The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 830: Find the target

Although Leo doesn’t know the confession, he knows the skinners very well. The skinners should be the lower race of the abyssal snake. Their favorite thing is to peel off the precious skin and use a special method to integrate them into their own. On the skin, it is definitely an extremely evil monster.

  When the Abyssal Snake sheds its skin, it will find its own skinner to peel it for himself, and the reward is the scrapped skin.

Although this monster is a subordinate race, the skin of this monster is very precious, and the more advanced and more skin the skin peeler merges, the more precious it is, and the skin of the skin peeler also has a characteristic, that It is that after its skin is peeled off, the ability to fuse other skins will not disappear, it will still be contained in the skin, and the skin can still continue to fuse more advanced skins to improve itself.

  As Sylvia said, if the cover of this book is really a painting made of the skin of the peeler, then the value of this book is really extraordinary.

However, Leo is more curious about the content of the book than the cover made by the skin of the peeler. Since the cover of the person who made this book is completely imitating the confession, then the person who made this book must also see After the confession, it may even be written in this book.

   Thinking of this, Leo turned to Sylvia and asked, "I want to open it and see, are you together?"

Sylvia wanted to agree, but after hesitating, he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't. My power is still out of control. If I touch too many items in the abyss, I'm afraid...I'm still outside Wait for you!"

   After speaking, Sylvia turned around and walked out of the room. Naturally, Tessa Moka would not read the book, and also followed behind Sylvia and walked out of the room.

After Sylvia left, Leo did not open the book immediately, but cleaned the lower room, and then took out some rune traps and modular Turing roots, quickly combined into one Turing Magic Array, the only function of this Turing Magic Array is to absorb the surrounding negative energy and make it into a negative energy crystal.

   This is the product of Leo Fusion Abyssal Walker armor absorbing sin karma, soul campfire rune traps, and warlock magic circle, and all components are manufactured according to modularity, which is convenient for combination.

  After the arrangement, Leo walked into the magic circle, stimulated the magic circle with psionic energy, and then directly opened the book in his hand.

At the moment when the book opened, the room was instantly filled with a strong abyss and a sinful power mixed together. This force was pulled by a more powerful suction before falling away, and fell into magic. In the formation, while the magical array emits various rune light curtains, layered to form a meat grinder, all the negative energy pulled in is twisted into pieces.

Most of these fragments have been transformed into negative energy crystals by the converted runes separated from the soul campfire rune trap, but there is still a strange power intertwined by the power of the abyss and the power of sin. Signs entrenched quickly accumulated in the magic circle.

At this moment, the crystal snake in Leo’s arm suddenly rushed out, and the huge snake mouth swallowed these strange powers that could not be transformed, and soon swallowed this force cleanly, and always entrenched around Leo’s body. , Constantly engulfing the new strange power.

   As for Leo's attention at the moment, most of it was on the book in his hand, because the content of this book made him very confused.

I saw that there were no words in Leo’s confession, but pictures were drawn, and these patterns felt like scenes of the destruction of the world. In this, Leo didn’t just see a human being. The world's destruction scene also has a world composed of other intelligent creatures, most of which are alien races known to Leo.

These patterns are actually unrealistic and look more like graffiti, but Leo was able to restore the complete real picture from these graffiti, and even heard the mournful screams before extinction in his ear, and realized that A desperate emotion.

   This confession has not many pages, and soon Leo turned to the last page, and then closed the book again.

   As soon as he closed the book, the whole book was instantly burned by an invisible flame and instantly turned into ashes.

"That's it?" Leo looked at the pool of ashes for a moment, because it made him feel like a tiger's tail, he was still arrogantly trying to cope with the possible big movements, but in the end it was like this He just remembered the last scenes of dozens of different worlds when they were destroyed, and he felt the same.

But these images did not affect him at all. It is no exaggeration to say that when he performed various missions in the Earth Federation, there were countless planets that were destroyed during the war, and the extreme scene was farther away. Far from being comparable to these portraits, it is impossible to shake his heart with these things.

It’s just that Leo didn’t know that he was actually a special existence. If someone saw these pictures and felt the desperate emotions, coupled with the negative energy images of the abyss, I’m afraid he would have been crazy. In the end, the book was completely swayed and became a sacrifice.

When the new abyssal forces are no longer generated, the Crystal Serpent has returned to Leo’s arm, the surrounding magic circle has also stopped running, and all the runes and lights have disappeared, leaving only twenty or thirty pieces left. The negative energy crystal on the ground, and the magic circle that has broken.

   Leo didn’t think about the confession again, picked up the negative energy crystal on the ground, and then opened the door, indicating to Sylvia they came in.

   "How is that? What does it say?" Sylvia asked curiously.

   Leo thought for a while and said briefly what happened just now, and then told her that the confession was full of some world destruction, and then mentioned that after he read the book, the book burned itself.

   "Are you okay?" Tessa Moka asked.

   "It's okay." Leo responded briefly, and then passed those negative energy crystals to Sylvia, saying: "The book is only left with these things at the end."

   "This is not a good thing!" Tessa Moka said again: "I only felt despair, violence and madness from there."

  However, Sylvia did not pay attention to Tessa Moka. For her with the blood of the abyss dragon, this negative energy crystallization is simply her best nutrition. In Taocente, Leo had only done some negative energy crystals, but those negative energy crystals were not only small in number, but also complicated and impure. Compared with the negative energy crystals in Leo’s hands at present, it is simply a world difference. Farewell.

  Sylvia took the negative energy crystals, received them in her pocket, and then signaled to worried Tessa Mocha that she was okay and had no intention of explaining.

Leo proposed: "Now there is no danger in this room. We will sort out the information here and see what the previous investigation team has investigated. In addition, we must also look at the confession and the envelope. What is the blood fog of Cullenville."

Hearing Leo’s proposal, both Sylvia and Tessa Moka agreed. They each found a bookcase and began to take down the information above, quickly reading it, while Leo returned to the second floor, rummaging After a while, investigate the wardrobe and bedside table next to the team's bed to see if you can find things like diaries.

Soon, Leo found three diaries from the drawers of the three bedside tables, which were the diaries of the three members of the investigation team. Unfortunately, the diaries of the three members of the investigation team recorded some daily chores, the only useful One is the last page of one of the diaries, which records that they are going to the Wizard Tower to investigate tomorrow.

   Obviously the place where the investigation team was involved was at the Wizard Tower.

   "Damn it! This crazy woman!" At this time, when he heard Sylvia cursing downstairs, Leo turned and went downstairs to see what happened.

   I saw that Sylvia pointed angrily at a map of the city of Cullenville on the wall and said something to Tessa Moka, who was also angry.

Leo walked over and heard Sylvia say: "Does this crazy woman know what she is doing? Even the wizard tower was built into a park, letting ordinary people in and out, how much she hates the wizard of the tower. What kind of crazy things will you do? Don’t she know that even the abandoned wizard tower is equally dangerous? What blood wave is she just asking for!"

Leo followed Sylvia’s finger and saw the city map of Cullenville. I saw that the wizard tower mentioned by Miyazaki Kri Faw was on the hillside next to Cullenville. At the moment, the word park was written. Obviously Leah Venistan vented her dislike of the tower wizard on the tower, and converted the tower into a park, letting others in and out, stepping on the foot of the towering wizard.

  I have to say that this kind of venting behavior of the Queen of Ice and Snow is really not like what a mature ruler did, but more like a grown-up child.

   "It seems that the problem is in the wizard tower." Leo told the two of the clues he found in the diary upstairs, and then asked: "Have you found anything?"

Tessa Moka handed a file file to Leo, saying: "In the beginning, the underground cult that caused the **** tide was called Haguta, which means aliens in ancient Yeshi, and they claimed that their ancestors came from In a world that lives with gods, they first preached in Yash County, south of Marais, and were later designated as a cult by the Church of the King of the Hill. The Wizard's Tower thought that this was an opportunity for them, so they regarded Cullenville as their mission headquarters."

   Leo quickly glanced at the document. The above content was an investigation report on the cult. From the report, it was found that the underground cult developed very smoothly, and even many high-ranking Deliad became believers.

At the end of the report,    mentioned that this cult borrowed prehistoric ruins to attract people to Cullenville, mainly to sacrifice people throughout the city and to open the road to the world where they lived with the gods.

   "Does it feel a bit familiar?" At this time Tessa Moka suddenly said: "The world that lives with the gods sounds like the Janor Lund you mentioned last night."

   "It does look a bit like it." Leo nodded.

Aside Sylvia also said: "These noble children who have nothing to do with it have also figured out that they are the descendants of the big and important people who live in Deliyat. Two of them are the only heirs. If those two heirs do not have If they find it, the two great men may be heirs, and they can only find a successor from the collateral children and inherit their title and territory."

"Doesn't this hate the interests of Leah Venistan?" Leo said a little puzzled. "Heirs are replaced by junior brothers. In the end, even if they succeed to the throne, there will probably be many people who are not convinced. Some things are coming. When the queen waits for things to happen, is it better to come out and clean up the mess?"

Sylvia pouted, seemingly disdainful of Leo’s ideas, saying: “Leah she valued the stability of the country, if there were disturbances in the families and territories of the two big nobles, no matter whether she could finally get it from Interests, national stability will always be affected, and many policies will not be implemented by then, so she needs to let everything go smoothly, including the inheritance of every big noble in the country."

Leo nodded, without refuting Sylvia, he looked at the map again and wrote down the contents of the said: "Since we already know the source of the problem, we will directly Go to the wizard tower!"

  The two women also nodded in agreement.

After the decision was made, the three of them left the room. At this time, the soldier who had brought them before was looking out here with the other soldiers on the outside of the isolation zone. When they saw the three of them coming out of the house, they were all exposed. Surprised look.

   When the three Leo walked towards them, they even hid timidly, as if there was something dirty on the three Leo, as long as they were stained, it would make people unlucky.

  After they walked out of the barracks, they walked directly towards a cliff on the north side of Cullenville. The location of the wizard tower is over there. Since their goal is the wizard tower, it doesn't matter if they enter the city.

Although the three can walk to the destination along the edge of blood fog, Sylvia recommends familiarizing yourself with what the blood fog is, and see if it has any adverse effects, so as to avoid the need to consider the blood fog in the wizard tower. Problem, so they went into the blood mist on the way.

At first, the three people felt that this blood mist was no different from ordinary frost mist, nor did they feel any physical discomfort, but as they stayed in the blood mist for a longer time, a faint abnormality appeared. , And it was not Leo who first discovered the anomaly, but Tessa Moka.


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