The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 832: Sylvia's suspicion

     Leo ignored the fight between the two, squatted down and picked up the body of a bug, looked at it, compared the information in his mind, and soon confirmed his previous guess.

The biological number of these insects in the Earth Federation is srkd7418, there is no official name. It was originally a creature of the three planets of Kombo. When the Earth Federation transformed that planet, it made this kind of insect mutated and began to attack the people in the colony. After launching the attack, the Earth Federation also determined that the bug did not belong to the intelligent creature being edited, and then began to destroy the bug. Finally, three months later, it completely destroyed all the srkd7418 type bugs on the planet.

  Now these supposedly extinct bugs are here, launching an attack on him, so he can't help but wonder the origin of this blood mist.

  However, Leo did not think too much, so he stood up and asked Sylvia about their situation. After knowing that they had no problem, they continued to walk toward the wizard tower.

   This forest seems to be the habitat of the insects. After solving the insects, I knew that the wizard tower would never encounter any attacks again, and the spiritual network did not sense any movement.

   Before standing in front of the wizard tower, Sylvia and Tessa Moka felt the magnificence of this wizard tower personally, and couldn't help but feel awe at the builder of the wizard tower.

  However, compared to the two people beside him, Leo, who is already used to seeing such giant buildings, is very calm. His focus is on the Turing roots of the outer wall of the wizard tower that have been eroded by the wind.

Although most Turing roots have been eroded to the point that they are completely unclear, Leo can still use some other Turing roots and tower wizards to arrange Turing roots, and can still infer some Turing roots. The content of the roots, the effect of these Turing roots should be similar to the effect of solidity and so on. I think that the wizard tower can be built so high and so large, and these Turing roots should also be related.

And Leo also found out through Spirit Vision that even if the Turing roots on the surface of the wizard tower have been eroded so severely, they still have a lot of energy in the body of the wizard tower, and still operate on their own according to a certain rule. As if the tower had become part of the Turing root.

   "Be careful when you go in, this wizard tower still contains great power." Two people beside Leo who found the anomaly of the wizard tower reminded them, and they walked inside the wizard tower.

The wizard tower is built on a cliff by the sea. Although it is counterintuitive to build such a huge wizard tower on this land that is constantly being eroded by sea water, the power of the wizard is often not described by common sense. It is not just built. And it has stood here for many years.

This is not just a tower. There is also a circle of buildings outside the wizard tower. Most of these buildings are houses and facilities such as horse stables. It seems that they should be servants and apprentices who previously served the master of the wizard tower. place to live.

   These places have all been converted into hotels, pubs, casinos and brothels. It seems that it is completely prepared for tourists who come here to play.

In the beginning, when Leah Venistan decided to convert the wizard tower into a toll park, the academic community opposed it. After all, it was difficult to find a wizard tower so well preserved in other parts of the world. Those studies Mystics scholars hope to reveal the mystery of the high tower wizard from the study of this wizard tower.

But for ordinary people, there is no doubt that the decision to open the wizard tower to the Snow Queen is very much in favor. They like to wonder how the legendary wizard is cut and how to live, even if they don’t believe those wizards. A legend with powerful power.

After the park was built, it can be said to be one of the tourist attractions of Deliyat for a long time. Not only the people of the country come here to play because of curiosity, even people from abroad will also be the wizard tower 'S fame attracted him, and he ran over to visit the Wizard's Tower in the summer to avoid the scorching heat in the south.

  The influx of large numbers of tourists made Cullenville not only the income from fishing, but also from the tourism industry to get a lot of income, so that Cullenville's taxation has always been the top of the Dailiat.

In order to satisfy the tourists' psychology, the Cullenville authorities also carried out a lot of transformations inside the wizard tower, because when the Cullenville government took over the wizard tower, all the objects inside the wizard tower, including the braziers on the wall, were illuminated. Was taken away.

If it is just an empty wizard tower, it will naturally not satisfy the tourists' psychology of hunting, and tourists will only feel fooled when they come, so the Cullenville city government responsible for building the park at that time found a special person to look inside the wizard tower. It was redesigned, and a large number of props that only appeared in the story were arranged, and numerous mysterious symbols that they did not understand themselves were added to the wall.

   All in all, it is to reproduce the wizard tower to be more like a wizard tower, at least like the wizard tower in their minds.

So Leo saw the gate of the wizard tower engraved with the faces of various monsters and countless strange symbols that he didn't know at all. Although he felt a bit absurd when he saw it, ordinary people would think that the wizard tower should be like this. .

There are more strange things into the tower, and the experimental equipment for all kinds of alchemy pharmaceuticals is still normal. Some deformed reliefs made by some twisted tree roots, some specimens made by deformed stillbirths, and a lot of The oddly shaped machinery that can't be used for anything, in general feels more like a waste showroom.

Because the wind and snow outside were isolated, the inside of the tower was slightly warmer. When Sylvia and Tessa Moka came in, they loosened the scarf around their necks and looked around. Ya even sarcastically said: "This is a good grotesque art exhibition hall!"

   "Perhaps she just wanted others to think so." Tessa Moka replied in a deep voice.

At this time, Leo suddenly pulled out two abyss big swords, rushed towards a tree root relief like crazy, cut the relief and the other statues beside him into two ends, and then he did not stop his sword swing. The sign of coming down, with the movement of the figure, the big sword in his hand also quickly swung away, hacking all the surrounding objects.

Seeing Leo look like this, Tessa Moka showed a surprise in her eyes and immediately wanted to exit the wizard tower to avoid conflict with Leo when he came over. However, she found the gate of the wizard tower that she just walked at the moment. A moment has disappeared into a wall.

"Retreat and stick to the wall." Sylvia suddenly shouted to Tessa Moka, and then pressed her back against the wall first, and took out her crossbow, staring at Leo, or watching Leo quickly attacked the location.

Although Tessa Moka didn’t understand why Sylvia suddenly shouted this, her movements were not too slow to follow behind Sylvia, posted on the wall, and pulled out something like pollen to move forward. blow.

  The pollen immediately spread out and spread quickly to all parts of this layer of wizarding tower, and the pollen also emitted a turquoise fluorescence.

   These pollen naturally adhered to various objects in the wizard tower, and also adhered to Leo and a transparent monster he was attacking.

It turned out that Leo had indeed found a transparent monster lurking in the wizard tower. He originally wanted to solve this monster quickly, but did not expect that the monster's actions were so sensitive, and the attack on Leo fell on it. Before he was in the body, he dodged and moved quickly in this layer of wizard tower.

  Although he couldn't hit it, Leo didn't care, and his footsteps moved quickly. The abyss sword in his hand followed the monster closely, and it didn't mean to let it go.

As Leo gradually adapted to the monster's movement and avoidance, his attack became more and more threatening to the monster. He almost hacked the monster several times, and the fluorescent pollen made the transparent body of the monster useless. , It is more difficult to avoid Leo's attack.

The monster seemed to have some wisdom. Until he could not fight Leo, he tried to escape from the abyss of the abyss again while rushing towards Sylvia as if they wanted to be caught up by Leo. Before killing, kill Sylvia like them.

  However, Sylvia, who has always been concerned about this situation, already guessed the monster's mind while the monster was moving, and shot the arrow towards the monster with a crossbow.

   The monster's movement speed is much faster than the arrow. When the arrow came over, it immediately avoided it. It seems that Sylvia's arrow did not work.

   And after avoiding the arrow, the monster continued to rush towards Sylvia, but it suddenly seemed to be caught by something, and it moved a little slower in an instant.

   It turned out that there was a layer of strength between the arrows it had just avoided, forming an invisible rope, and the monster happened to be caught by this rope.

   The strength of this invisible rope is not strong. It just pulled the monster a little, and let the monster move a little slower at that moment, then it disappeared immediately.

However, this is the point of slowing down, but Leo has been given enough time. I saw Leo’s abyss sword at any time, and did not give the monster a chance to escape again. He cut the monster and cut it. On the spot, the broken body was smashed by the power of the abyssal sword, and hit the tattered display cabinets around, and overturned four or five display cabinets before stopping.

  Although the monster was beheaded, Leo still did not relax. He carried the great abyss sword in his hand and walked to the side of one of the monster's bodies.

   Perhaps because of the loss of power after death, the shape of the monster quickly appeared.

   I saw this monster is like a two-headed monster with scales and tentacles. Although the monster has been cut into two sections by Leo, the vitality of the two sections of the body is still tenacious and can creep.

  Seeing this situation, Leo added a sword to the two bodies, then took out a bottle to get a little blood from the monster, and cut off the monster's head and wrapped it in his pocket.

   The reason why Leo collects these things is mainly because his spirit vision can see that these things contain extremely high-energy substances, and after the monster dies, these energy substances are not dissipated, but condensed.

   Seeing Leo's behavior, Tessa Moka frowned slightly, but said nothing. She who advocated nature should think that all creatures should return to nature after they died, and should not be used as material for this purpose.

   "Is this a grunt?" Sylvia jaw saw the monster's body and shape, and stunned, surprised.

   "Do you know this monster?" Leo questioned.

"Yes, almost every child in the Velon world knows this kind of monster." Sylvia nodded and said with a weird smile, "This is a monster recorded in the diary of the Balavik traveller, The Barawij Traveller’s Diary is a children’s novel that contains all the monsters imagined by the author."

   Tessa Moka questioned: "How do you know it is fantasy, maybe he has a realistic reference."

"I am so sure because I am the author of the book." Sylvia glanced at Tessa Moka and said, "That book was written when I was five years old, and it was just about playing, Unexpectedly, it became the best-selling children's novel on the mainland of Weilun. Later, it was translated into Delial, Maris, and Savile.

   "Why have I never read this book?" Tessa Moka asked again.

  Sylvia said: "Because when it was released on Sangkun mainland, it was already when I was twenty. You are three years older than me. Do you still read children's novels?"

"Originally just something that appeared in your novel, but now it's a reality." Leo took out the monster's two small heads and looked at said: "If it was not when you were a child, you passed some If the method sees things in other worlds, then the wizard tower has the power to transform imagination into reality." Then, he paused and said, "I think it should be the first possibility."

   "I think it should be the second kind." Just when Leo said his opinion, Sylvia gave a very different answer.

   "Why?" Leo asked.

  Sylvia said in a deep voice: "Because I know there is something that makes imagination a reality, and the place where that thing last appeared was in Deliat."

   "Are you talking about false truth?" At this time, Tessa Moka quickly thought of something startling.

   Hearing Tessa Moka’s words, Leo froze a little and confirmed with a deep voice: "The false truth in the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman?"

"Well! In addition to the false truth, only the power of the Night God's sigh can turn the illusion into reality, but you don't feel the power of the Night God's sigh here, then it can only be the false truth." Sylvia Explaining, looking at Tessa Mocha, he said: "I'm curious, how do you know that the false truth once appeared here in Deliyat, this news is the highest secret of the Orthodox Church, this is not something you can pass I know from other channels. What the **** are you following us for?"


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