The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 791: Summon monster

"Saint Ancarus!" When seeing the black tattoo on Leo's back, Sylvia couldn't help shouting the holy name of the Lord of the Sky. This was the belief that her mother had forcibly instilled when she was a child. She had already changed her faith by the time of the Empress, and she was still unable to habitually utter the holy name of the Sky Lord when she was extremely shocked.

   "Is the tattoo on the back scary?" Leo asked with a deep voice.

"No, it's not scary at all, and it's very..." Sylvia seemed to be unable to describe what he saw, and searched for adjectives in his head, but even then he could not describe it in case, in the end I can only use the simplest adjectives and say: "Very beautiful! Unspeakable beauty!"

   "Is there a mirror? Let me see!" Leo hesitated slightly when he saw Sylvia's look.

Sylvia heard this and immediately went to the bedroom to find a hand mirror. After stepping out, he shot back at Leo. After adjusting the angle a little, Leo saw that Silvia felt What amazed him, and it also made him stunned.

  Because the tattoo behind him is not fixed on the body as before, it is moving like alive, and his form Leo is also very familiar, but it is actually the astrological map of the originating nebula.

The origin nebula is the seat of the highest council of the universe. It is said that it is the center of the universe, where time and space are static. Only Omega-class higher living bodies can move there, and ordinary people enter there without any protective measures. Under the circumstances, he will return to the original zero matter in the universe under the influence of the nebula. Even if the omega high life form is near eternal, it is impossible to stay there for a long time.

   Therefore, in order to facilitate the work of the Supreme Council, although the location of the Supreme Council is in the Origin Nebula, the office of the Supreme Council is outside the Origin Nebula.

For the Earth Federation, the Origin Nebula is definitely a fascinating place, but the Earth Federation is not yet qualified to enter the Origin Nebula, but this does not hinder the enthusiasm of the people of the Earth Federation for the Origin Nebula, so there are a lot of information about the Origin Nebula in the Earth Federation Data, and the astrological map of the origin nebula on Leo’s back is the most widely distributed one. In order to obtain this information, the Earth Federation had to sell a colonial star that had been transformed.

  Just as Sylvia cannot describe the beauty of the origin nebula, even the poet of the Earth Federation who is the best at creating beautiful poetry cannot describe the beauty of the origin nebula.

Although the origin nebula is static in time and space, it has a special substance called zero matter in the origin nebula. This matter seems not to be restricted by time and space, and condenses into countless star clusters in the origin nebula. Stars, and roaming irregularly, every change in roaming will form a kind of universe, any species will feel very gorgeous star chart.

The astrological map obtained by the Earth Federation is a holographic image that records the changes of the nebula in 57 years, and even this real-time recorded holographic image cannot record the beautiful one-tenth of 10,000 of the main origin nebula. Any one has been to the origin nebula. People will feel like they have undergone a spiritual baptism, and anyone who has seen the origin nebula star chart will naturally enter a peaceful and peaceful state.

It is also officially because the origin nebula horoscope chart has the effect of calming the emotions of the creatures, so on a spaceship such as a trans-galaxy spaceship with a long flight mission, the most played is the astronomy map of the origin nebula, which is why Leo can get the first glance I recognized what caused the tattoo behind me.

   "What's this? Do you know it?" Sylvia noticed the change in Leo's look and couldn't help asking: "Why do I feel this... so... peaceful and calm when I see this pattern?"

   "This is the astrological chart of the origin nebula." Leo replied without concealment.

  Sylvia asked puzzled: "Origin Nebula? What is that?"

Leo opened his mouth and did not know how to answer for a while, because he found that if he explained the origin nebula to Sylvia, then he needed to give Sylvia a complete cosmology course, if he used the learning device to instill The entire course will take more than two hours, while the study will take at least thirty years.

   Seeing Leo look like this, Sylvia also noticed Leo's difficulty and shook her head, saying, "Forget it, you don't need to tell me and you don't need to know this."

  After she finished, she handed Leo the clothes she had just taken off, and looked at Leo reluctantly to put on her clothes again, covering the origin of the nebula star chart.

   "Is this caused by the broken pages of the night **** sigh?" Sylvia asked again.

   "It should be." Leo nodded and followed with doubt, and said, "But why did this thing appear?"

Leo feels that the collection of consciousness produced by the night **** sighs and remnant pages is integrated into his body, and also shares a part of his memory, probably the deepest memory, so it will become the form of Lilith, and the origin Nebula's astrological map is also the deepest part of his memory, so the tattoo with the power of nightmare on his back will have this change.

   Although Leo made what he thought was the most reasonable guess, he felt that things might not be as simple as guessed.

Leo didn’t spend too much energy on the things he couldn’t figure out. He felt that the things he couldn’t figure out would be put aside for a while, and when he had time to think about it later, what he needed to do now was to find out what he was doing as soon as possible. Whether the body has caused an unknown change because it has absorbed the remaining pages of the night god's sigh.

In the next two days, Leo stayed in the room and carefully checked every detail of himself, but he never found any one. He only felt that the power of the nightmare, whether it was the total amount or the recovery speed, was much more than before, from From this point of view, it is very beneficial to him. After all, if he wants to cast many spells quickly, he needs to use the power of nightmare to imitate the special mana required by the spell.

While Leo checked his situation, Aalto, who had borrowed Leo’s notice, came to the manor and moved the stone pillar back to Flenjella’s manor, while studying the wizard magic circle in the manor. Do some pre-arrangements, such as placing an imprisoned circle, so that when the monsters are summoned, they can be controlled.

Without being able to check the specific situation of the body, Leo no longer made more demands, he got the news from Flinjella, knew that the imprisonment circle was already arranged, and hurried with Sylvia Frenjilla's manor.

At this moment, not only the two warlocks Flinjella and Aalto are in the Frenjira’s manor, but also Geralt, Regil, and Milwa are also present. After summoning monsters through the magic circle left by the elven kingdom, hurried to see if they could help.

  Jerlot, who knew what Flynnila was going to do early, did not agree with the practice of summoning monsters from a time, and also persuaded Flynnila, but after confirming that it was useless to persuade, he was not talking about anything.

Regill was purely curious about summoning monsters from other worlds. Although he knew a long time ago that the wizard of the elven kingdom had the ability to summon monsters from another world, he had never seen it, and with the destruction of the elven kingdom This kind of power has also disappeared, and now Leo and Flynn Gila’s approach to him is nothing more than restoring the legacy of the ancient elven kingdom.

As for Milwa, Angoulan, and Cassir, all three of them came to help, even if they felt that they could not help too much, but in Flynnila’s view, these people looked at the lively plan, far from Escape the idea of ​​help.

  When Leo and Sylvia arrived, there was no nonsense for several people. They stood at the pre-arranged positions directly according to their research.

   Geralt and his people are standing in the outer zone, mainly to prevent monsters from getting out of the imprisonment, and not necessarily let them destroy the monsters, but let them hold the monsters and wait for others to free their hands to solve them.

Aalto does not have much actual combat experience. Within a pre-arranged defensive magic circle, he is responsible for promoting the summoning magic circle and the imprisoned magic circle. He has to say that he may be the most energy-consuming person among several people and needs to run two at the same time. Magic circle.

   And Sylvia and Flynn Gila are not far away, not only monitoring the audience, but also protecting Aalto.

Only Leo, who was replaced with the armor and weapons of the Abyssal Walker, stood in the middle of the garden, the core area of ​​the elven magic circle. According to their inference, once the summoned magic circle is activated, those monsters from other worlds will definitely appear in the core area. , So Leo is also on the front line.

After everything was ready, Aalto forcibly inserted the magic wand in his hand into a groove in the elf language pattern on the ground, and at the same time injected his mana into the magic circle through the cane. The pattern spread to all around, and soon spread to the whole manor.

Fortunately, Flynn Gila drove away the servants in advance, and used illusions around the manor to create an illusion of the manor, covering up what is happening in the manor. Otherwise, the monster will not appear after the waiting, I am afraid this ray of light It was enough to attract the entire Buckland's eyes.

   "Start!" Aalto, who controlled the magic circle, sensed the current operation of the magic circle and immediately shouted at Leo.

Almost at the same time Aalto shouted, not far from Leo, a portal appeared suddenly out of nowhere, followed by a giant monster with the appearance of an insect, but a body almost three meters tall. Came out.

Before he could see what was happening around him, a large sword was cut on its head, and its head was cut off directly, but at the same time, the monster that had lost its head did not die and was still trying to fly. Go out, but then another big sword directly split it in half.

Flynn Gila saw Leo's clean and easy solution of a monster, she couldn't help but shouted at Leo: "Damn! Don't waste it, try to cut off its limbs, so that it can't move, it's better than death. Before!"

   Hearing Flynn Gila's shout, Leo didn't answer, but just shook the abyss sword in his hand, which was a response.

After that, the portal did not disappear, and five or six portals appeared around it. Various monsters were drilled out of the portal. In addition to the initial insect-like monster, other portals were drilled. It has been mentioned in the books of Monster Hunter.

   Monsters such as Fendt, Howling, Jade, and Deer Shoujing, and even a portal will highlight some elemental monsters from time to time.

Although monsters are constantly drilling out of the portal, Leo is able to cope with it. His movement speed is very fast. Almost the monster has just passed the portal and standing on the ground here, Leo’s abyss sword will be These monsters were beheaded on the spot, and they have never been leaked from his hands. Soon, hundreds of monsters died under his abyss sword, and the portals were already filled with various monsters. The entrance and exit of the portal is almost blocked.

   All the people around were staring at Leo's performance at the moment. Except for Aalto, they felt that they were completely superfluous here.

Whether they have seen Leo fights or have not seen Leo fights, they all have only one idea in mind, that is, Leo’s strength is too strong, so powerful that it is completely inhuman. This kind of non-human is far more than the demon hunter.

Originally, the Demon Hunter was very confident in his own swordsmanship. I thought that if he only relied on swordsmanship, Leo might not be able to compare with himself, but now he sees Leo like cutting Killing those monsters that he needs to spend a lot of experience to arrange in advance, and then fight hard to win, he clearly realized that his sword skills and power are far from comparable to Leo.

   At this moment, Leo suddenly shouted to them: "Something has leaked, be careful!"

   Hearing Leo’s shout, everyone immediately changed from a shock state to a fighting state. They carefully observed the surroundings, but did not see what Leo said was missing.

   At this moment, a fringe burst of energy suddenly appeared at the edge of the imprisoned magic circle arranged in advance, followed by a vague human figure. It seems that the fish in the net should be invisible.

   The fastest-reacting Geralt and Sylvia rushed out almost at the same time, and then waved the long sword in their hands to hack the invisible figure.

The invisible figure noticed that it was exposed, and immediately retreated from the edge of the imprisonment circle to re-enter the invisible state, but at this time, the long swords of Sylvia and Geralt have blocked all the invisible people can retreat. Orientation, so he can only resist.

   saw two metal-colored claws appearing out of thin air, blocking in front of the two swords wielded by them, while at the same time the invisible man could not maintain the hidden body, and a prototype appeared in front of everyone.



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