"This is the forbidden ring you made?" The old witches looked at Leo's objects on the table and asked full of doubts.

It turns out that the ring created by Leo is completely different from the ring in their hands. This is a chain of necklaces. The surface of the necklace embellished by a large number of branches makes it look like a beautiful jewelry, not a magical effect. Wizard's Wonder.

"Try it on, you don't know if it's a forbidden ring." Leo simply responded.

The old witches looked at each other, and then one of them picked up the necklace and put it on his neck naturally.

At the moment when the necklace was worn on the step, the two old witches showed surprise expressions on their faces, and then the joy filled their faces, and the tears could not help but flow out, falling along the dense wrinkles on their faces. On clothes.

"Thank you, thank you!" The old witches all thanked Chao Leiou.

"Something has been given to you, remuneration?" Sylvia said aside.

Hearing Sylvia's words, the faces of the old witches changed instantly, one by one as if they had eaten flies.

"Why? Are you going to break the contract?" Sylvia frowned and said, "Then give us the necklace!"

"Of course not, how can we break the contract?" The old witch quickly covered her necklace, then turned to a table, took a box out of it, and dragged it in front of Sylvia, saying, "You want it Everything is in it, and our transaction is now complete."

"Wait!" Sylvia stopped the old witches and said, "When I tap the quantity, the things are right."

After talking, without looking at the very ugly faces of the old witches, opened the box on the spot and took out the same to compare the contents on the list.

Soon a box of items was compared, only to hear Sylvia's expressionless expression: "The number is wrong, there are five things missing."

With that said, Sylvia pointed to the names on the list.

Seeing the incident revealed, the old witches did not show any embarrassing look, just smiled, took the list of agreements written from Sylvia, looked at the content above, and then handed it back to Sylvia , Said: "We are getting older and can't remember the specific item name for a while, but fortunately found it, now we will help you get it."

After talking, the old witches turned and returned to their house. After a while, they took out some missing items and put them in the box.

"Now you can leave! We are a little tired and want to rest." The old witches quickly turned their faces and drove them away.

Sylvia closed the box with a smile and walked out of the clubhouse with Leo.

After the two returned to the square, Sylvia boarded the airship and immediately set sail.

She didn't take a sigh of relief until the airship took off.

"Why? Are you afraid that they will regret their actions?" Leo, who hadn't spoken since taking out the ring, could not help but ask with a smile.

"If it is something else, it will definitely not fall over for a little property and a pair of powerful witches and wizards." Waiting for Sylvia to answer, Tessa Moka, who was drinking in the airship bar, answered for her: "But then The two old guys are not necessarily the same, they have done more excessive things." Then, she leaned over to Sylvia and watched Sylvia take out the contents of the box one by one On the table, when she saw a slick silver box, I couldn’t help but shouted: “You even got their silver box, they are sure that the pain is not enough, they will regret it afterwards, you Look at this matter is not over yet."

"Come on, please sit down a bit. Although letting you go with us, it does not mean that I have reconciled with you." Sylvia looked at Tessa Moka coldly and said.

Tessa Moka shrugged, picked up the glass and returned to her seat.

Leo picked up the silver box that caused Tessa Mocha to exclaim, put it in front of his eyes, and then weighed it.

This silver box does not have any gaps. From a weight point of view, there should be a closed space, and the spiritual net can’t penetrate. It feels similar to anti-magic metal. The only difference is that it can only block the extraordinary power that invades the inside. It cannot be influenced outwards like an anti-magic metal.

Later, he squeezed the silver box hard. This box was extremely hard, and he could not destroy the box with his strength. So he asked curiously, "Do you know what is in this silver box?"

"I don't know." Sylvia shook his head directly and said.

Leo heard it, froze for a while, and smiled: "Since you don't know what is in this silver box, why should you put it on the list?"

"Because the two old ladies value this silver box too much," Sylvia explained: "It is said that this silver box was found in a very mysterious place when the two old ladies were young. For the silver box, the two old ladies The companions around them are dead, including their lovers. So she always cares about the silver box, wants to open the box, see what is in the box, and wants to know how her companions and lovers died Not worth it."

"Haha!" Sylvia's words just fell, and Tessa Moka eavesdropped aside with a sneer of disdain.

"Why? Do you have an opinion on what I said?" Sylvia said to Tessa Moka extremely unpleasantly.

Tessa Moka glanced at Sylvia and said, "I'm just laughing at you, taking the rumors as facts, and pretending to be self-righteous. I didn't know what you said was all fake. It was the two old ladies who deliberately told you Such a simple person."

Sylvia snorted, "Huh! Why do you say what I said is fake? Do you know the true secret of this silver box?"

Tessa Moka put down the glass in his hand, walked to Leo, picked up the silver box in his hand, and then breathed at the surface of the silver box.

As the heat rushed across the surface of the box, the surface of the box immediately shone a faint light, and the light was connected together, forming an extremely complex Turing root.

"This is the thing of the tower!" After seeing this Turing root, Leo recognized the origin of this Turing root at first glance, although he has not yet mastered the Turing root of the tower wizard Laws and methods, but already have a lot of experience, can easily distinguish from some characteristic traces whether a strange Turing root originated from the tower wizard.

"It seems that you are really a tower wizard." Seeing Leo recognized the origin of the silver box at a glance, Tessa Moka was a little surprised, but thought of the other layer of the other party's identity, and immediately relieved.

"What about the tower wizard's stuff?" Sylvia took the silver box from Tessa Moka and inserted it between her and Leo, saying, "Although the tower wizard's stuff is rare, but It shouldn’t be a rare thing for the two old ladies. How could they regret turning over with us for this silver box?"

Tessa Moka smiled and said, "There are two things that you said right. The first is that the silver box was indeed taken from a mysterious place. The second is that all their companions died. They were there, but their death was not an accident. They were killed by the two old women, because they didn’t want to share the silver box with others, and those killed by them had theirs. Lovers. Think about it, they have paid so much for this box. Over the years, no matter where they go, the box is always with them. How could they be willing to trade this box as a transaction for you."

Hearing Tessa Moka's words, Sylvia couldn't help but reveal a little doubt, and frowned, looking at the silver box in her hand.

The reason why she added the silver box when she requested it was mainly because of the various rumors about the silver box, which made her feel curious about why the two old women still miss the silver box after so many years. From time to time, she will find someone to try to crack the secret of the silver box. She never imagined that the two old ladies would do those things for the silver box.

As Tessa Mocha said, the old witches have sacrificed so much for this silver box, they should not be treated as a transaction.

"Since the box is so important to them, why do they..." Sylvia suddenly stopped halfway through the words, seeming to understand why the two old witches gave her the silver box so happily, and could not help cursing With a loud voice, "Damn it, you're fooled!"

After she finished speaking, she took out the previous list. I saw that the name of the silver box on the list had disappeared, and there was a piece of it. It seemed that the old witch had done it when she took the list.

"Damn, I'm going to refill it." Sylvia said angrily.

"It's useless." Tessa Moka shook her head and said, "The paper and ink used in this list are provided by them. These two things must be very special. Even if you fill it with other inks, they will definitely There are also ways to distinguish, and even to be able to distinguish in front of other people, so that you can't argue."

"Damn old fellow!" Sylvia also knew that it would be useless to make up again, and could only curse the two wicked witch sisters in a hurry.

Leo took the list from Sylvia and looked at it and said, "Don’t they be afraid of losing things in the end, don’t they know the secret? Since the list in our hands has been erased, then There must be no silver box in the list in their hands, I just need to not admit that things are in my hands?"

"I think they should have thought of this too." Tessa Moka shook her head and said, "Just don't know what they will do? However, it can be seen from the handing them the boxes so assured of them. They are sure With absolute certainty, I can get the box back again."

Leo smiled and said, "As long as I take out the contents of the box, it's useless for them to return the box."

After he finished, he took the box and turned to the room.

"He is so confident that he can break the ban on the box?" Tessa Moka asked Leo as she watched Leo disappear at the end of the aisle.

Sylvia ignored her and continued to organize the contents of the box with her head down. Tessa Moka pouted slightly awkwardly, walked to the bar and asked for a bottle of wine, and turned back to her room.

In the following two days, Leo took the silver box seriously in the room, but this silver box was a little weird. Every time, Tessa Moka needed to breathe on the surface of the box to make the Turing roots on the box appear, and No one else can do it. Obviously, Tessa Moka has mastered an unknown method that can activate the silver box to the least extent.

Sylvia wanted to learn this method, but it was naturally rejected by Tessa Moka. For this, Tessa Moka and Leo spent two days. When Leo needed it, he breathed into the silver box. .

Therefore, in the past two days, Sylvia was also brought into the room, and from time to time sneered at Tessa Moka.

Because of the upwind flight, the speed of the airship is not very fast. In addition, it often needs to stop and replace the parts damaged due to the weather, which makes the speed of travel more full. The original carriage only took two days. Dalyat, the country that can be reached, wears Lisa, and the airship only took half the distance in two days, which is more than a slower speed than the south of the Minsk Mountains.

Fortunately, Leo and they did not hurry, and this slow speed was still within their acceptable range.

After two days, Leo copied all the Turing roots on the surface of the silver box. Although the box is only slightly larger than the palm~www.ltnovel.com~, there are too many Turing roots on the box. Amazingly, Leo used three notebooks to record all the content.

Although the number of Turing roots is extremely large, the combination of Turing roots is not complicated. Compared with the Turing roots recorded on the items of the tower wizards obtained by Leo before, it is obviously on the silver box The Turing roots are simpler.

According to Leo, the producer of this silver box should not be regarded as a real high tower wizard, only an apprentice, what he learned is more basic, and this is also very good for Leo, Because what Leo is missing now is these basic things.

It's just that he also didn't expect that much from the items in the silver box. If he wanted a wizard apprentice, even if the things on hand were more precious, he might not be able to compare with the things in the hands of a real tower wizard.

After all the Turing roots were recorded, Leo began to officially crack the ban on the silver box. This process is obviously much faster than recording the contents of the Turing roots. It only took one day. Time, Leo has completely cracked all Turing roots, and mastered the basic layout of these Turing roots. This is for him. No matter what is in the silver box, he has already obtained him. Think the most valuable thing.

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