If it was before, Leo may only think that the energy exuded in this painting is some ordinary cursing power, but now he can clearly feel that the essence of this power is actually the power of sin karma, and this sin The karma is very stable and shows no signs of being rejected by this world, which is slightly different from Leo’s situation.

After returning to the Velon world, Leo tried whether the various powers in that world could be used in this world, such as the magician’s spells, etc. It turned out that the magician’s spells could still be used, but the power was much weaker. , And the psionic skills of those yard warlock spells can retain full power.

There is also a variety of powers in the crystal snake, such as crystal magic, abyssal power and sin karma, etc. The result is that the crystal magic can still be used as a sign of the abyss from the eye of the abyssal serpent The power and the power of sin karma from the fire of sin karma are very limited, so large that it will directly cause the world to repel two forces. The world is torn.

It is for this reason that Leo believes that unless this is a loophole and defect in the world, it is impossible for the power of the abyss and sin to enter the world, especially when the **** begins to return. The exclusion of forces from different worlds is becoming more and more obvious.

But the painting in front of him made Leo realize that not all the forces involved in the abyss will be restricted and excluded. Obviously, the power of sin in the world itself is not restricted and excluded. The world only rejects those who have The power of the breath of a different world, or the power of a part of a different world.

The power of criminal karma in this picture is not strong, but it is stable and lasting. If ordinary people have long-term contact, it will be affected by the power of this criminal karma. By then, the whole person will become chaotic, crazy, and violent. .

The source of its power is not the painting itself, but from the canvas. This canvas seems to be made of human skin. Leo can even feel the painful wailing of this human skin canvas through the sin karma. The person in the painting must have peeled off this human skin directly from the living person and made it into a canvas, which also made this canvas itself have the foundation for the formation of sin karma.

After Leo briefly analyzed the mystery of the painting, he put his hand on the painting, and then inspired the fire of sin in the crystal snake in his hand, and then the fire of sin caused the natural attraction of the power of sin. , Absorbed the power of the sinful karma in the painting.

As the power of sin karma was taken away, the canvas quickly rotted and decayed, and soon it was completely gone.

Leo threw the useless painting aside, and then carefully realized the details of the force of sin.

After he absorbed the power of sin karma, he did not immediately integrate the power of sin karma into the fire of sin karma, but felt this force carefully, comparing it with the sin karma produced in the fire of sin karma. What's the difference.

Only after a long comparison, he was confused because he could not feel any difference.

Therefore, Leo put the power of this crime karma into the fire of the crime karma and let it blend into it. There was no abnormal change in the fire of the crime karma, which made him quite disappointed.

But just as he was preparing to view other objects in this chamber, he suddenly felt that the sin karma generated on his body seemed to be undergoing some kind of transformation. He didn’t know exactly what this transformation was, but he felt vaguely aware of it. The control of the sin karma seems to have increased a lot.

Before, Leo needed to devote some of his energy to completely control the sin karma in his body and prevent it from messing up, but now he only needs to move a little thought to completely block the sin karma. in vivo.

Undoubtedly, the control of sin karma has improved, which also has many benefits for Leo.

Leo did not continue to study the sin karma here. He focused his attention on the solitary books in the Chamber of Secrets.

Although there was no light in the secret room, it was dark, but this had little effect on Leo. He quickly took some books from the shelf and looked through them again to find the useful books and added them to the database.

Soon Leo read the books on the whole summer vacation, he opened one or two boxes, there are some special items inside, each special item is loaded into a small box, some of them have mysterious power The strange things, while others are celebrity items.

Leo opened only two boxes with strong energy fluctuations, looked at the singular object inside, then closed the box and put it back in the box.

This is not to say that such wonders are not good, but that they can’t be used, and even he can’t sell them, because these wonders are divine wonders created by the church and have obvious church characteristics, and these wonders They are very famous, and once they appear, they will inevitably cause some unnecessary trouble.

After cleaning this room, and finding all the things that he could take and use, Leo moved to the next room, because the original purpose of these rooms was to facilitate the repair of the Ice and Snow Church. The outer wall, so the secret rooms are connected with each other by a long and narrow passage. As long as one of the secret rooms is entered, the other secret rooms will no longer be a problem.

Leo quickly walked through all the secret rooms in the Ice and Snow Church, took some valuable and non-troublesome items, and returned to the former secret room, from the repair channel to the outer wall, Climbed to the top of the Ice and Snow Church.

Stepping on the snow at the top of the Ice and Snow Church, Leo walked to the other side of the roof and looked at the opposite palace.

After nightfall, the cold wind from the northern endless ice sheet also increased, and a blizzard formed. Although the Silent Hill blocked most of the snow, there was still some snow. When the mountain is hit, the mountain wind is even stronger, and it is difficult for ordinary people to stand firm under this strong wind.

Leo estimated the location of a secret entrance opposite the palace, and leaped out of the roof. At the same time, he opened the psionic wings and glid through the air. Under the cover of night and snowstorm, he approached the palace silently.

Through the Spirit Net, he easily found every place on the outer wall of the palace with subtle energy fluctuations, and controlled the psionic wings to avoid these places. No matter whether there were defenses, vigilance, and other traps in these places, he did not want to touch them.

After circling back and forth in the air for a few times, Leo found a gap hole formed by energy fluctuations, rotated through it, and then landed firmly on the outer wall of the palace.

Afterwards, the relief on his wall fumbled, found the entrance organ, opened the secret door and went in.

Just like the secret rooms of the Ice and Snow Sanctuary, these so-called secret rooms in the royal palace are also reserved for better repair of the outer walls, but now they are used by people as secret storage rooms.

The things stored here are much more precious than the things in the Ice and Snow Church. A lot of valuable art and jewelry are neatly placed here, but there are a lot less useful things for Leo, but those In terms of value alone, useful things are much more valuable than those in the Ice Temple, such as the five notes of the tower wizard, a bottle of extremely rare stardust, and an intact spz9319 multifunctional firearm. .

Leo was also a little surprised when he found it in the Chamber of Secrets. At that time, what he saw was just an ordinary ordnance box. The text on it showed that the ordnance box should be the Bribe’s ordnance box. Originally, he thought that this box contained It's a Bribe weapon, so I didn't take it too seriously, and even opened the box after checking other items in the room.

Because the Bribes are completely non-human alien races, they look more like a group of mercury suspended in the sky, so their weapons are naturally only suitable for their use, and others cannot use them at all.

But what I didn't expect was that after opening the box, he found a spz9319 multifunctional firearm intact, and the energy box of this firearm was still fully loaded.

The spz9319 multifunctional firearm is a model that the earthman has set for this firearm, and its appearance is somewhat similar to the early ion beam weapons.

In fact, this kind of firearm is a weapon made by the alien race Jericho. The appearance of the Jericho and humans are very similar, so their weapons can also be used by the earth, so the Earth Federation has introduced a lot of them in a period of time. This all-round multifunctional firearm.

This firearm has a total of seven energy modes, ranging from the energy damage of the lowest ordinary guns to the energy damage of the highest small naval guns, and the special material of this weapon can be used in most harsh environments. Even if the gun is thrown into lava or strong acid, it can still be used normally.

And as long as the energy box of this weapon does not use the energy level of the small naval gun with the highest energy level and consumes all the energy of the energy box at one time, the energy box of this weapon will be able to continuously regenerate within a certain period of time. The phenomenon of energy depletion.

Although Leo has never used such a weapon, according to the previous data, a good energy box can sustain a continuous attack of a small naval gun for about 45 to 50 seconds.

Although this weapon is usually not used in Leo, if any real danger is encountered, then the naval gun level of this weapon is undoubtedly the best life-saving weapon, of course, the premise is that the other party does not reach the omega level. The level of life.

After receiving this rare weapon into the storage space, Leo came to a secret room at the top and left the exit to the outer wall. Then he carefully climbed to the top of the palace and carefully sensed the surrounding vigilance laws. The frequency of the energy fluctuations emanating from the bursts found the location of the loophole. Before entering the second round of circulation and the loophole appeared, it rushed out and made a jump, just digging out of the alert energy loophole just formed.

Leo, who broke out of the alert energy range, immediately opened the psionic wings, and adjusted the position of the psionic wings. With the power of the mountain breeze, he flew up, flew to the other side of the ice and snow temple, and landed on the highest roof. Then easily returned to the room.

On the second day, Sylvia and Tessa Moka returned to the room. Their expressions were a bit tired and serious. It seemed that they hadn't rested yesterday evening, and they didn't feel like talking about the night with the ice queen. What a good thing.

In view of their poor condition now, Leo intends to postpone one day back, wait for tomorrow to go to Cullenville, and let the two freshen up, return to the house to rest, and did not ask Sylvia what happened last night.

Not long after the two returned, Miyazaki Kri Faw also knocked on the door of the room. This time he did not come to urge Leo to go to Cullenville, but to give him the main reward for investigating things in Cullenville. The jar that can hold the flesh and blood of the gods.

After Leo had obtained the anti-magic metal, and knew that the tower wizard had also used this metal, he no longer valued the pot that could hold the flesh and blood of the gods, because he thought that the pot might contain anti-magic metal.

But when he took the jar in his hand, he understood that he was wrong. Obviously, there was no anti-magic metal or even any psionic material added to the jar. The jar itself was generally used to hold water or objects. The only special place is the Turing roots carved on the inner and outer walls of the jar.

These Turing roots are not difficult to identify. With Leo’s understanding and mastering of Turing roots, it was easy to crack it completely. However, after the cracking, the doubts in Leo’s heart still did not decrease, because in In his view, the magic circle formed by the Turing roots on this jar could not imprison God's flesh and blood.

However, when Leo copied the entire shape of the jar into his consciousness through the spiritual network~www.ltnovel.com~, Leo discovered the secret that this jar can seal the blood of the gods, this secret is the jar The inner and outer layers of Turing roots are integrated during operation, forming a Turing root magic array similar to a three-dimensional root, which also makes these seemingly simple Turing roots double in power. Eventually How many times it is reached depends mainly on the number of Turing roots merged.

However, Leo only knew the fur of this combination, and combining four or five Turing roots was barely okay, but the number would collapse.

Fortunately, this matter is not in a hurry, he will have time to ponder the mystery.

After a simple grooming, Sylvia saw Leo didn’t wear that armor, so she couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you need to wear armor anymore?”

"If you don't fight, you don't need it." Leo lay on the bed and briefly explained his current situation.

Seeing that Leo had been able to effectively control the sin karma, Sylvia also smiled and walked to Leo leaning against him. After a while, he slowly said, "You don’t want to know Li Li last night Did Ya Vinister say anything to us?"


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