It has been more than two months since the monster cleanup incident in the Sansredo Swamp has passed. At first people were still suspicious of this news, but then some bold people went to the swamp to investigate and found that it was really like the Buckland Palace. Like the news, all the monsters in the Sansredo Swamp have disappeared.

For a time, the entire Tao Sent was sensational, not only the folk, but also the aristocracy circle focused on the Sansredo Swamp.

The reason they pay so much attention to the swamps is actually because of their interests.

The Sansredo Swamp is the largest marsh wetland in Towcent. It contains a lot of peat, herbs and rare animals, but because of the large number of monsters entrenched here, the commercial value of this area has not been developed.

But now all the monsters in the swamp have been cleared, so the danger here is gone, and the rich resources here can be used.

For a time, the nobles and wealthy businessmen of Buckland sent people to the swamp field to survey the location of various resources, and also borrowed various influences to test the development of the swamp to the Duchess.

Compared with the Taoist’s dignitaries’ eyes, they looked at the big cake of Sansredo Swamp. The ordinary folks don’t seem to know what will happen to their lives after the swamp monsters are cleaned up. More interested is the heroic story about Sylvia and the Knights of Light.

Because of the deliberate promotion of the Duchess, most of the credit for swamping the swamp monsters was attributed to Sylvia, plus the knights led by Sylvia achieved an overwhelming battle in the war with the Belhavin Victory, which suddenly made Sylvia's prestige once again greatly improved, and her Taoist's hidden status has far removed the Taoist's nobility, and some people have called her the sage, even Someone proposed to the Duchess to register the title of Sylvia.

Although Sylvia's folks in Taocente have gained great popularity and are loved by the public, her reputation in the nobility circle is not very high.

Because Sylvia, a foreigner rising too fast in Taocent, has become a decisive force in less than two months, and has obtained what they dreamed of among ordinary folks Love, which makes them feel very jealous.

More importantly, Sylvia completely ignored the privileges of the nobility. When he led the knights to tour the border, several times in the dispute between the nobility and the civilians, they stood on the side of the weak and severely punished the nobility, including There are several descendants of large nobles. Recently, there are rumors that she is rediscovering the previous death cases of some civilians. In these cases, some nobles have played a very disgraceful role.

All the circumstances made the vast majority of Taosson's nobles extremely afraid of Sylvia. They thought that continuing to let Sylvia like this would destroy them, so they secretly denigrated the hope in front of the Duchess by various means. Sylvia said that the knighthood formed by Sylvia and its popularity among the people have begun to endanger the status of the Duchess, thereby provoking the dissatisfaction of the Duke with Sylvia.

However, what made them uncomfortable was that the Duchess did not seem to take these provocative words into her heart. After dealing with daily official duties every day, she became tired of her poet lover.

They suspected that all this was that the poet named Dandrien was playing tricks. The poet and the butcher hunter of the nickname Bravikan were good friends, and the relationship between the demon hunter and Sylvia was good. It seemed to them that it was Dandrian who was blowing the pillow beside the Duchess' ears, blowing away all the rumors they had tried to make.

So they felt that if they wanted to deal with Sylvia, they would first have to get rid of Dandrian, so if Dandrian knew nothing, he was placed on the side of the Sylvia party by the nobility, and Became the first target to deal with.

Although Sylvia did not know that Dandrian was implicated by herself, she knew that the nobles of Tausent were consciously targeting themselves. For example, some daily supplies not only raised prices, but also stopped supply consciously, even to suppress The development momentum of the Knights of Sumitomo also deliberately gave tasks such as guarding the caravan to several other wandering knights, secretly supporting the wandering knights to fight against her.

It’s just that these nobles didn’t know that if their means were put before the Battle of Belhaven, they might still have a little effect, but after that war, they saw the power of the Knights of Light and saw the hope The heroic attitude of Sylvia on the battlefield, the heads of several wandering knights can no longer have other ideas. Soon after returning to Taocente, they secretly joined the church of the lake fairy, and became a member of the church. .

Therefore, when these nobles sent a large amount of materials to the Wandering Knights' station in the previous step, these materials were turned around and sold to the Knights of Light by the original price of each Wandering Knights.

Although the caravan **** mission of nobles and big merchants is the main income of the Knights of Light, losing this income will have a great financial loophole for the Knights of Light, but this financial loophole has not been correct in a short time. The Knights of Light has no effect, because after the first battle of Belhavin, the Knights of Light seized a lot of property, the reward of the Duchess and the dividends paid by Belhaven, even if the Knights of Light did not have this **** task The income can also easily support a year and a half.

And Sylvia did not leave this financial loophole because she would leave in the near future. She not only established the exclusive caravan of the Knights, but also used other people’s failure to decide on the resources in the swamp. I found Leo to explore the location of several peat deposits with the Spirit Net, and bought it as a private property of the Knights, and also recruited a lot of pharmacists. As the exclusive pharmacists of the Knights, they were responsible for the marsh. Collect and grow herbs.

With these industries, even if she leaves, as long as her successor is not a fool, she will not mess up the Knights.

In order to avoid the emergence of certain ambitions by the Knights after she left, Sylvia not only established a round table system in the Knights, but also informed the knights of their decision to leave in the near future, but also after, Secretly bringing the Duchess to the Knights to participate in the Knights' meeting, it is officially told that the Knights of the Middle Knights will become the Knights directly under the Duchess after she leaves.

As for Sylvia’s departure, everyone in the Knights is naturally reluctant, but they are also happy to be able to become the Duchess directly under the Duchess, because this represents their true departure from the wandering knights. Scenery, but the embarrassing state of hardship, from a certain point of view, then each of their formal knights can be a jazz, can also be regarded as a member of the nobility, even the lowest level nobility.

Also because of the secret of the Duchess, the abnormal fluctuations within the Knights due to some rumors made by the nobles quickly calmed down.

Compared to Sylvia’s radiant presence in Taocente, Leo, as a companion, is much more low-key, except for Sylvia’s exploration of peat deposits in the swamp and the recruitment of Aalto to become a knight. In addition to these two things, the warlock advisor, he spent the rest of his time in the hut that Sylvia built for him on the shore of Lake Serravi. When it was normal, he would row a boat to fish in the lake. Feeling More like a hermit.

However, this so-called hermit view is just the view before not contacting Leo up close. Once they stand in front of Leo, Leo will become a beast that will eat people at any time in their eyes, let alone Speaking, even if you can keep your body standing, I am afraid it will be difficult.

After the matter of getting sin from the devil's mouth, Leo thought he only needed to focus on the control of the body next, but what he did not expect was the knowledge of sin that was blocked by him in the memory and Without cutting off the connection with the sinful source, Leo still produces a force of sinful karma every day.

Although this force of criminal karma will not cause any harm to Leo, but instead, Leo is used as fuel to send it into the fire of crime karma, to cultivate the fire of crime karma, but the residual breath of the power of crime karma still exists. In his body, he merged with the power of his blood to produce an invisible power that could penetrate the human heart.

Under the influence of this force, even if Sylvia saw his body, he could not help but shudder, and other people were even more embarrassed. Some knights and servants of the Knights even inexplicably produced strong after seeing him. Fear, his feet softened buttocks sat on the ground.

Because of this, Leo had to leave the Knights of Light station and came to the relatively sparsely populated Lake Selavi. He lived in isolation and began to strengthen the development and control of his physical potential. He knew that as long as he completely controlled his own The body, then the sin karma that blends into the power of blood can also be completely controlled.

It's only in the past two months, although his development and control of the body's potential has been accelerated a lot, he has even been able to control the power of the blood to spread out of the body to form a psionic power, and can even form substantial physical power, such as Attached to the body surface to form a blood armor, directly condensed into a blood knight sword and so on.

The most special point is that this blood power can also produce an enchanting effect. For example, if he wraps the blood power around the abyss sword, then the abyss sword will change from two ordinary swords to two psionics. Fog, if the power of the blood wrapped around the weapon is combined in the form of rune traps, crystal magic or Turing roots, etc., then the two weapons can also play similar to the corresponding rune, magic or witch The power of surgery.

Although he has made great progress in the development and control of the body's potential, but the convergence of the sin karma has not weakened, and as the accumulation began to increase, the breath began to escape outside the body, It directly led to the lakeside forest where he lived not only without birds and beasts, but also without reptiles.

With the establishment of the Church of the Lake Nymphs in Taocente, a church of the Lake Nymphs Church was also built on the lake. The location of the church is not very far from the lodge where Leo lives. There are often some After praying in the church, the believers of the Lake Fairy Church came to play by the lake.

Leo’s sin karma is already very strong. Even trained knights will be affected, not to mention ordinary people. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Leo will put that abyss in ordinary times. The rambler armor was worn.

However, after putting on the armor of the Abyssal Walker, Leo felt some anomalies. He found that the sin karma emitted from his body was being absorbed by the armor of the Abyssal Walker.

At this time, he thought that his armor of the Abyssal Walker was completely forged according to the armor worn by the abyssal walker of Janor Lund, and even every pattern and pattern on it was completely engraved. On the armor.

Although the materials are not as good as those prepared by the gods of Janor Lund for their knights, the material of this armor is no worse than the original materials because of the large amount of psionic substances added.

There is no doubt that Leo's armor can also be regarded as the armor of the Abyssal Rambler, and it is the armor passed by the knight after obtaining the title of Abyssal Rambler after returning from the abyss.

Judging from the fact that the sin karma can now be absorbed by the replica of the abyss rambler's armor, it is clear that when the abyss rambler returned from the not only he himself, but even his armor was also affected by the abyss The influence of power is such that even replicas can have the effect of absorbing certain abyssal forces. Sin Abyss is also a part of the abyss. The power of sin karma produced by the Sin Abyss can naturally also be absorbed by this armor.

Because of the blocking effect of this armor, Leo temporarily got rid of the side effects of sin karma, even if it appeared in front of people, the person who saw him would not be affected. The only trouble is that he must wear an abyss walk The armor of the person until he can fully control the blood power.

Because of the discovery of the armor, Leo also began to doubt whether the two abyss swords created with the armor can also absorb the sin karma.

However, he was quickly disappointed to find that the Abyssal Sword did not have the effect of armor, but it was interesting that when he used the power of blood to enchant the Abyssal Sword, he could intentionally leave a part of the power in the Abyssal Sword.

He did not know what effect this would have on the Abyssal Sword, but after the Abyssal Sword accumulated a certain amount of blood power, some blood-like patterns appeared on its surface, and when he used the Abyssal Sword It also became easier and more comfortable as if the two abyssal swords were an extension of his body.

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