After the sin karma disappeared, Sylvia with the blood line of the abyssal dragon was still good, just need to help Leo, he could stand still, while the other few people sat on the ground with no image. , Breathing heavily, as if every breath is the grace of the gods.

Tessa Moka couldn't care about wiping the blood and tears off her face after she came to her feet, and asked Chao Leiou in fright: "Who are you?"

Leo replied calmly: "Leo Dodd!"

Leo answered the truth, but it was almost the same as not answering.

For Tessa Moka and the other two old witches, Leo’s power is clearly different from the information in their hands. They do not know whether their intelligence is wrong or Leo deliberately appeared in front of outsiders. Hidden strength, no matter which kind represents Leo is an unknown power.

After adjusting her mood and state a little bit, Tessa Moka went to the wine cabinet beside him, took a bottle of wine, and sat on the sofa in the clubhouse, drinking herself, not knowing what she was thinking.

The two old witches also returned to normal, and took out a list of goods again, and gave them to Leo. Obviously, in their eyes, Leo was already qualified to buy items in the witch's club.

Leo is also not polite, took the list and looked at it. Although the types of things sold in the club are far from the black market, there are some very special items that are not found in the black market in other places, such as this moment. The ice crystals that Leo is seeing.

The ice crystals originate from the endless ice field. Every year, the ice storm is scraped from the endless ice field, and some special products of the endless ice field will be scraped to Dalyat. There are a number of special treasure hunters in Delyat. Look for those icefield items all over the country.

In this respect, some of them are like the explorers who appeared in the Savile Kingdom, but most of the explorers still have traces to follow. It can be inferred from some ancient documents and other materials that the deserts are buried with ruins, but treasure hunting The person is completely dependent on luck, because the last time he found the ice field item, this time the ice field item does not necessarily appear in this neighborhood.

It is precisely because of the quantity uncertainty that the prices of these icefield items have been high all the time. Usually, these items will not be sold externally, and they are reserved for people in their own countries.

Sylvia seems to be very aware of Leo’s favorite, and soon selected some materials suitable for pharmaceuticals and alchemy. Although the price is a bit high, for Leo and Sylvia it is nothing, because if they are really If you plan to cross the ice bridge to Velen, then the currencies of the three Minsk and other Minsk continents in their hands will not be used, so it is the correct way to use these currencies when they can still be used.

After seeing the items purchased by Sylvia, the two old witches immediately thought that these items should be bought for alchemy pharmaceuticals, which also reminded them that Leo was a very good alchemist in the information. Create wizard potions that have long since disappeared.

This incident also made them feel uneasy. While one of them went to get the materials, the other asked Leo: "Your Excellency Leo, if we want you to help us create a witchcraft wonder, no Know how much it will cost?"

Leo was a little stunned and said, "It depends on what you build."

The old witch said nothing, and when the old witch just bought the materials that the two had bought, the old witch went upstairs and returned to her room to get things.

Sylvia and Leo checked the materials, collected them one by one, and waited in the club hall.

Aside from Tessa Moka, she suddenly put down her glass and asked Sylvia, "How are you going back?"

Sylvia looked at each other and hesitated a little, then said truthfully: "Northern Ice Bridge."

Tessa Moka was stunned and startled, "Are you crazy? Walking on the northern ice bridge, no matter how crazy people will not do this kind of self-defeating thing."

"It's not as serious as you think," Sylvia said calmly. "Since the ancestors of the Minsk continent can still cross the ice bridge under the same conditions as in the past, we can come here to settle, and we can also renew Go back from this road."

Looking at the confident Sylvia, Tessa Moka hesitated a little and said, "I want to go with you."

Sylvia heard it, froze for a moment, then chuckled, and said, "What are you like? Queen? And even if Leah Venistan orders it personally, I don't have to obey."

"Sorry! You seem to have misunderstood! I didn't say that to you just now," Tessa Moka smiled and looked down at Leo, who said, "I'm telling you, Leo ·Dodd."

Leo was stunned, not understanding why the other party would say this to himself, but he did not think that the other party was a mindless person, so he didn't speak, so he waited for the other party's following.

The other party seemed to be waiting for Leo to ask for something, so she could lead the topic to where she wanted to go, but she found that Leo had no intention of speaking, and the original plan was all disrupted, which also made her feel To Leo may be a tougher guy than Sylvia.

However, she did not retreat because of this. She felt that this was her best chance to leave Minsk, so she lost some extra words and went straight to the subject: "I have the latest news about Elder Rembrandt and some The secret about your safety, I remember you should be his student? Don’t you want to know?"

"Yes, you can go with us." Before Leo made a decision, Sylvia agreed to Leo, and then said, "Speak! What is there about Elder Rembrandt?"

Tessa Moka shook her head and said, "You can't just promise, don't forget, you fooled me, I don't believe you."

"I lied to you? Didn't you deceive me first? What botanist said it was actually just a spy." Sylvia stared at each other indifferently and said, "If I didn't find it in time, I'm afraid I've been hurt by you Must be caught."

"I didn't lie to you. I am indeed a botanist. I went to Fran just to investigate the growth of plants in the Black Forest. As for the spy, it was just the identity that I was forced to press over there." Tessa Moka glared in exasperation. Sylvia said, "How about you? I haven't believed me from beginning to end. I didn't even give me a chance to explain. I even took the initiative to bring someone to catch me."

"If I don't take the initiative to catch you, I will go in," Sylvia said coldly. "And if I really want to catch you, you have no chance of escaping, and even less likely to hurt me," With that said, she sneered again: "But it's really time to thank you for killing me, otherwise I won't be able to get rid of the suspicion."

Tessa Moka retorted: "Don't wrong me, if I die, you are now a pile of bones, and there is no possibility to talk to me here."

"Huh! Do I have to thank you for letting me almost die?" Sylvia grunted and gritted his teeth.

"No need to thank, this is what I should do." And Tessa Moka said angrily.

Later, both of them did not speak, and the room became quiet.

Leo looked aside calmly at the two, and then towards Tessa Moka, said: "I agree with you and we pass, now you can say."

After receiving Leo's promise, Tessa Moka told her carefully what she knew.

It turned out that Tessa Moka was one of the members of the Rembrandt's expedition team before coming to Minsk. She was mainly responsible for guidance and medical work, because she often went to the border of the wasteland. Familiar, in addition, she is also proficient in herbs, and can find herbs for various diseases in the forest anytime and anywhere.

Because someone familiar with geography led the way, the expedition quickly found the ruins they wanted to find in the wasteland, but after finding the ruins, Tessa Moka voluntarily resigned from the expedition and left there, She did this because she discovered the ruins found by the expedition, which belonged to an extremely old tribe in the wilderness of the Mosang mainland.

Although the tribe has now disappeared, the descendants of the tribe have spread their leaves in other tribes, and there are many extremely powerful tribes among these tribes, and these tribes still regard the disappeared tribe as an ancestor tribe.

The expedition found the remains of the ancient tribe, and there is no problem now, but once they start to excavate the ruins, they will inevitably alarm those tribes, and conflict will be inevitable.

Although Tessa Moka loves money, she has not become a common enemy of several powerful tribes for money, so she pulls herself out of the matter before it gets into trouble.

After that, she got some news about the expedition one after another, most of them were the exploration results of the expedition.

In addition, she also heard about some dangers encountered by the expedition. Although these dangers look like dangers that may appear at any time in the original forest of the wasteland, such as beast attacks, such as malaria gas, etc., she can feel it. Many of these dangers should be artificial.

Later, she suddenly encountered an assassination. Although she was not injured in the assassination, she discovered that the assassin who assassinated her was from a large tribe.

Later, she heard the news and knew that the expedition team had explored the ruins deeply, and even found the location of the noble's tomb in the ruins and planned to dig. This incident has completely angered several tribes related to this ruin, so they Decided to start the expedition.

The reason why she was assassinated was because she was the main guide, that is, she took the expedition to that ruin, which made the tribes think of her as the culprit that disturbed the sleep of their ancestors. One.

On the other side, the expedition team was also attacked by tribal people, and many people were killed and injured. For this reason, the expedition fund supporters hired a group of troops from several countries including the United States and the United States, and brought them to the wilderness. In the jungle, responsible for the safety of the expedition.

If it is a general tribe, with the intervention of the army, it is certainly not daring to do anything, but those big tribes are not afraid of the army of the several kingdoms of the Mosang mainland, so they still plan to attack the expedition.

In order to avoid being involved in this dispute, Tessa Moka chose to leave the mainland of Mosang to take the leeway. Finally, she chose the Minsk continent, and before she left, she had received news that the several big tribes also planned Join forces to form an army and fight against the army hired by the expedition.

After hearing the news provided by Tessa Moka, Leo frowned, because he did not expect that the situation on the side of Elder Rembrandt had fallen into such a crisis moment.

"Are you going back to Mozambique?" Leo asked suddenly after Tessa Moka finished talking about the current situation of the old man Rembrandt.

Tessa Moka nodded and said, "Of course, otherwise why would I risk taking the ice bridge with you."

Leo turned to look at Sylvia, and then said: "Then you have to return to Mosang, you must take us to the ruins where the old man Rembrandt is."

"Yes." Without much thought, Tessa Moka nodded in agreement.

At this time, the old witch who had just left came downstairs with a box, walked to Leo, put the box on the table, and said, "This is what needs to be built, but now this thing is broken Well, if possible, we hope you can build it as is."

Leo opened the box with doubt, and Sylvia and Tessa Moka were also curious to come together. Perhaps they felt that they were too close to each other. After seeing the contents, they sat back immediately. , And also waited fiercely for each other.

"This forbidden ring?" Leo saw what was inside the immediately recognized what the thing was, and asked with some surprise: "Do you want me to build a torture tool?"

The forbidden ring is not exactly produced by the towering wizard, but by the church.

The initial use target of this forbidden ring was Clan Clan and senior clergy who can use the power of Cult God. Once this seemingly simple ring was put on, it could limit the power of Cult God and make Clan Clan and clergy lose all their power. .

However, I don’t know what the Wizards of the High Tower thought. They even thought that this kind of thing targeted too few people. It should be added to all people with extraordinary powers. Family clan and evil spirit priests are restricted by this ban, even witch and other people with extraordinary powers are also banned, and even more incredible is even the wizard.

As a result, the Orthodox Court used this thing to arrest many people with extraordinary powers, and the witch also accounted for a large number of them, so they used this forbidden ring as a slave collar and were extremely hatred.

But now there are two witches who let him fix the forbidden ring, which makes people feel a bit ridiculous.

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