This basement was transformed from a natural cave. Most of the places have retained the original form of the cave. Only some support posts were added in some key places. Torches and braziers were placed on the support posts and some walls. It should be It is used for lighting only because the wood inside is still decaying because of its age.

Leo and Sylvia walked a short distance along the stone steps and came to the interior of a small hall.

This hall is a bit big, built like a castle’s banquet hall, with a huge stone brazier carved in the middle, surrounded by three stone carvings, and surrounded by four small rooms of the same size, with no doors. But there is a blue barrier similar to the energy stand that forms a wall to seal the room, but you can still see the contents of the room.

I saw that in those rooms were a bookstore, a laboratory with a lot of alchemy equipment, a bedroom and a storage room.

"It looks like this should be someone's secret base at that time!" Sylvia said with a smile when she saw the scene in front of her.

"It is possible to build such a secret base and keep the energy for such a long time. It seems that the owner of this secret base is not simple!" Leo analyzed it briefly and said, "I hope that some valuable things can be left here. ."

At this time, Sylvia stepped into the hall, and Leo, who was behind, suddenly felt that the calm energy around the front was suddenly activated, and followed the tide like a tide toward the three stone figures beside the brazier .

"Be careful, there are problems with the three stone figures." Leo handed the torch to Sylvia quickly, stepped forward, activated the strengthened neural network, and said to Sylvia: "Help me later alert."

While talking, the three stone figures shook almost at the same time and slowly stood up from the ground.

Leo is well aware that the three stone portraits are probably similar to vigilant robots. He naturally will not wait for the three stone portraits to prepare for attack, so he put his right leg on the ground and the slate under his feet is also huge. The force was crushed and shattered, and the whole person rushed towards a stone figure like a shell.

The stone figure did not enter the fighting state at all, and was struck by Leo with his twin gloves on his waist.

The power passed on the glove is like some kind of heavy shell, interrupting the waist of this three-meter-high stone figure, and the upper and lower bodies are carried away by Yu Li. Hit the stone figure on the other side and hit it on the ground.

Leo, who succeeded, didn't close his hand. His body moved laterally, and he knocked down another unaffected stone figure.

This stone figure seems to have entered the attack state, and when Leo approached, he punched Leo's head directly.

Although the fist is strong, the speed is too slow. Not to mention that the enhanced neural network has been activated, even if it is not activated, Leo wants to avoid such an attack is also very easy.

I saw Leo turned his head a little bit, avoiding the stone fist that had hit him, and then his fist full of strength fell on one leg of the stone figure, breaking the leg directly.

Losing the support of one leg, the stone figure fell to the ground in front of him, and Leo circumvented the figure, avoiding the falling stone figure, and at the same time, his fist was shot with the rotation of the body, and the head of the stone figure was punched with one punch. The department was smashed.

When Leo, who had solved the two stone figures, was preparing to deal with the third figure, Sylvia had drawn out his sword and cut the stone figure in half.

Sensing that the energy of the three stone figures is rapidly dissipating, and no longer can form an active power, Leo picked up the torch on the ground and was preparing to see if there were other defenses around him, but he found that Sylvia was at this time. 'S expression seemed serious, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"There is something wrong with my scepter." Sylvia looked at the scepter in his hand and said, "It's not as sharp as before, and I feel that the power inside the scepter is weakening and losing, and there are many abilities that can't be used. ."

"It seems that this stick sword is just like some of the powers in my body, and it will also be affected by the difference in the world." Leo took the stick sword from Sylvia and carefully checked it and said: "You It’s better not to use this stick sword anymore, otherwise, if all the power inside is lost, this stick sword might be irreparably damaged."

"Hmm!" Sylvia responded a little helplessly, finally got a sharp weapon, just familiar with, adapted, but can not use, which made her really uncomfortable.

"What about hand crossbows?" Leo asked carefully.

"Hand crossbow? Shouldn't it be okay? It was used just now." Sylvia hesitated for a moment, his tone was not so certain, and took down the hand crossbow hanging from his waist to check it. His slightly frowned brows showed that the situation seemed to be the same. Not so good, "It can only be used as a normal hand crossbow, and the extraordinary power inside cannot also be used."

Leo comforted her and said: "It doesn't matter, even if you can't use extraordinary power, this crossbow is also a weapon in this world."

"Hmm!" Sylvia responded noncommittally, hung his crossbow around his waist, inserted the sword into the scabbard, changed it back to the cane, then looked around and asked, "There are others here." Fortifications?"

Leo scrutinized the surroundings carefully, felt the surrounding power, and said, "There should be no more. What we have to do now is to deal with the walls formed by these extraordinary powers."

"Let's start with... Hey, what is this?" Sylvia was about to go to the door of the collection room to find a solution to the wall, but found a flash of light on the ground rubble, so he immediately stopped thunder. Ou, crouched down, swept away the gravel, and found an eye-sized gem from the gravel.

"It looks like we shouldn't need to worry about money." Sylvia handed the gem in his hand to Leo, and then found similar gems from the other two piles of stone portrait gravel.

Leo took a look at the gem, shook his head slightly, and said, "This should be the energy core of these stone portraits. The stone portrait was destroyed, and the energy core was also damaged. Look carefully at the cracks in the gem. It’s hard to sell a good price."

Sylvia was unwilling to believe that she looked at the gemstone in the light of the torch, and she turned her lips helplessly, turned her head to the collection room, and said, "I hope there will be good things in it."

The two went outside the collection room. Through the transparent force field wall, they could see a dozen or so boxes in the collection room neatly arranged, not to mention a dozen boxes are treasures, as long as one box is inside Stored valuable things, they no longer have to worry about money.

Leo did not venture to touch the harmless wall of the force field, but picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the wall of the force field.

I saw that when the stone hit the wall of the force field, a spark erupted immediately, then the stone was bounced off and there were burning marks on the surface.

"There is such a magical extraordinary power, I really can't figure out how those elves were defeated by the ordinary humans of Tausent?" After seeing the effect of the force field wall, Sylvia could not help but question again.

Leo also couldn't figure this out, so no answer was given.

Leo picked up a few more stones from the ground, and then threw them on the wall of the force field continuously to stimulate the energy reaction on the wall of the force field. At the same time, he sensed the trend of energy fluctuations, in order to find the details of the composition of the wall of the force field. Soon he found the source of the force field wall.

"Are these the Turing roots of this world?" Sylvia asked those Leo who looked at the mysterious patterns on the wall.

"No, these not only contain Turing roots, but also rune magic." Leo corrected the statement and carefully looked at the patterns full of mysterious power, while holding these patterns and the drawings he mastered Contrast with Lingzigen and rune knowledge learned from Hushang Town.

Although the patterns on the walls are quite different from the extraordinary knowledge mastered by Leo, the internal principles are all related. Even Leo doubts the extraordinary power of this world, and the Turing roots of the Velon world, the symbols of the town on the lake. Wen magic is the same source.

"Is this wall difficult to solve?" Sylvia asked Leo after seeing Leo standing in front of the wall for a long time, and frowning.

"No! These walls are easy to solve, I just remember the patterns and details of this pattern magic." Leo recovered from contemplation, explained it, and then asked Sylvia to wait a bit and follow Continue to write down the content that has not been recorded.

After confirming it twice, no omissions, Leo signaled Sylvia to retreat a distance, and then used the power of the nightmare to imitate the Adenfayin in the Demon Hunter’s Fayin and placed a magic trap on the wall.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a crack on the wall like a short-circuited wire, and some energy sparks appeared, and the surrounding force field walls also shone brightly and darkly. Finally, as this patterned wall burst a dazzling energy light, All the force field walls are gone.

Seeing the effect of the demon hunter’s seal in front of him, Leo couldn’t help but think that the person who created the Arden’s seal might not only intend to use the Arden’s seal to create a trap, but also want to use it to destroy the trap. I have to say , Using Adenfayin to destroy other extraordinary power traps and arrangements, the effect is unexpectedly good.

"Smelly!" After seeing the force field walls disappear, Sylvia couldn't wait to walk towards the collection room, but as soon as she entered the collection room, she quickly exited with her nose covered.

Leo walked over and also smelled a pungent odor, so he used psionic power, directly wrapped the odor in the room, pulled them out and threw them onto the torch.

This odor contained flammable gas, which caused the torch to explode more than twice as much light, illuminating the surroundings like daylight, but soon this kind of light weakened as the odor burned out, And it returned to normal.

After clearing the odor, Leo raised the torch and entered the room. Although there are still some odors wandering in the room, it is much better than just now.

"I don't have any hope for these boxes." Sylvia walked in afterwards, the smell coming out of the box, he couldn't help laughing.

Leo reached out and opened the boxes one by one, and saw that there were some herbs in the box, but these herbs had already been completely corrupted into dust, and the odor generated by the corruption was blocked by the wall of the force field in this room. Only then did that scene.

"Maybe what can be gained in other rooms?" Leo comforted Sylvia, and then asked Sylvia to search for the bedroom room where the property is most likely to exist. He went to the alchemy laboratory.

Javier taught Leo Hunter's alchemy and also talked about alchemy equipment. Leo made a set of equipment when he was in Port Sait, and designed some more for his own needs. The utility is specific, so when he sees these alchemy equipment in front of him, he is not strange.

Although the equipment here is much more than the equipment used by the devil hunter alchemy, it is also a few more pieces of unknown function than the equipment he uses in Sete Port and the equipment in his storage space. The basic principles of use of these devices are the same, Leo can easily identify the functions of these devices, and infer the process of using the devices when making various medicines.

In this room, apart from the fact that this set of well-preserved alchemy equipment is a little more valuable, only a few bottles of potions with unknown functions on the table may be worth some money. Of course, the potency of these potions is known on the premise.

Leo did not take the plunger to check the effect of the medicine in the This is to prevent the danger of the medicine itself, and more often to avoid the medicine after the bottle is unplugged. Volatilization reduces the efficacy of the drug.

Leo collected the bottles of pharmacy, and after preparing for Buckland, see if there is a pharmacist in Buckland, and let the pharmacist distinguish the effects of the bottles.

After packing up the potions, Leo checked the room again and found no other omissions before turning to the study next door.

As Leo conjectured, almost all the books in this room were completely damaged, and the surface seemed to be intact, but after picking up, except for the cover, all the pages were turned into debris and dust.

Only a few books supported by nitro-made animal skin are preserved, but these books are all written in a typeface that he does not know, and this typeface looks and contains a special power. The pattern should be exactly the same.

"It seems necessary to learn the elven language of this world." Leo collected several books in his hand and turned away from the study.

At this time, Sylvia also came out from the bedroom opposite, judging from the smile on her face, she should have gained something there.

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