The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 835: Nightmare into consciousness

     After the Wizard Tower was pierced by the Crystal Soul Gun, it caused the blood mist outside Cullenville to move and expand outwards. These movements could not be seen by the people inside the Wizard Tower.

Sylvia and Tessa Moka are climbing upwards, each wizarding tower will encounter some monsters that only exist in fairy tale books, or they will fall into some strange maze, fortunately both Rich combat experience, and extremely good at cooperating, so that they can move forward steadily.

When Leo attacked the wizard tower, they also sensed the vibration of the wizard tower, but they did not find the change of blood mist outside, but they felt that the monsters that blocked or attacked them were reduced, and even some floors had no monsters. There was no labyrinth or illusion, so they let them pass through directly to the stairs on the other side, making them scare themselves for a long time.

   However, they all felt that these changes should be related to Leo, who disappeared in front of their eyes, so they wanted to merge with Leo as soon as possible, and their pace was much faster.

   As for the wizard tower on the waist, the surrounding walls were restored to their original shape, and Leo’s sight was blocked. The spiritual web could not penetrate. Leo didn’t know anything about the outside.

   But even if he knew that the outside blood mist began to expand outward, he would not have any extra thoughts, because his energy is now all on the wizard tower.

When he first saw the wizard tower, he felt that the wizard tower was assimilated by the power of the surrounding Turing roots, so that even if the surrounding Turing roots lost their function, it could still function inside, as if one knew how to operate on its own. Like the wizarding circle of wizards, it is this power that makes the wizard tower still stand on the edge of this weak cliff.

  But now he found that his judgment might be wrong. In fact, it is not the power of Turing roots at all, but the power of the wizard tower itself.

  As the crystal soul gun penetrated the wizard tower, and absorbed a large amount of souls attached to the wizard tower, the surface camouflage of the first half of the wizard tower disappeared, revealing its original appearance.

I saw this wizard tower as if it were the intestine of a certain kind of creature, all surrounded by a wall of meat that was constantly creeping, and strong energy fluctuations emanated from the wall of the meat, forming a **** mist in Leo's spiritual vision. , And the **** mist is many times thicker than the **** mist outside Cullenville.

"Blood family?" Leo heard this strong **** gas, and a speculation immediately appeared in his mind, but he quickly shook his head, because this is not a real blood mist, but the energy fusion vitality in the meat wall. The haze of blood energy produced afterwards was not really haze, because when he removed his spirit vision, the haze of blood had disappeared, leaving only the flesh wall tower.

   The hole drilled by the crystal soul gun is pouring blood outward. When the blood drops down, it disappears in the air, leaving only a smell like a charred object.

"Huh? This is..." Leo suddenly felt a powerful energy hidden in the meat wall wizard tower above, and even this energy echoed the tattoo on his back, but it was only just Echoing, it's not the kind of resonance of the same origin.

   "False truth?" Leo's mind immediately revealed the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods mentioned before.

  As a singular object produced at the same time, although the original powers are different, there is still some connection between them. It is not surprising that this perception can be produced.

   Leo immediately walked toward the upper tower, but turned and walked towards the spiral staircase in the countryside, and while walking, took out some wizard potions to drink directly.

In addition to going down to merge with Sylvia and Tessa Moka, he was also able to wait for the recovery of psionic energy and other powers in the body. The lightning gun and crystal soul gun just now showed the maximum limit, which consumed a lot of his body. Psionic power and nightmare power.

  Although he still has extremely strong blood power, this power is more biased towards the physical level, and it is slightly weaker to deal with the extraordinary power.

   He didn't know what danger he would encounter on it, so in order to be safe, he first brought together Sylvia and restored his psionic strength, and then continued to walk up.

Leo, who was walking down, also encountered some monsters, but these monsters were too weak for him, and they were easily solved. As for those illusions, the maze is also under the influence of the real eye of the spiritual vision. Escape, walked down a dozen floors without any effort at all, and at this time Sylvia and Tessa Moka were also quickly going up, and the three quickly reunited in a phantom.

  Sylvia and Tessa Moka were still looking for an opportunity to crack the illusion, and Leo came down from above and was disguised as a monster by the illusion.

After the two women were about to attack Leo, but Sylvia had some kind of connection with Leo’s close relationship, feeling that the monster in front of him might be Leo, and prevented Tessa Mocha’s attack, At this time, Leo also directly found the energy source of the illusion through the spiritual vision, destroying it, and making the illusion disappear.

   "What happened just now?" After seeing the monster turned into Leo, Sylvia smiled on her face and asked.

  Leo spoke carefully about what happened just now.

   Hearing Leo’s words, both Sylvia and Tessa Moka were stunned, and then they both wanted to go up as soon as possible to see the **** giant tower Leo said.

  A few people did not stay on this floor, and quickly returned to the previous floor.

When seeing the Flesh Tower, Sylvia and Tessa Moka walked to the side of a meat wall, and carefully checked the situation. Tessa Moka tried to dig a piece of meat from the meat wall to make it. Test, but the knife in her hand is obviously unable to break through the defense of the meat wall. After a long time, the skin did not break, until Leo used the Gemini to dig out a bit of minced meat.

  Tesa Moka took out a seed, and then used his ability to breed a carnivorous plant with teeth, and then threw the minced meat into the mouth of the carnivorous plant.

After eating this piece of minced meat, the carnivorous plant remained motionless as if it were dead, and then turned red all over, as if a flame was burning in the plant. Eventually, after the red subsided, the plant completely withered and withered Going down, but the root part has formed a fruit.

   Tessa Moka ate the fruit directly, followed by her eyes, the pupil disappeared, and turned completely off-white. The whole person felt as if he had fallen into a state of meditation.

   It didn't take long for Tessa Moka to recover from that state, but at the moment of her mental recovery, the whole person fell to the ground, the body twitching violently, as if suffering from a certain disease.

Seeing this, Leo immediately stepped forward and held her mouth so that she would not bite off her tongue and knelt down on her body, her legs pressed against her arm, and her body was controlled, while Sylvie Ya also grabbed her fast shaking feet and asked Leo: "What's going on?"

"It should be because of that flesh!" Leo opened Soul Vision and saw that the energy fluctuations in Tessa Moka were concentrated on the head, and the power of the Real Eye also allowed him to see in Tessa Moka. A cloud of blood was wrapped around his head. The blood was like some kind of living creature, extending a tentacle from Tessa Moka's seven tricks into her brain, as if she wanted to control her consciousness.

   "What now?" Sylvia asked.

   "I want to enter her consciousness." Leo thought about it, and soon thought of a method of using the power of nightmare that he has created for a long time, but he has never used it.

After he finished speaking, he didn’t wait for Sylvia to react, so he gripped Tessa Moka’s head with both hands, lifted it slightly, his eyes met with himself, and then used the power of nightmare to inject into his eyes and transmitted them through the eyes. In his mind, a spiritual connection is established.

   The moment the spiritual connection was established, Leo instantly entered into the fantasy produced by Tessa Moka's brain at the moment.

I saw this is a virgin forest, surrounded by countless animals and plants, and the sky floats a piece of land, and each piece of land has a pair of wings on it. It should have been a peaceful scene of blue sky and white clouds. Enveloped, and these blood stains tried to penetrate into these winged land, but there was an invisible force around the land to prevent the penetration of blood mist.

   "Who are you? Why are you in my consciousness?" At this time, there was a little girl's voice suddenly behind Leo and asked him.

   Leo turned his head to see a black-skinned girl in primitive tribe clothes looking at him not far away, surrounded by some beasts and seemed to protect the little girl.

"My name is Leo Dodd, for the time being your friend," Leo briefly said about his identity, then pointed to the blood mist in the sky, said: "I came for those things in the sky, those things Now you are in a coma..." He said suddenly realized what turned around and looked at the little girl again, confirming: "Do you know this is your consciousness?"

"Of course I know." The little girl gave Leo a blank look, her eyes looked like a fool, and then saw her pointing to the winged land suspended in the air, saying: "If not in consciousness How could the illusion produced see land flying in the air with wings."

Leo saw this for the first time. The conscious body in deep consciousness even knew that he was in consciousness now. According to what he learned from the Earth Federation, it was just that human consciousness could not be distinguished in deep consciousness. The environment you are in, even if all the surrounding scenes are weird, will only be considered normal.

   "What are those in the sky?" the little girl asked.

   "A powerful force." Leo responded briefly.

  The little girl asked again: "Can you deal with it?"

   "Yes." Leo nodded and said, "I also came here for this matter."

  Finally, Leo did not intend to talk to the little girl anymore. The whole person flew directly, penetrated the protective layer of land, and flew into the air.

   The moment he flew into the blood mist, the blood mist around him immediately gathered and wanted to erode him.

  However, his whole person swelled in an instant, and his shape gradually changed, becoming no longer like a person, but like a nebula. When the blood mist around him touched the nebula, it immediately melted like a nemesis.

Perhaps the danger is felt, the blood mist wants to move away, and does not touch the nebula, but the nebula contains a strong suction, and the blood mist is not allowed to escape at all. The color of blood mist became lighter and lighter, and finally disappeared completely.

  When the blood mist disappeared, the nebula gradually changed back to Leo's appearance. At the same time, Leo felt a strong sense of repulsion and wanted to push him out of consciousness.

   Leo did not stop this repulsive force, but let the repulsive force push him out of Tessa Moka's consciousness.

  After leaving Tessa Moka's consciousness, Leo immediately returned to normal state and recovered the power of the nightmare, and at this time Tessa Moka, who was under his pressure, also stopped convulsing and returned to normal state.

"Although you press me like this, it makes me feel good, but it's not a place. If we have time, we can talk to each other one night!" Tessa Moka looked at his suppressed state after returning to his state, and he moved towards and Leo, who met face-to-face, ridiculed her, then tilted her head, looked at Sylvia who was holding her leg, and said, "You can also participate, just like now, I don't mind."

   "I mind!" Sylvia sat up annoyed from Tessa Moka.

   Leo also stood up and asked, "How are you feeling now?"

"Not bad!" Tessa Moka didn't sit up Lying on the ground, took a break, then turned to look at Leo and asked, "The piece you turned into in my consciousness What is starlight? Even the originator’s blood consciousness can be absorbed."

   "That piece of starlight is the final body of the swallowing worm." Leo explained briefly, then thought of the sentence behind Tessa Moka, and asked again: "What is the originator?"

   "What is the Star Swallower?" Tessa Moka asked almost simultaneously.

Leo took a look at Sylvia and saw that she was also interested in the Star Swallower. She explained the reason and ability of the Star Swallower in simple words. Sylvia and Tessa Moka revealed Surprised, but Sylvia is slightly better, because Leo has told her a lot about the starry sky before, so he quickly accepted the cosmic-class powerful lifeforms like the Star Swallower.

On the contrary, Tessa Moka is somewhat difficult to accept, because in her view Leo’s words are really absurd, because what he said seems to be all things in the sky, this kind of thing is only known to the gods, he is a mortal and How could it be known?

But she soon thought of a reason for the high tower wizard. Since Leo was the last high tower wizard, he must have inherited the knowledge of the high tower wizard. The high tower wizard has a name comparable to the gods and can starry sky. It's not difficult to understand.



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