The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 803: Rest on the way

Verona is located at the junction of the upper and middle reaches of the Yelena River. The first village that you can see after coming out of the Yelena River Valley is here, but this is not the place where the commercial road of the Principality of Tausent passes, so there is almost no here What kind of caravans do, and Verona is not engaged in industries such as freight merchants like other villages and towns on both sides of the Yelena River. They still follow the village’s ancient tradition of fishing.

However, the fish they caught were not river fish, but a type of marine fish called whitefish, which migrated from the sea to the Yelena River Valley every year and spawned in a lake not far from their village.

The fisherman in the village will not catch the white salmon that does not spawn, but will specifically catch the fish that has just spawned and died shortly. The fish will have a slightly sour taste and the meat is firm and direct. It's not good to eat.

But the people of Verona mastered a method of collecting concentrated fruits from local forests to make sauces, then smoked these white salmon, smeared a lot of sauces, and sealed them in sealed jars It is stored for half a year. After being taken out for half a year, this fish not only becomes soft and delicious, but also carries the fragrance of a fruit. It is a delicious delicacy at the banquet of the noblegard nobles.

Although this kind of fish is very delicious after it is made, it is very smelly during the production process. Even after a few months have passed, this smell has not disappeared.

Leo When they came to Verona, it was more than half a winter since the fishing season and the processing season. However, after they entered this village, the strong smelly smell still made them unable to hold their noses. Women such as Sylvia and Mival couldn't help but show a trace of disgust.

However, compared with the disgusted look hidden by the women in the team, the disgusted look that the people in the village showed to Leo and others was on the bright side. More precisely, these villagers hated the look. Not Leo or Regil, but Geralt the demon hunter.

When he was in the town on the lake, Leo learned some things about the demon hunter from Shili, and knew what the demon hunter is in their world. People here need the demon hunter to kill them for them. Monster, but the people here regard the demon hunter as the same kind of monster, and even think that the demon hunter is not even as good as the monster, so the attitude of the people here to the demon hunter can be said to be extremely bad, even the hunting When the devil sits and eats together, all lies such as doom will be taken as true.

However, after coming to this world, Leo did not see the things Shiri described in Tao Center. Although the people of Tao Center were also a little cold to the devil hunter, but the kind of cold and seeing strangers The coldness is almost the same, so Leo thinks Shiri is exaggerating.

However, now that he came to Verona, the first village he arrived after leaving Tousent, he realized that the circumstances that Hiri said were not a bit exaggerated, and the demon hunter's situation here is indeed very bad.

When they entered the village, the villagers who saw their group showed awed looks after seeing Leo and Sylvia in gorgeous armor. It is estimated that they were the knights of a certain lord, but when After they turned around and saw Geralt, they all hid back home as if they had met the plague, and closed the door tightly. Some bold people even spit at the team. Within a moment, they were very noisy just now. The villages and towns were silent.

Obviously, Geralt has become accustomed to this situation, and although other people still have a look on their faces, they may have encountered more times in the past, so they did not say anything about this situation.

On the contrary, Sylvia is somewhat novel about this situation. If it is not untimely and inappropriate, she would like to ask someone casually, why do they resent someone who has nothing to do with them for no reason?

"We don't have monsters or ghosts here, and we don't need demon hunters!" That's right. The village chief should have made it from a house and shouted towards Geralt.

Geralt was trying to say something but was stopped by Regill on the side. He dismounted and walked to the village chief, saying, "Hello, we are just passing by here, not here. What mission?"

"Then leave quickly!" The village chief said coldly, and turned to prepare to return to the house.

"Wait!" Regill immediately called the village chief and said, "We hope to rent a big boat from your village and go to Neuss downstream."

"No, there is no boat rental in the village for you." The village chief replied without thinking.

"What if I want to buy a boat? Is there a boat for sale?" Sylvia walked to the two of them at this time and said.

Seeing Sylvia, the village head's disgusted expression quickly turned into awe.

Although the armor that Sylvia is wearing is not the dazzling dragon hunter armor, the magnificence of this king-blade armor is still not comparable to the armor of this world. Anyone sees this armor Everyone will subconsciously think that the person wearing this armor is definitely a big man.

So the head of the village bowed his head halfway, and respected Sylvia very respectfully, saying: "If I go back to my lord, there are indeed boats in the village, but those are fishing boats, and there are not enough people to sit, let alone get on the horse." said As a result, he was worried that Sylvia thought he lied, so he immediately added: “I don’t believe you can go to the river and everyone in the village is docked by the river.”

Sylvia heard this and turned to look at Geralt, seeming to ask his opinion.

On the way to here, they had already negotiated the route of travel. In order to be attacked by the partisans of Vigofortez, Geralt thought that it would be better to go down the river by boat. After arriving in Neuss, Continue south to Aibin.

Although Leo and Sylvia thought that it was okay even if they were attacked by the people of Vigofortez, they had enough strength to solve these people, but Leo did not raise any objections and also stopped Sylvia because he My own proposal will make things go wrong.

"In this case, let's take the caravan's path!" Geralt quickly made a decision, and then he looked at other people, and other people did not dispute this.

Sylvia looked at the tired Milwa, Angula and others, and proposed: "It's not too early today, and it's not suitable for rushing. We have been rushing all night, no rest, no state at all these days. Great, rest here tonight!"

Although Geralt wanted to object, he wished to fly to the stronghold of Vigo Foz at the moment, but he resisted his impulse and turned to look at his companion who had written fatigue on his face. Nodded and agreed with Sylvia's proposal.

"Is there any place to live here?" Sylvia asked the village head.

"Adult, if you dislike, you can stay with me for one night," the village head responded respectfully, then looked at the demon hunt in disgust, adding: "But my place is too small to live too much People, only adults and you..." He pointed and pointed at Leo: "This adult can live, others can only find another place."

The village leader's extremely obvious repulsive attitude made the good-tempered Regill frown, and Angulaan tried to scold the other, but Milwah stopped him.

Sylvia said indifferently: "No more! We will live together, you just need to tell me where it is appropriate to camp."

The village head pouted, and then replied seriously: "Along the river bank road, and then go a little further, there is an abandoned hunter's hut, which was prepared by some noble masters for hunting. However, later the ancient town of He was built. When he got up, the noble masters went to the ancient town of Hegu to hunt, and the hunter’s hut was abandoned.” Then, he paused and said, “However, something happened there a year ago, it became Haunted cabins, you may have to be careful if you are going to camp there."

After getting a suitable camping position, the crowd stopped staying in this fishy and repulsive village, turned the horse's head, walked out of the village, found the river bank path, and headed forward.

"Damn old man! If it wasn't for you just now, I would pounce on him and beat him fiercely. Why did this guy look down on Uncle Geralt!" Angulaan couldn't help but feel bad and was extremely angry. Said.

"What's the use of beating him, don't you discriminate against the demon hunter elsewhere?" Sylvia came to Anguran and rubbed her head with her hand, said: "Hunting Discrimination against the devil is the cause of the whole world, not one or two people can change, so there is no need to be angry at this matter."

"I like Taocent!" Angouran pouted, saying, "At least Taocent does not have such an unjustified hatred."

"Taucent is indeed a good place." Angouran's words also resonated with Geralt. He said in a deep voice: "If I decide to retire, I will definitely buy a manor in Taucent and settle there. ."

"Then I must leave a room for me." Angoulan immediately raised his hand and said.

"There must be your room!" Geralt responded with a smile, and said to the others: "There must be your room, too."

Everyone smiled when they heard that, although they all believed that Geralt would not be able to settle in Towson, let alone buy a manor in Towcent, but this did not prevent them from imagining that kind of life.

During the conversation, the crowd quickly came to the hunter's hut mentioned by the village chief.

Because it was built by the nobility, this hunter’s hut is much larger than the average hunter’s hut, and because the materials are full, so even if it is abandoned for a long time, the whole hut is still intact, but it is full of return, and Some vine plants have grown.

When he came outside the cabin, Geralt motioned to stop, as his wolf head badge began to vibrate. Obviously there was some negative energy here. The haunting of the cabin that the village chief said before was not a rumor.

Geralt was dismounted and was preparing to find clues to see what was happening here, and then to find a chance to force out the ghosts hiding here to solve.

"Let me come!" Leo stopped Geralt at that moment, then dismounted, and signaled that everyone came down from the horse, followed Geralt and walked to the hut, and then under the watch of everyone, Remove the helmet.

At the moment when the helmet was removed, the breath of sin karma in the armor immediately rushed out and spread to the surroundings. Those who felt the breath of sin karma could not help but have a trace of panic, and wanted to escape from here immediately. , And those horses were even unbearable to lie directly on the ground, and now everyone understands why Leo will let everyone dismount.

At the same time, countless insects inhabiting abandoned wood houses and surrounding forests died instantly, falling down like insect rain.

While the crowd resisted discomfort and covered the fallen insect corpses, a piercing scream was drilled out of the shaft next to the hunter’s hut, followed by a night demon rushing out of the wellhead. Escape from a distance.

However, at this time, a distant sunlight passed through the branches and shone on the body of the night monster. The body of the night monster immediately melted like a piece of paper that was lit, and it was completely in front of everyone in less than a minute. Disappeared.

Seeing that the cause of the haunting had been resolved, Leo put on his helmet again, and the sinful karma that affected all the surrounding creatures instantly disappeared, and everything returned to its original state.

"You're terrible! I pity anyone who is against you!" Geralt, slightly relieved, looked at Leo with a lingering fear.

Leo smiled and said nothing.

Now that the hidden danger of the hut has been Everyone started camping in the hut, Leo and Sylvia offered to go hunting outside.

After leaving the hut, the two walked around in the woods for a while. With Leo's spirit net, they quickly caught a few prey, and they took the prey to the river to clean up.

At this time, Sylvia could not help but worry, Shen Sheng asked: "The sin karma seems to be stronger and stronger in your body? Is something wrong?"

"It's okay! I'm just doing an experiment, so I didn't let the armor absorb these newly created sin karma," Leo reassured Sylvia and said, "But the experiment will have results soon. There will be no problems without wearing this armor."

Sylvia saw Leo answering this question, and asked no more. The two men finished their prey and returned to the hut.

At this time, the hunter’s hut had been cleaned by everyone, all insect bodies were cleaned, and the dust around the stove of the house was also cleaned. The people spread the backpack items on the ground for a circle, and the stove was lit and the kettle rack was lit. Above, the room soon became warm and I was able to sleep at least a good night tonight.

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