After Emperor Nilfgard stood firm, he calmly sorted out his clothes, then looked at Leo and said, "I know you, Leo the exotic, the companion of the Knight of Light, a knight more terrible than the Knight of Light. ."

Leo looked at each other flatly, without giving any response, pulling the reins, turning the horse's head, and facing Geralt in the direction they left.

"You are such a rude guy!" Emperor Nilfgard frowned and said in a deep voice: "Aren't you afraid that I will retaliate against you?"

There was a rush of horseshoes in the distance. It seemed that the army of the Niefgarde Empire saw their emperor released in the distance, and was approaching here.

Leo, who should have left immediately, strangled the horse and stopped the pace of leaving. He did not worry about the nearby Nilfgarde Empire Army, but looked back calmly at Emperor Nilfgarde and said, "You intend to How to retaliate?"

"For example, I will send soldiers to Tao Center." Emperor Nilfgarde said.

Leo looked at each other with a look like a fool and smiled: "If I remember correctly, Taocent seems to be a subsidiary country of the Nilfgarde Empire? You send troops to your subsidiary country, Come revenge me, foreigner, don’t you find it ridiculous?"

Emperor Nilfgard's face was slightly ugly. As Leo said, what he just said was indeed ridiculous.

At this time, the army of the Nilfgarde Empire had arrived near the two. The Emperor Nilfgarde walked to his army. With the help of a knight, he turned his horse, and the surrounding armies also put their hands on their weapons. It seems that as long as he ordered, the offender in front of him would be hacked to death.

However, the Emperor Nilfgarde did not order an attack, but said: "You and the Knight of Light come to the Nilfgarde Empire! I will give you, Anna Henriyetta will never be able to treat you."

After listening, Leo smiled, without giving any response, and drove away directly, showing very contempt.

"Your Majesty, do you want to..." At that moment, the former knight drove to the side of Emperor Nilfgarde and asked.

"No." Emperor Nilfgard shook his head and rejected the proposal, not that he did not want to retaliate against Leo, but he felt that if he did, he would probably be humiliated eventually because he would The attitude and self-confidence Leo showed just now made him realize that the information he had collected before might be true.

This also made him curious about the country that Frank had never heard of. The two people who came out had such amazing strength and talent. At the same time, he also felt a sense of crisis and felt the need to speed up his plan.

Leo was not interested in knowing what Emperor Nilfgard was feeling at the moment. He used a superb sense of smell, along the body fragrance left by Sylvia, Leo galloped in the direction of their departure.

After walking for about four or fifty minutes, he came to a small village, and Sylvia and they were just waiting outside the village. When they saw Leo's figure, they all greeted Leo. The two little girls, Guran and Shiri, still raised their hands vigorously, shaking, fearing that Leo wouldn’t see them the same.

"How is it going?" Sylvia asked for everyone after the meeting.

"I let him on the way, he was picked up by his army, and no one was sent to keep up," Leo briefly explained the situation, and then turned his head towards Geralt, saying, "But I don't know Will he send someone to catch up halfway, you'd better leave the Nivegarde Empire as soon as possible."

"You guys?" Geralt heard Leo's words very sensitively and asked, "Don't you and Sylvia go with us?"

"No!" Leo shook his head, patted the anti-magic metal box with the night **** sigh on his body, and said, "We have found what we need and are going back."

"Go back? Flange?" Geralt asked.

"Hmm!" Leo nodded.

At this time, Cassir also said: "I want to separate from you."

"You have to separate too?" The people froze for a moment, and they soon realized that Cassir was going back to the capital of the Nivelgad Empire.

So everyone opposed again and again, only Shiri behaved calmly and seemed to be indifferent to the dangers that Cassir would face after leaving, or deep down she wanted Cassir to leave because Cassier was also for her A nightmare.

Geralt said worriedly: "You are crazy, you go back like this, the emperor you attached will account for the humiliation he was held by you, and will also account for the crime of not catching Hilly. Body, you go back to death!"

Cassir didn't refute, just smiled.

The people and Cassier have been together for a long time, knowing what the other person's character is like, and knowing how to persuade is useless, so I can only wish him good luck, and said that if he leaves the Nilfgarde Empire, he will arrive The northern countries went to find them.

So, the party broke up in this small village, Geralt and they went north to Clermont, it seems they should plan to go to Clermont to settle an account, Cassir turned around and went on the road when he came To see if they can catch up with Emperor Nilfgarde’s army.

Leo and Sylvia did not go north. They took a road to the nearby big town of Tegamo, and they decided to let Leo absorb the remaining pages while traveling in the Nifergarde Empire. Because Leo felt that as long as all the remaining pages were absorbed, the thick fog that brought them to this world would appear.

Because they can control the time of leaving, Leo and Sylvia are not in a hurry. They wander around the cities of the Nilfgarde Empire, take some tasks to earn some commissions, and solve some robbers, in addition to being able to get a reward , They can also get a lot of extra income from the robbers.

After they get the money, they will buy the money for three things, one is the various materials needed for pharmaceuticals and alchemy, the other is the magic book of the world, and the last is the anti-magic metal.

The materials bought by them will be made into potions and wonders of various functions by Leo immediately. The best of these wonders will be assembled on the body, and the poor will find opportunities to sell to others at a high price.

In addition, with the increasingly sophisticated alchemy, Leo reinvented the king and queen. While retaining the power of the weapon, it also greatly reduced the recoil of the weapon to the extent that Sylvia can use it. These two weapons were handed over to Sylvia.

Although Sylvia has a crossbow, its power is obviously not the same level as that of the king and later. When Sylvia brought these two weapons to Jean Valjean for transformation, they had already dealt with them. Weapons are extremely coveted, but unfortunately even Jean Valjean can only be transformed and cannot be copied.

Now Leo hands her two weapons to her, and she is naturally willing to accept it, but she is also worried that if Leo does not have these two weapons, her long-range attack ability will be affected.

However, when she saw Leo using the Crystal Soul Gun and Leo, Thunder Gun and other magic and psionic powers, she didn't think much about it.

As for the beginning of the magic book, Leo bought it to see if it could find out what can be converted into psionic skills, but later, Sylvia found that the magicians' spells seemed to help her master the current power.

Prior to this, Sylvia had been passive in how to use her own power, because she found that after the power was lifted from the ban, her previous methods and experiences of controlling power had failed, so she can only now While the body adapts to new powers, it is also looking for ways to control its own power.

When she was at Tao Center, she found some methods, such as her ability to control her exudation of affinity and deterrence, which was of great benefit to her control of the entire Knights of Light, and she also mastered some witch The spell-like powers generated by the power, but the power of these spell-like powers are not very strong.

At that time she also wanted to find a way to solve her problems from these magic books, but at that time her attention was all held back by other things. There was not much time to look at these magic books.

But now she and Leo hang out in the Nilfgarde Empire in a play-like way. There is a lot of time to read these books every day. After sinking her heart, she soon found a lot of useful content from the book. So she also began to pay attention to these magic books.

However, the prices of these magic books are very expensive. The commissions and loot they get for missions, killing robbers are simply not enough to make them buy so many magic books. Fortunately, the magical artifacts made by Leo can sell for a high price. , Barely able to achieve breakeven.

As for anti-magic metals, Leo wants to obtain it, because not only is there no such special metal in the Velon world, even in the universe, I have never heard of a metal that can produce extraordinary powers such as psionic energy. Such a great ban effect.

Not to mention, just this box made of anti-magic metal can completely isolate the influence of the night **** sighing residual pages, and you can see the magical effect of this metal.

However, this metal is not without defects, and its scope of action is the biggest problem.

Leo tried to fix the pair of anti-magic metal handcuffs that had previously held Shiri intact, and then clasped it in his hand.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that his hands had become a forbidden area of ​​extraordinary power. Not only all kinds of divine powers but also spiritual powers in the body could not enter that place, as if there was a wall that could not be broken there.

But in other places besides hands, neither psionic powers nor divine imprint powers will be affected in any way. He can still exert various powers without hands if he wishes.

The limitations of this anti-magic metal make the handcuffs have limitations, and the handcuffs cannot restrict Leo, but for the warlocks and mages in this world, the pair of handcuffs are fatal because they need to use spells. When you get it, losing your hand is equivalent to losing the ability to cast spells, so as long as the anti-magic metal handcuffs handcuff the Warlock and Mage, they have no chance of breaking free.

It is also because of the strong imprisonment effect on warlocks and mages, that most of this anti-magic metal is controlled by the official of the Nilfgarde Empire, and the amount of circulation outside is extremely rare, even if there are others Those who bought and bought these things include both warlocks and wizards who don't want the anti-magic metal to fall into the hands of others, and some organizations that are extremely hostile to the warlock wizards.

Leo and Sylvia can hardly buy this special metal as individuals, so most of the time they spend money to buy news, and then get this kind of metal by other means.

Leo has not yet thought about the specific usage of this metal, just coated a layer of anti-magic metal on the weapon, made some anti-magic metal arrows and short knives, so that it can be used when dealing with enemies with extraordinary power.

On the other side, Leo and Sylvia walked in the Nilfgarde Empire and did not disguise their identity. They could not conceal anything. The gorgeous armor on both of them was so striking that it was difficult to recognize them.

And when they robbed those who possessed anti-magic metals, they also did not hide their identities, making the entire organization of the Nilfgarde Empire know that the Knight of Light came here to rob anti-magic metals. For a time, those who mastered anti-magic metals Metal organizations and individuals have become self-defeating, fearing that they will be targeted by Leo and Sylvia.

In the face of the bad practices of Leo and Sylvia, some people thought of rebelling and summoned a large number of manpower to encircle the two. As a result, except for a few people who escaped, all others died in the hands of the two.

Later, The local governor and army of the Nilfgarde Empire also arrested two people because of the order of the emperor, and if the number of arresters they sent was too small, they were directly killed by them. And if there are too many people, the two will avoid these people and go to other places, or wait for these people to separate and then break each.

Soon the governors and officials of the local government also gave up the arrest of Leo, not only because the arrest was not possible, but also because the loss of personnel was too much. If they continue to die, I am afraid that Made the whole area policing.

So they opened their eyes, closed their eyes to the two, and even the two entered the town. They did not think about catching them in the past. Instead, they let the patrolling soldiers avoid them far away, so that they would not clash.

In this way, Leo and Sylvia spent ten days in the Nivelgad Empire, bought dozens of magic books, and grabbed a box of anti-magic metal. Because he could not earn storage space, he could only Put the box on the saddle of another packhorse.

In these ten days, Leo has already absorbed several pages of the sigh of the night **** sigh, and now only the last one is left to be absorbed in these two days, and in this state, he It also sensed where the dense fog that would help them return to the Velon world would appear.

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