The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 794: Catching demons

"I calculated that there will be a world tide tonight, and there will be a short-term magic change similar to the intersection of the celestial spheres. Then we will sacrifice." The face was tired, but very excited. Aalto, holding a thick stack of calculation paper, rushed in and said to Leo and others beside the fire in the room.

   "Hmm!" The people in the room had been waiting here for several days. After hearing this news, they all smiled. After all, they would feel uncomfortable after a long time in this swamp.

"At that time, according to the original plan, you only need to hold the demon for a while, and I will rush over." Leo commanded everyone, and then said more heavily: "You must be careful of the demon’s attack method, don’t Bewildered by him."

  Sylvia looked very relaxed and said, "Relax! Haven't you already configured the potions in a targeted manner? Maybe we won't wait for you to come over, we've already packed him up."

Although this is said, none of the people in the house really think that the devil is so easy to solve, because they are all people who have seen Leo’s slaughter of monsters from different worlds, and they know how powerful Leo is. Powerful, but such a powerful existence also takes a long time and full effort to solve the demon, which itself already shows how powerful the demon is.

   Fortunately, the demon's strength is far from being as powerful as Leo's when he was against him. Coupled with the layout here, even if they can't defeat the demon, they can at least drag it to Leo's arrival.

  After carefully checking the layout of the manor, Leo left the manor and opened his vision on a hillside about one kilometer away from the manor, carefully observing the movement inside the manor.

It was about ten in the middle of the night. At the time period mentioned by Aalto, Leo felt that the energy of the whole world suddenly subsided rapidly until almost zero, and a huge wolf-like energy fluctuation instantly wrapped the whole world. Ou can feel that all life around him is excited by the arrival of this wave of energy. Those trees began to sway their branches and leaves in the absence of wind, as if they wanted to stand up from the ground.

At the same time, there was also a very strong energy fluctuation from the manor, and then he saw through the sight that the traps they had arranged before had been activated, and the energy beam released became a chain of energy. , Rushed towards the manor garden, and then heard a huge roar.

   Leo did not wait any longer, and rushed towards the manor with the fastest speed. In order to increase the speed, he even jumped hard into the air, opened the psionic wings, and continued to use psionic shock to fly towards the manor.

In less than a minute, Leo had already arrived in the garden.

At this moment, Sylvia and Geralt are besieging a gruesome monster at close range. I saw that this monster has three pairs of curved horns, two pairs of eyes are red and black, and they are covered with all over. Scales, two pairs of big thick hands constantly waving, hitting Sylvia and Geralt, and its tail will also participate in sneak attacks from time to time.

The chain formed by the energy beam on the monster binds it, making it unable to move the body, and also restricts his movements, slows his attacking movements, and the biggest effect is to limit the demon power in his body. At the moment of condensation, the chain will produce a special energy shock wave, dispersing the demon power that gathered together, so that the demon can only rely on the strength of the body to fight back.

Although the demon is restrained and unable to exert his full strength, Sylvia and Geralt still need to deal with this huge monster with all their strength. They both use copying movements to avoid each other’s attacks, and then the long sword in their hands. Will fight back and attack the weakness of the monster, which Leo discovered when fighting with the demon.

   These weaknesses were attacked, although it did not cause the demon to be fatally injured, but it made him extremely uncomfortable, and even affected his attacking action. The three-person battle was almost at a flat state.

On the other side, Flynn Gila is presiding over the layout of the manor. The energy chain will lock the devil. Alto, who was supposed to preside over the layout of the manor, is lying not far away. His body is covered with blood. Next to him, Regill, who was also seriously injured, was pouring Aalto's mouth into a mouth with a bottle of therapeutic potion.

   Seeing the scene like this, Leo did not know where there must have been an accident in the middle, and he did not stay and fell directly from the air towards the demon.

  Although it was in the dark, Leo’s movement was very striking, not only the devil saw it, but also others.

   At this moment, the demon recognized Leo as the person who killed him at first glance, and immediately panicked, the movements in his hand became chaotic, and even quickly accumulated his own power to try to destroy himself.

Unfortunately, everything about the devil is in vain. Before waiting to accumulate enough self-destructive power, Leo fell from the air and hit the other party's head with a knee, directly shaking his head dizzy, and at the same time With the rotation of his body, the Gemini cross sword in his hand chopped off, and directly cut off the two pairs of arms of the demon. And while landing, the long sword in the hand was chopped out laterally, and the legs of the devil were also chopped. Lost.

The severe pain in the body made the devil scream, while the others were relieved. Sylvia and Geralt were sitting on the ground. Obviously, the struggle with the demon just now made them reach their limits. Now that the crisis is lifted, they can no longer support it.

Leo walked to the demon whose limbs had been cut off and kicked him directly on the demon’s neck. He kicked him in a coma. After coma, the demon’s huge body began to shrink and became like an ordinary person. His appearance also changed to that of ordinary people, and when he was different from ordinary people, he had a lot of scales on his face.

   Flynn Gila also untied the energy chain at this time, gasping for a moment, then came over and looked at the demon with the stick cut in front of her, wondering: "Is this the true appearance of the demon?"

   "No, it's just a disguise as before." Leo shook his head, and then asked Flynn Gila: "What happened just now, why did Alto and Regill get hurt?"

When Flynn Gila was about to say something, Sylvia had already stood up from the ground and said for her: "This demon is very cunning. At first he made an illusion to confuse all of us and then suddenly attacked After Aalto, fortunately, Regill discovered in time that he was the deadliest attack for Aalto and restrained the demon for a while, so that we had enough time to regain control of the situation." Then, she turned to look at the ground and turned back into a humanoid 'S unconscious demon asked, "What now?"

   Leo thought for a moment, and said: "Tie him up according to the original plan, and slowly ask him for information about the crime, he still has a lot of time!"

   "Do I still need to be tied in this way?" Flinjela said, puzzled.

   "How do you know if he will let his arms grow again?" Leo asked back.

Flynn Gila said nothing more, and Aalto also woke up at this time, and the first time he woke up was to ask Regill if he had caught the demon. After getting a definite answer, he was unconscious again. It seems to be a coma after excessive bleeding. Now the wound has stopped bleeding, and there should be no life threatening.

  According to their plan, after the demon was arrested, the demon was detained in the cellar of the Flenjella Manor and interrogated slowly.

But now after seeing the power and horror of the demon, Flynn Gila felt that it was a bit dangerous to take the demon to Buckland. It is better to shut him in this manor. Anyway, there is also a cellar under the main building of this manor, which is very suitable for people. , Or turn off the devil.

  Leo also agreed with Flynn Gila’s proposal, and then carried the demon into the cellar of the house.

This place was originally a relatively well-preserved elven ruin. The fate of this ruin is obviously completely different from that of other elven kingdoms. Earl Niefgard who built the manor here obviously did not like this ruined civilization, so The ruins on the ground were all leveled, and only one basement was left in the end, ready to be used as a wine cellar.

   However, as this place was abandoned, there were only some broken wine barrels left in the basement,

After entering the basement, Leo cleaned the demon and then dust and debris on the ground, and then took out several soul bonfire traps and placed them around. As long as the demon dared to give up the flesh and flew out in the state of soul, these soul symbols The text trap will be triggered.

After   , Leo set up several traps specially designed to limit the movement of demons around him, and then turned and left the basement.

Almost immediately after Leo left the basement, the demon woke up from a coma. He looked around with caution, then raised his head with all his might, and looked at his body, which had lost his limbs, with extreme hatred. 'S eyes also turned towards Leo's figure that he had just left.

Later, he tried to use methods to regenerate his limbs, but all of his methods failed, because he found that he could no longer gather power. The metal wrapped around him was interfering with his power, and this metal Not strange in this world, it is anti-magic metal.

The devil had to think about the countermeasures to escape, but he knew that as long as Leo was here, he might be difficult to escape. All of a sudden his thinking changed from thinking about how to escape, to how to keep Leo away from here, and finally no meditation for the night Think of a suitable solution.

  Sylvia returned to the station overnight, because there were knights who came to him, saying that a team of escorts of the caravan had an accident at the border of Buckland. Because it was related to the law and order of Buckland, Fringila also rushed over.

   Both LeGill and Geralt stayed. They were not worried about whether Leo could see the demon alone. They were both curious about the demon itself, because they hadn’t seen the real demon for so long.

However, Leo did not allow them to see the demon alone, because according to the information he obtained from Aalto, the demon is the most good at confusing people, letting them go to the devil alone will only give the devil an opportunity to take advantage of. .

  After a night of rest, Aalto has also recovered, and after drinking another bottle of Leo's specially prepared potion, he has no trouble.

After recovering, Aalto couldn’t wait to see the demon, because he and Geralt and Regill were the first to see the real demon, even if he knew the devil’s situation very well, but those were just It's just something on the book.

  Leo also felt that he could do it, so he took the prepared oil lamp and went down to the basement together.

  Although the demon looks very miserable at the moment, it can arouse the sympathy of others, but the longest person is almost a hard-hearted guy, and he is not moved by his pitiful appearance at all.

  When Geralt squatted down to look at the demon, Leo hung oil lamps on the hooks in the basement, making the basement instantly brighter.

   Afterwards, Leo asked the other three, "Does any of you know how to use torture?"

   "I don't understand." Aalto shook his head and said, "But I know how to plan. If he dies, can I give him his body to plan, I might be able to find something from him."

   The demon heard the words, and his face immediately showed how the clothes wanted to eat Aalto.

"I don't understand." Geralt also shook his head and said, "I can use Master Alto to solve find out where he can be used as alchemy. s material."

   The object of the demon's hatred at the moment immediately added a Geralt.

Only, Regill touched his chin and said, "I used to be a prison officer in prison for a period of time. I know some methods of torture, but I don't know if these methods can be used on his body. After all, he It should be different from our body structure?"

   "Then you come!" Leo gestured towards Regil and said, "You have always been a prison officer. You know some methods. Let's take a look next to it, or we can learn and wait for you later."

   At this moment, the demon is somewhat numb to hatred. He just closed his eyes casually, as if he was ready to be tortured, or torture would make it more powerful.

Regill was also extremely curious about the demon. He took the job without escaping. He took off the bag hanging on his body, took off the damaged clothes, and then asked Leo while preparing the tools for execution. Tao: "What do you want to know from his mouth?"

   "I want to know about his hometown and the crimes." Leo Shensheng said.

   All eyes in the room were focused on Leo at this time, while Geralt's eyes were at a loss, and the eyes of the demon were surprised and panicked.


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