the way, they successively encountered three or four batches of insects. The number was obviously much smaller than the initial batch, and the total number was only two or three hundred, but their body size was much larger. , And the form is more terrible, and it is more difficult to deal with, you can see that they have a different status in the swarm.

After walking for about three hours, they passed through four or five ice cave nodes. Each ice cave node has a small worm nest, but there are no insects in these worm nests, only some are bigger and more. Aggressive bugs.

"Let's rest for a while!" Leo suddenly suggested after seeing Tessa Moka devouring a large bug.

"Yes." Sylvia nodded in agreement.

"We can still..." Tessa Moka frowned, and didn't seem to like the suggestion, and was about to say something.

"No, you can't." Sylvia looked at Tessa Mocha a little seriously, then took out a mirror and handed it over, said, "Look at how you are now!"

Tessa Moka was taken aback for a moment, and quickly took the mirror to take photos. As a result, she saw that her face in the mirror was extremely pale and her skin became and she could clearly see the Blood vessels, and these blood vessels lie on her face like a parasitic plant, making her look very scary.

"Okay! Let's rest for a while." Although Tessa Moka felt that her body was unprecedentedly good, she was able to see from her appearance that she had a physical problem, so she nodded and followed Leo's advice. I found a place to sit down and began to check the body.

However, what puzzled her was that no matter how she checked, she could not find any physical problems, but the swollen blood vessels and pale skin on her face showed no signs of fading. This kind of situation she had never encountered made her I couldn't help worrying.

When she was unable to find out the problem, she also tried the consciousness that suddenly the mother tree seed was born to see if this consciousness could solve her own problems, but the strange thing is that no matter how she exchanges, the mother tree seed is always There is no response. If she can't really feel the existence of the mother tree seeds, she may really think that the mother tree seeds have disappeared.

"Although the world tree is real and capable of restraining illusion, if it develops to extreme illusion, it may not be true." Leo suddenly said a word, and then asked Tessa Moka: "I think you need it now Help, what do you think?"

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