"Ghost!" Leo whispered, seeing the sight in front of him through his spirit.

I saw that in the ruins of that temple, there were dozens of ghosts of elves gathered there. They were not presented in front of people like monsters like the daytime demon he had seen before. They still kept In view of the form of the elves, and they also seem to maintain the sanity of their lifetime, at this moment they are sitting together, listening to what the ghost of the female elf in the middle said.

Although Leo saw the elves for the first time, the features of the elves’ bodies were very recognizable. However, even though Leo could see these elven ghosts, he could not hear their conversation.

With curiosity, Leo moved quickly to the top of a ruined house closer to the temple, but although his movements were very careful, he still made a little noise, which may not be easy to be heard elsewhere. I heard it, but in this environment, the sound was particularly loud. All the ghosts and ghosts in the temple were shocked in a flash. They stood up from the ground and turned to look at Leo.

Focused on the cold sight of countless ghosts, Leo felt an inexplicable pressure, but this pressure had little effect on him. After all, this pressure was more than the Omega-level higher life he had been in contact with. The pressure created by the body is like a breeze.

Since he had been found, Leo did not hide anymore. He jumped from the roof and stepped into the temple. He came to the soul of the female elf who was clearly the leader, and taught him the elven etiquette and elven language with Geralt. , Said to the ghost of this female elf: "Hello, the wise man of longevity."

Hearing the name and etiquette of Leo, the spirit spirits around him could not help laughing, and the spirit of the female elf in front of him also smiled and said a word, but it seemed to know that Leo could not hear her voice, and used some kind of The method oscillates the surrounding energy to form an audio frequency, saying: "Humans, who taught you your etiquette, do the people who teach you etiquette want to make us laugh with this method?"

Hearing the ghost of the female elf, Leo wouldn’t know if he was either played by Geralt, or Geralt was tricked by someone who taught him elven etiquette, but think carefully about the two possibilities. The latter is mostly.

The ghost of the female elf raised her hand and gestured to the surrounding ghosts and said, "Since there are guests, then you are all gone! Today's lesson is here."

The spirits of the elves stood up one after another, saluted the ghosts of the female elves, and then their shapes gradually disappeared, and even Lingshi could not find their traces.

"Aren't you afraid?" the ghost of the female elf asked Leo.

"Not afraid!" Leo said quietly.

"Why?" the female elf ghost questioned.

"First, in this case, fear is useless." Leo said truthfully: "Second, I don't have to be afraid, because I will not be hurt."

The ghost of the female elf looked up and down, covered in rags, very embarrassed Leo, smiled: "You seem very confident?"

"Yes, I'm very confident." Leo said without being humble.

As Leo spoke, he felt a spirit-like power sweeping over him, and he heard the ghost of the female elf, saying: "Yes! You are indeed qualified to be confident. Estimated by your strength, we It’s hard to hurt you, just like you can’t hurt us."

Leo hesitated a little when he heard the female elf, and Shen Sheng asked, "If I didn't guess wrong, you should all be alive, right?"

"Alive?" The ghost of the female elf hesitated a little, and said with some uncertainty: "Perhaps!" She said to Leo: "I'm Asiris, the high priest of the goddess Meritelli. I'm glad to see you. You, human."

"The stranger Leo Dodd, pleased to meet you, your high priestess." Leo also responded, and then hesitated a little, then said, "Are you the beloved Estris?"

"You know me?" Asiris looked at Leo in surprise.

"I have read some books about your deeds," Leo replied calmly.

Leo turned to the records of Asiris more than once in the various records of the Elven Kingdom provided by Flynn Gila. In all the records, they mentioned that Asiris was Merri The darling of the goddess Tally, when humans attacked the elven kingdom, many people agreed to let Esiris go.

However, before the start of the war, Estris and her faithful men suddenly disappeared, and Meritelli's temple fell to the ground along with other elven buildings.

"You don't seem to have any hatred towards me?" Leo suddenly remembered some unusual scenes just now, Shen Sheng asked: "Why? The elven kingdom was destroyed by humans, and Taocent's elves have been killed, and they are also humans. Got it, and I am a human being, why don’t you hate me?"

"It's very simple, you didn't do those things, why should I hate you." Asiris responded casually, "And I have lived the oracle of the goddess in advance, knowing what the result of the elven kingdom will be, I have also persuaded the elven king, but the result is..." Then, she paused and did not continue, but changed the subject, saying, "Can you tell me, what is the situation in the world outside now?" ?"

"of course can."

"Wait a minute!" Leo was about to say it, but was stopped by Asiris, and then saw the ghost of the female elf reach out and grab Leo's arm, said: "Don't resist."

As the voice fell, Leo felt like he was entering the portal, being pulled by a force, and soon the scene in front of him suddenly changed. He was no longer in the ruins of the underground elves, but stood. Inside a temple, the temple was completely illuminated by the flames in the brazier, turning its head to look outside, but could not see any light, as if it was shrouded in endless darkness.

At this moment, Leo feels that the extraordinary power in his body has also changed. Those Velon world **** marks have been completely banned, and the power of those outside gods has been completely unsealed, and the spiritual energy has become incomparable. Active, just like being in the universe.

"The subspace world!" An answer immediately appeared in Leo's mind, but he shook his head again and said in secret: "It is an incomplete subspace debris world!"

Leo can already confirm that the place where the temple is located is a subspace debris world similar to Yam Island, but unlike Yam Island, it is much worse in terms of world level, after all, Yam Island There is already a world power belonging to it, capable of suppressing and repelling foreign gods such as corpses, and this subspace debris world obviously has no such effect.

Leo looked back at the surrounding temples at this time, and he quickly discovered that some things that should not belong here were very neatly arranged on the side of the temple wall. These things were very familiar to Leo. They It is the dormant cabin used for interstellar navigation.

At this moment, those elves that were supposed to be ghosts have all become entities, and all lie in the dormant cabin one by one. They are skillfully operating the control screen on the dormant cabin and have entered a state of deep sleep.

"You don't seem to be surprised by what happened in front of you. Have you ever experienced it before?" Ace Ruis, who had transformed from a ghost into an entity at this moment, stood beside Leo, looking at Leo's face with some doubt. Expression, said: "Have you seen these sleeping coffins before?"

"Is this thing Shenming's Coffin?" Leo asked rhetorically.

Asiris glanced at Leo slightly, and said, "Yes, this thing is called the coffin of Shen Mian. It is a sacred object given to us by the goddess so that we can survive."

Talking, Asiris stepped into the shrine. In front of the statue of the Trinity Meritelli Goddess, he worshipped him in a very respectful manner, then stood up, sat on the chair in front of the statue, and looked at Leo Asked: "Now, Mr. Leo Dodd, can you tell me how is the world outside now? If I am satisfied, I can give you a small gift before you leave."

When Asiris was sitting in the chair in front of the idol, Leo immediately felt that the life form of the other party seemed to have changed by leaps, from a life form only equivalent to the fourth-level psionicist. The life forms of the seventh-level psionicists have formed a great life-level suppression on Leo. If Leo is not imprinted with various gods in his body, it may have been completely affected by the other party.

And Leo also found at this moment that he should not have walked directly into this subspace plane world, but entered the world in a nearly soul like the elves just now, just because the temple contains special The strength of it makes him look more like an entity.

The reason why Leo is so sure of his present state of soul or mental body is because he does not feel any blood power from his body.

Although Leo didn’t know how the opponent did this, he didn’t worry too much. He had a lot of hole cards. Even if the opponent was malicious, he had a way to make a comeback, so when the opponent asked, he also seemed very relaxed and walked. When he got to the side, he also sat in a chair and said, "As you wish."

Later, Leo spoke carefully about the history of the countries of the continent he learned from Regill. It is strange that Esiris did not ask about the current status of the elves, nor did he ask about Taocent. She was very interested in the incident on Sinide Island, and repeatedly inquired several times, until she emptied all the content in Leo's stomach.

"Can you tell me something about your world?" At this time, Asris suddenly asked again.

Being broken by a word, Leo did not seem panic. In fact, he knew the origin of the other party when he brought him here. After all, he has so many imprints of world gods in his body, just like It was as striking as the lights in the night.

However, he did not respond to Esiris, but said in a little silence, "I have always advocated the equivalent exchange, and the priestess wants to know these things, then you have to pay something of equal value."

"So what do you want? Money, power or power?" Asiris asked quietly.

Leo shook his head and said, "The only thing I want is knowledge."

Speaking, he used psionic energy to quickly write a series of texts in the air, which are the ancient elven texts that he has not yet understood.

When Leo turned out to be so proficient in writing ancient elven scripts, Ace Ruisi's face was hard to hide, and the look at Leo became a little excited.

Previously, the reason why Asris suddenly led her clergy back to the ruins and told about the past of the elven kingdom in the ruins is not only to restore some memories of the same family who have been sleeping in the sleeping coffin for a long time, but also Mostly because she obtained the oracle of the goddess, which prompted her to meet someone who could get him out of the present dilemma.

So when she saw Leo, she did not show any hostility, and she also brought Leo to this temple that should not allow humans to enter.

It was only that she still had doubts about whether Leo was the person mentioned in the oracle even though she obtained the oracle. Until Leo wrote the ancient fairy tale, she was completely sure that Leo was the person.

Because the key to helping them get rid of the present dilemma lies in this ancient elven script, and although she understands this script, she does not understand the portals arranged with this script~www.ltnovel.com~ so the broken portals are always It's bad. They were trapped here for so many years. Fortunately, the pity of the goddess enabled them to survive the sleeping coffin of Yikao.

It's just that the side effects of using the Sleeping Coffin for a long time have already appeared. Many elves have begun to forget the past. If they don't leave here and continue to use the Sleeping Coffin, then everyone may lose the memory of the past.

"I can teach you this kind of writing, but I need to change the condition." Asiris quickly made a decision and said.

"What conditions?" Leo asked in a deep voice.

Asris stood up, motioned for Leo to come with her, and led Leo to a smaller room at the back of the temple, pointing to the damaged magic circle on the wall around the room, saying, "My condition is You fix them."

The moment she saw the magic circle, Leo couldn't help but froze for a moment, because she not only saw the traces of the portal magic circle she had learned before, but even saw the Turing word on it. The shadow of the root, it is clear that the person who originally arranged this magic circle was not only proficient in the portal, but even had a profound knowledge of the Turing root, which was almost no worse than the tower wizard.

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