However, Leo is also very grateful that he can find his defects from Regill’s blood power and have enough time to remedy it. If his psionic energy reaches the level 7 psionicist, then his body may be He will no longer be able to withstand his psionic strength, and eventually his body will completely disappear, and if he is lucky, he will become a special psionic life, and the bad luck will disappear directly from this world.

  Now what Leo needs to do is to suppress the growth of psionic energy, and fully stimulate the potential of the body using various methods, so that he can withstand the next qualitative change process of psionic energy more safely.

Just like a child who got a new toy, Leo obtained the method of using blood power from Regil and improved it, he couldn’t wait to test the power of this power, so he now hoped to clothe Count Rita did something irrational, so he could justify his shot.

   It's a pity that Count Britta didn't give Leo this opportunity. After a long silence, he nodded and said, "Yes, I can promise your terms, but I also have a request."

   Leo was a little disappointed with the other party's reaction, but Geralt was very happy with the other party's decision now, so he asked, "What is the requirement?"

Shen Sheng, Earl of Britta said: "Only after my plantation is traded, I will pay for your conditions, and you, especially the devil hunter and the knight of light, must cooperate with me to do something, such as external Declared that the monsters of the plantation had been punished, and those who disappeared were all killed by the monsters."

   "Master Count, do you think we will agree to such a ridiculous request?" Leo said with a deep voice before Geralt spoke.

   "I think you will agree," Count Britta said: "Although I really want to get rid of the plantation, it does not mean that I have to sell the plantation. Your threat has no effect on me."

  Although Count Britta is very calm now, and he does not care about whether he can sell the plantation, that kind of self-confidence will make anyone feel that his words are true.

However, under the perception of Leo’s spiritual network, this confident disguise of Earl Britta is useless. His body’s blood, the speed of his heartbeat and other subtle reactions that cannot be controlled by his body all indicate that he is guilty at the moment. Awesome, no confidence at all.

"In this case, we have nothing to talk about. Geralt, let's go!" Leo turned his head to Geralt, then turned and walked out, while Geralt was brittany. The Earl had to be confused, but his instinct told him that there was something wrong with it, so when Leo turned to leave, he followed.

"Wait." Count Britta saw Leo approaching the door, and could no longer tolerate the panic in his heart. He started to stop the two and said, "I can promise your terms, but you must guarantee to sell them at me. Before the plantation, there must not be any unfavorable news from outside. In order to ensure that your guarantee is valid, I will only pay half of the conditions, and the remaining half will be handed over to you on the day the transaction is completed."

  Gerlot glanced at Leo, seemingly asking Leo's opinion, while Leo gestured at Geralt, instructing Geralt to make his own decision.

After considering it for a while, Jello nodded his head and said, "I can only guarantee that those of us will not reveal what we know to the outside world. As for whether there is any unfavorable news from the outside world, we cannot guarantee that your enemy is so Many, they casually spread some news against you, should we count on us?"

   Count Britta was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you can guarantee not to talk nonsense, I will agree to your terms."

Seeing that Count Britta had agreed to the terms, Geralt and Leo had no more measure, and reached an agreement with Count Britta.

After   , Count Britta hurriedly took the man out of the manor, unwilling to stay here for another second.

  As Count Britta left, Geralt suddenly asked Leo: "Your Excellency Leo, do you think he will abide by the agreement and pay the other half of the terms after the transaction is completed?"

   "No." Leo gave the answer directly, said.

   "Why?" Geralt asked.

Leo simply replied: "He actually believed in our verbal guarantees and did not further require written agreements to restrict the verbal guarantees. The promises he made to us were also just verbal promises. Obviously, he had done well to repent ready."

  Gerlot nodded thoughtfully, saying: "But we are not a failure. At least half of the conditions can be fulfilled. The money is enough for the family to move to another place and live a stable life."

   Leo nodded slightly, did not talk to Geralt anymore, and turned away from the reception room and returned to his room.

   In the following days, the temperature of Tausent began to drop rapidly, from the hot summer to the cold autumn and winter season, and even hoarfrost condensed on the branches in the morning.

In extreme cold weather like this, some people have never seen Taocente in their lifetime. Some refugees who entered Taocente from outside to avoid the blizzard described the cold snowstorm outside as if it were a natural disaster. Many people remembered Essene's prophecy, which was almost forgotten, and even became a joke, the prediction about hoarfrost.

   For a time, the entire Tao Sent became panicked, and many people even regained the faith of the Prophet of Leibi Ouda, trying to ease the panic in his heart through religion.

Also because of the sudden climate change, the originally powerful Knights Conference ended happily. Duchess Anna Henry Yeta is obviously a more pragmatic person. In this case, compared to the more formal Knights Conference, She pays more attention to the impact of the disaster on Tausent.

   This change in climate also caused the wine conference to end in a hurry, and the wines participating in the conference this time were more or less affected by the surrounding climate, resulting in a decline in overall quality.

This is a good thing for Earl Britt, because in this way, the poor quality of the wine in the winery has an explanation, and I don’t know whether it is because of the good mood, or maybe it has been found. After finding a suitable buyer, he worried that Geralt would come out and make trouble. On the third day of reaching an agreement with Geralt, he would have paid the half of the conditions he promised.

  Due to the sudden change of climate, the monsters inhabiting Tausent were also affected, became extremely active, and the number of attacks on people increased rapidly. It seems that these monsters are preparing food for the winter.

To this end, the Demon Hunter, Sylvia and Leo also often go out to take over the task of killing monsters, while Regil and others stay in the manor to protect the family, so that Earl Britt will not regret it halfway. That family is disadvantaged.

When going out to kill monsters, Sylvia did not act with Leo, because every time he encountered a monster, Leo had already solved those monsters before Sylvia started, although the Knight of Light was finally obtained. Most of the glory and praise, but Sylvia did not like it, which made her feel like a thief, so she acted alone after taking the task of killing two monsters with Leo.

   Leo also has no objection to this. He himself is not interested in such things as killing monsters, getting praise, glory, and money from the public. He pays more attention to his own development of physical potential, and those monsters are his best experimental products.

   However, the monsters around Bellan Estate have been wrapped up by Geralt and Sylvia, making Leo only go to a more remote place these two days.

   To this end, he put all his armor and sword on the manor, riding lightly and quickly, and the two horses took turns to transfer.

When riding a horse, the two horses under the crotch are also his experiments. The power in the blood of the horse is used to stimulate the blood in the horse. Although it cannot improve the life form of the horse, it can change the ordinary horse. The excellent horses, speed endurance, etc. have all more than doubled.

   The journey that originally took one day to complete, Leo only needs two or three hours to complete the journey.

Every time I arrive at a village, Leo finds the bulletin board, sees the task announced above, and does not contact the person who posted the task. As long as there is a task that the monster hurts, go directly to the incident location, find the monster, and then solve it directly Off.

When solving these monsters, Leo did not use any extraordinary powers such as psionic power, divine power, etc., all of which were physical powers inspired by qi and blood. The extraordinary perception also became more sensitive in this state and even exceeded him. The limits that were previously unimaginable entered a microscopic realm.

  It is just that Leo is not satisfied with his current state. Although he has become more and more skilled in using the power of the body, he has not produced extraordinary power from the blood.

For example, Regill’s ability to generate mist is derived from his blood, and when he attacks, Leo can also feel the power generated by some blood gas from his claws, just like psionic energy. The same as supernatural power.

   What is the use of this blood power, Leo is not very clear, but he knows that this is not only as simple as increasing the power and speed of Regill, it should also involve a higher level of life force form.

   "Need to find a monster strong enough!" This is the main thing Leo considered in his mind during this time.

   It's a pity that the monster he encountered was either a giant centipede or those bugs, and a little threatened was a soul monster called the day demon spirit.

After helping a village to solve a group of insects that were chaotic because of the climate crawling out of the nest, Leo returned to the Belan Estate. He decided to change some directions of action. Tomorrow no longer aimed at the monsters that threatened the village, and It is a careful investigation of the remains of some elven kingdoms. He believed that in those ruins, there must be some extremely powerful monsters, just like the stone colossus named Devil, which he and Sylvia had encountered before.

However, after returning to Belan Manor, he found that the search for the remains of the Elven Kingdom did not require him to do it. Naturally someone came to the door, and this person was also the target person Leo and Sylvia wanted to see. Gilavige.

This happened to be a coincidence, but it was not all coincidence. Dandrian secretly ran to Buckland to date his Duchess, and there are many people who hate this thing in Tausent, and these people will do something to Dandrian What can be imagined, so while hunted monsters, Geralt had to be a protector to protect Dandrian from going to Buckland's secret dating location.

In fact, Geralt did not go to Buckland completely for Dandrian. He also wanted to buy some snow walking equipment in Buckland, and he wanted to find a guide who was familiar with the surrounding area of ​​Tausent. I didn't plan to spend a winter in Taocente until the snow melted and set off. It seemed that I was going to go through the mountain range of Taocente in this blizzard weather and continue to find the girl.

It's just that he soon discovered that things were much worse than he expected. Although Taocent has many travellers who are familiar with the surrounding mountains, most of them are familiar with the terrain of normal weather. Now the snowstorm is covering The terrain of is completely different from the terrain they recognize. In this case, they simply cannot find the correct path and will only be trapped in the snowy mountains.

Geralt was not discouraged. He decided to find a route that could cross the mountains. The most detailed and rigorous maps of the surrounding mountains are stored in the court and the person in charge of the court library is Duke consultant Flynn Gilavige.

  After the Duchess took the lead, Geralt also saw Flynn Gilavige.

This is not the first time that the two have met. Gerald and his lover Ye Naifa have also seen Flynn Gilavige before attending a witch rally. The relationship between the two is not very good, because Flynn Gilavige once pierced Ye Naifa with magic. Although Ye Naifa forgave Flynn Gilavige and became friends with it, Geralt always had something about it in her heart. Mind.

   is also because of this small pimple in the heart, when the two want to see, the atmosphere is not too good.

However, Flynn Gilavige seems to be deliberately pleasing Geralt, and expressed her willingness to assist Geralt in finding a map of the mountains, but she also very seriously reminded Geralt that this snowstorm is not just a natural phenomenon. It seems that there is also a supernatural power that she does not know very well. This power is very dangerous. Even if she does not dare to cross the blizzard during this time, there is one more important thing. Any spells such as portals are in this situation. All of the following are also invalid. If you force it, it will inevitably have unpredictable consequences.

After listening to Flynn Gilavige’s description of the snowstorm outside, Geralt also began to consider whether he should venture across the mountains. If Geralt was alone, he would not consider so much, but now with Beside him were Regil, Cassirer, Milwah, Angoulem and others. If these people had accidents because they forced through the mountains surrounded by snowstorms, this is something he would never want to see. , So his idea of ​​leaving Taocente has become a lot lighter.

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