The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 788: Changeable manor

The ghosts around in the illusion did not find that there was a more real person among them, and because the clothing around Leo’s body was transformed by the power of the nightmare, it could transform the illusion into reality, that is to say when When he hits a person, he can feel the force transmitted from the clothes, and his impact force can also be transmitted to the ghost through the power of the nightmare, making it stagger like a real person being hit.

After discovering this, Leo’s worries were a little smaller. Before he entered the manor, the worries were those ghosts. Among the various forces in his body, the mark of the web weaver is the best way to deal with ghosts. Power, but now the Mark of the Net Weaver cannot be used at all, which makes his biggest killer useless.

Although the psionic energy is also able to deal with these ghosts from the previous situation, he can also see that the psionic energy is not fatal to these ghosts, and the effect of the nightmare power can obviously make him treat these ghosts. Like treating a real person, he also has the ability to solve these ghosts if he needs to do something.

What Leo has to do now is to find the scrap page and take it away. As long as the scrap page of the night **** sigh is taken away, everything here will return to normal, and only a part of the magic circle needs to be modified at that time. If you can release the energy accumulated here, everything will be back to normal.

Leo’s mind emerged with the magic array drawing that he deconstructed with Aalto before, found the boundary point of each small magic array, and also determined the connection trajectory of the magic array based on the connection point of the boundary point, and then guessed by the previous The magic circle mana circulation route that came out began to move forward.

  When deconstructing the magic circle, Leo and Aalto discussed how to walk safely in this magic circle, and go to the center of the magic circle as soon as possible.

   At that time, Aalto thought for a long time, and the last solution was to follow the magic circle's mana cycle route, because as long as the magic circle itself has a mana cycle, the mana cycle will eventually enter the center of the magic circle.

And the more important point is that although the mana of the mana loop is the strongest area in the magic circle, it is also the weakest area of ​​the magic circle, because the mana can only produce effects if it is emitted and used. It only stays in Inside the magic circle, it will not have an effect on others.

However, although this route is the safest route to the center of the magic circle, it is not the fastest route, because the mana cycle route will repeatedly circle around in the magic circle, so that he repeatedly walks a lot, and We must always be vigilant about taking the wrong cycle.

   Leo did not use the spiritual net, because he found that the moment he entered this illusion, his spiritual net had lost its effect, and he now totally relies on the supernatural perception of the body.

If it were before, he may still feel very difficult to perceive this way, but now as he continues to develop the potential of the body and the blood power continues to increase, his own extraordinary perception has also begun to show some changes, such as even if he does not pass the spirit The net can also clearly perceive the surrounding energy changes and so on.

  Although he usually has a mental net, this kind of perception ability is a bit tasteless, but in this situation, his perception ability obviously comes in handy.

   Leo walked very steadily, did not see where he was now, and put all his attention on sensing the changes in energy fluctuations under his feet.

On the road in front of him, ghosts sometimes blocked the way. He didn't walk around the road. Instead, he directly knocked the ghosts away and continued on. One or two times might not attract the ghost's attention. Many ghosts who still maintained some of their memories and consciousness looked at Leo.

   It's just that they didn't regard Leo as an outsider, but because of the power of the nightmare, they had a strong trust in Leo. Even if he made some extraordinary actions, there would be no ghosts.

   In this way, Leo wandered around the manor along the magic circle's mana cycle track for more than two hours under the watch of some ghosts, and finally came to the interface between the wizard magic circle and the magician magic circle.

   "What's going on?" Leo stopped at the junction, looked down at his feet, but listened to the steps that should have continued.

   did this because he found that neither the spiritual web nor the supernatural perception could perceive any energy fluctuations in the previous magician magic circle, as if there was a zero space without any energy in front.

  However, he was able to perceive that energy fluctuations came out of the magic circle of magician through the mana cycle.

   In other words, the current situation is completely different from what he and Aalto estimated, and all the previously thought plans have failed.

   "Do you want to go back and continue to analyze the countermeasures, or walk in?" Leo hesitated a little, and then took a step directly forward by feeling.

When he took this step, the scene in his eyes changed instantly. The manor where the banquet was held disappeared, surrounded by broken walls, the trees were dead, all the buildings were covered with cracks, and it felt like they had passed. Thousands of years ago, the ground was covered with thick snow, and a bitter wind blew from the surroundings, sweeping around with snowflakes.

"At least a drop of more than fifty degrees." Leo felt the cold around him, while changing the clothes of nightmare power into a thick winter coat, while looking around, he said to himself: "still Josh Manor."

   Yes, although the surrounding environment has changed a lot, but the positions of various statues, stone pillars and so on are still relatively well preserved. With the location of these things, he can be sure that he is still at Josh Manor.

   At this time, he looked in the direction of the Buckland Palace, and found that the current Buckland Palace has become a snowy mountain. Except for some well-preserved minarets, he can't see the palace at all.

"Hoarfrost Prophecy!" Seeing this scene, Leo's mind immediately appeared with the widely spread and digested hoarfrost prophecy. From the current situation, it seems that this illusion is imitating the aftermath of hoarfrost. world.

Seeing this completely illusory world surrounded by snow, Leo suddenly understood why Baron Josh and the wine merchant would kill the whole family. Obviously, any normal person would feel desperate if they fell into this dead world, even if they left With this illusion world, the hoarfrost prophecy will tell them the final ending of the world all the time. No matter how strong people repeatedly experience this dead world, they will produce desperate emotions.

  However, the psychological impact of this environment is almost negligible for Leo. The dead environment he experienced in the universe can't count his hands, and each environment is much worse than the hoarfrost world at present.

   But Leo will not underestimate this illusory world, because if the residual pages of the night **** sigh can be dealt with so simple, then this thing will not be regarded as the most dangerous taboo item by the Orthodox Court.

   Leo took a closer look at the surroundings and then walked towards the main manor building in front.

   The main building of the manor was covered by thick snow at this moment. Only the third floor had a little eaves exposed, but there was a window in the corner of the house that was half exposed from the snow, and it seemed to be open from where it could be accessed.

   It's just that Leo did not follow the normal person's idea, climbed up the snowdrift, and entered the house through that window.

   Instead, he directly dug the snowdrift and found the main entrance of the manor house, and then tried to open the main entrance and enter the house.

   It is a pity that he has a good idea and intends to pick out the rules, but obviously the power here does not allow him to jump out, no matter how strong he hits the door, the main door will never open.

  After several attempts, Leo retreated from the dug snow hole. Although he exited, he did not intend to follow such obvious prompts and enter the house through the window, but intended to continue to force open the main entrance.

I saw that he directly used his strongest psionic skill thunder gun. A thunder spear quickly gathered in his hand. Although the thunder gun has condensed out, Leo did not throw it out, but controlled it himself. Within the limits, keep accumulating lightning guns in your hands.

  Innumerable lightning flashed out of the lightning gun in his hand, hitting the surrounding objects cracklingly, and Leo at the moment was like a Thor holding the weapon of destruction in his hand.

   When he felt that he had almost reached the limit, he threw the thunder gun in his hand toward the villa gate without hesitation.

   The speed of the thunder gun is extremely fast. Almost while leaving Leo's palm, he has already passed through the tunnel dug by Leo and hit the door of the villa.

   The thunder force that erupted in an instant, just like an indestructible siege hammer, directly rushed open the door, and the thunder surplus force also rushed into the gate and burst into a dazzling flash.

   Just as the power of the thunder gun erupted, a black mist poured out from the door, filling the entire space instantly, and the surrounding hoarfrost world disappeared instantly, turning into a dark world with five colors and no light.

Leo found that all the power in his body had disappeared, and the only thing that still felt the existence was the power of the nightmare, and the power of the nightmare seemed extremely active at this moment, uncontrollably escaping from the tattoo on his back, Various shapes are transformed in the air, and those shapes are irregular, irregular, and abnormal.

If at this moment someone is here and sees the abnormal shapes emerging behind Leo, they will definitely think that these are shapes that cannot really exist, because any kind of standard text cannot describe any of this shape. A detail.

However, at this moment Leo did not know the abnormal shapes that appeared behind him. He just felt the quietness that made the body and mind very relaxed through the power of the nightmare, and he also felt the remnant of the night **** sigh. Where is the page.

So he closed his eyes and walked forward with the feeling of the nightmare power behind him, where time and space seemed to be still. No matter how far he walked, he always felt like he was standing still. Similar.

  Most people encounter this kind of situation, I am afraid that they have already developed self-doubt, and then feel that they are doing useless work, and finally give up and continue to walk forward, but instead think about other methods.

  However, Leo did not mean to stop at all, still walking forward.

This does not mean that he will not be affected by the surrounding environment. If it is in the period of bioman, he may be able to be absolutely sensible and not affected by any external factors, but now that he has human emotions, he is also the same Being affected by the surrounding environment, my mood became very bad.

Although he can’t see the details of the dark world around him, Leo knows his body very well, so when he walks, he can clearly feel what the ground he is stepping on is also very clear. How far have you gone.

  Furthermore, through the power of the nightmare and the strength of the resonance between the residual pages, he can clearly understand that he is gradually approaching where the residual pages are now.

  After walking for about half an hour, Leo saw a very quaint stone platform in front of him, and a piece of paper glowing with white light was suspended above the stone platform.

   At this Leo who should have continued to move forward suddenly stopped, and then looked at the surroundings alertly, as if there was any danger in the darkness around.

Suddenly, Leo jumped quickly from the ground, and cast a psionic shock while rolling in the air, and then the reactionary force of the impact threw himself out more than ten meters. At the same time, the psionic shock also seemed to hit something. A roar filled with pain came out, the darkness around them tore instantly, and countless torches lit around.

Leo found that he was in an arena class at the moment. A giant with countless ghosts across him screamed at him, and the ghosts around the arena shouted as if he was urging The ghost giant attacked Leo.

   And Leo's eyes quickly adjusted to the surrounding light, and looked at the page of the night **** sigh on the stone platform in the center of the arena.

The ghost giant seemed to perceive Leo's distraction, and rushed towards Leo immediately. The ghost on his body came out of it, rushing out of the ghost giant like countless tentacles, and rushing towards Leo from all directions, Trying to block Leo's movement range, and roaring at Leo with a weird tone to join in, join in words like in.

  However, Leo did not evade anything, but waved his fist towards the falling sword, with a silver-blue force attached to his fist.


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