The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 742: Lab Base Town

After Leo entered the small pavilion, he slightly moved a heavy-looking stone table in the middle of the pavilion and moved it to the side. Sylvia tried the weight of the table and found that the table was actually made of wood, and the skin was used for the skin. Glue and sand are bonded together.

After the table was removed, there was a hollow and a downward ladder. Leo Mai stepped down the ladder and entered the cave. Instead of holding the torch, he exposed the recorder on his wrist and activated the lighting above. The device emits light from the recorder to illuminate the surroundings.

Seeing Leo using the recorder, Sylvia was very envious, but she also knew that she didn’t know how to use it even if she got one, so she quickly cleared her mind and turned her attention to her surroundings. .

The mayor of Lobe Town probably didn’t expect anyone else to enter this underground chamber, so when he built it, he simply made a locked iron door, and there were no dangerous institutions around him. Think about it. Also, this basement is the same as the mayor’s own room, and it’s a little weird to have a deadly mechanism in his room.

Leo easily opened the lock of the iron door and entered the basement. When the two entered the basement, they saw rows of neatly arranged racks and various bottles and cans. The bottle cans used antiseptic liquid. Embryos of various creatures.

At first glance, these embryos are not a problem, but if you look closely, you will find that these embryos are actually variant forms of human embryos. With the biological knowledge of Leo and Sylvia, I want to identify the roots of these embryos and Not a difficult thing.

"Do they do human trials again?" Sylvia frowned, then picked up a bottle and looked at it. "Although the embryo storage bottle is not marked, it looks exactly like the medical school's test equipment. The ware workshop will not make such bottles, it seems that these bottles are from the medical school."

"They should be medical school people, at least the mayor must be." Leo extended his finger to the medical school mark engraved on one of the shelves.

"It's from the life school." Sylvia immediately saw the medical school's mark, and immediately recognized several imprinted variant plant branches from the mark, recognizing that the mark is exclusive to the medical school's life school. Imprint.

In the medical school, the life school is a very large school, covering almost 80% of the disciplines of the entire medical school, but it is just a concept from the time it was proposed, a concept of human exploration of the mysteries of life, which is not a substance Sexual institutions, and the imprint of the life school was originally just a kind of imprint created by students and mentors of several medical schools in order to show that they believe in this concept of life.

Later, with the increase in the number of people who recognized the idea of ​​the life school, there were more and more medical school disciplines using the imprint of the life school. Eventually, the similar life school became the largest school of philosophy in the medical school.

All along, the upper medical school has denied that the life school has a substantive management organization, but in fact, anyone who has studied in the medical school is well aware that the life school has formed a management system in secret, controlling the medical school. Some core classrooms, so some people call the school of life as a medical school.

However, in the eyes of governments of various countries, the life school is already infamous. Some of the plagues, diseases, human experiments and other related things that happened in recent years are more or less related to the life school, so some governments have regarded the life school as The cult is treated and arrested as soon as it appears. Even the medical school recently broke off relations with several affiliated branches that are most closely related to the life school.

Right now, seeing the life school and seeing so many mutant human dead embryos, Leo and Sylvia thought of human experiments.

The two of them searched again in the basement, and soon Leo found a large number of experimental reports in an iron cabinet hidden in the wall.

After a quick look at the report, Leo and Sylvia figured out something.

It turned out that a long time ago, when the medical school was just founded, the medical school had cooperated with a high tower wizard to help the high tower wizard study some mysteries in human life. According to the data, Their research seems to have achieved a lot of results, some of which were sent back to the medical school, becoming an important cornerstone for the medical school to grow.

However, according to the progress of the remnants of the research at the time, it was mentioned that the tower wizard was studying the mysteries of the gods, and it had already achieved results. After the research was mature, all the research records were released.

But then the medical school waited, but Lobe Mountain was surrounded by mysterious clouds. The medical school tutors and students who remained in the small town under the wizard tower, as well as the high tower wizard, disappeared in the dense fog.

At that time, the medical school sent someone to investigate here, but none of the people who entered the dense fog came out. They also hired people from the dark world, and the result was the same.

The medical school has always been reluctant to give up the research that is about to bear fruit. After all, it is the mystery of the gods, so they sent people to stay here and build a small village.

Later, they found that some of the residents of the small town on the mountain had survived, so they included these residents in the town, but this time the medical school did not think about what to do with these residents.

It wasn't until some of these residents had deformed babies that they realized that the residents of the small town on the mountain were actually used as experiments by the towering wizards and the people involved in the research, and some transformations were made.

The medical school believes that there may be a mystery of the gods researched by the towering wizard, so they also decided to conduct such research in secret.

In order to prevent these residents from leaving the town, they specially created some incidents to make the residents of the town think that the people outside are malicious, and also deliberately did not lay the road to the mountain, the town became more isolated from the world, In the end, they arranged a honey merchant to come here to purchase honey and take away the research results and materials.

When she saw this, Sylvia's face changed suddenly, she ran out and vomited for a long time, and she was annoyed that she was wreaking havoc on her surroundings, swearing at the medical school constantly, and betting that the medical school guys must pay the price .

It turned out that in these documents, the method used by the medical school to take away these embryos was to seal them and put them in honey to keep them away.

Although the embryo is sealed and has no direct contact with honey, the thought of storing so many mutated human embryo corpses in honey, these honeys were eventually sold at a high price. Someone takes it every day, and anyone will feel nauseated if they think about it. Moreover, Sylvia is also one of the people.

Even across a layer of land, Leo could feel Sylvia’s anger, he did not run up to comfort Sylvia, because he felt that Sylvia needed vent more now, and at this time to comfort her , I am afraid that she will only transfer her anger towards the medical school to him, so he chose to stay in the basement and continue reading these documents.

The time of the last of these documents is exactly the afternoon of the day when there is a change in the world. According to the law of file archiving, a questionnaire should be put in at the same time the next afternoon, but now it is not, so basic You can be sure that the accident in Lobe Town should be the night he and Sylvia speculated.

After reading the final document, Leo found no other useful clues, so he turned away from the basement and returned to the ground.

Only when he returned to the ground, he found that the mayor’s house, which was originally used as a temporary residence tonight, had now become a ruin. The crushing pressure caused by an external force crushed the whole house into fragments and scattered it. Around, and the powerful force has sunk the ground. Obviously that force is not just as simple as crushing the pressure, and Sylvia is gasping for breath, sitting on the ground, it seems that some venting just happened Too.

"Let's go! Let's move to another place!" Leo approached Sylvia without blaming why Sylvia demolished the house they were staying in, just crouched down and hugged Sylvia , Walk towards another house that looks slightly better.

Sylvia did not resist Leo, but instead fell in Leo's arms like calming his anger.

After arriving at the house, Leo used psionic energy to open them, then came to the bedroom, used psionic energy to sweep away the dust inside, and placed Sylvia on the bed.

At this time, Leo found that Sylvia had fallen asleep. It seemed that the vent just made her too hard, but when she thought of the destroyed house, Leo also felt that if the witch's power was released, It may not be much worse than those strategic-level psionic skills.

Leo covered Sylvia with a quilt and was about to turn around to leave. At this time he suddenly found something, leaned down, opened Sylvia’s hair and looked at her neck.

I saw that a small piece of black scales on her neck formed a pattern. Leo knew this pattern. This pattern came from the abyss and represented the magic dragon. This made him think of Sylvia to unlock the magic mark and release its power. After the scene.

When Leo moved his eyes away from the pattern, he saw that Sylvia was looking at him at this time, but Sylvia's pupils were not human pupils, but pupils of a pair of magic dragons.

From this pair of pupils, an upper body of high life sent forth the momentum, suppressing Leo's death and being unable to move, Leo can feel that this suppression not only affects the body, but also the soul.

However, soon Sylvia closed her eyes again, and everything returned to normal. The only thing that did not change was the scale pattern on the back of Sylvia.

Leo straightened up and let out a long sigh of breath, soothing his emotions. The encounter just happened surprised him. He thought that the matter about the abyss dragon had passed, but he didn’t expect it to appear again now, obviously It was caused by Sylvia's mood swings just now.

"It seems that she has the bloodline of the abyss dragon in her body, and because of the seal, the power in the bloodline has split into another consciousness." Leo quickly calmed down and made a decision about Sylvia's situation. Analysis, and the results of the analysis did not satisfy him. He frowned, saying: "Now this conscious body is still very naive, and can only borrow Sylvia's strong emotional fluctuations, and when entering deep sleep, Come out and breathe, but it will be unknown whether it will be anti-guest in the future. It seems that it is necessary to remind Sylvia early to solve this problem."

Leo did not sleep next to Sylvia, but moved a sofa, leaned against the side of Sylvia's bed, and sat down with his eyes closed.

As time passed, the sky quickly dimmed, because the clouds in the sky were too thick for the moonlight to penetrate, so the town appeared darker. Although it can't be said that you can't reach your fingers, the actual situation is similar.

Leo, who always closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes at this time, seeming to sense something, stood up, walked to the window, and looked over the only main road in the town.

It's just that there is nothing unusual on the main road. Leo excited the sight, then the eye foreground changed, the color of the sky changed to blood red, and a weird giant with a face of ten meters and a hole in his face Walking inside the town, and during the day, I looked at the town without any abnormalities with a spiritual sight. At this moment, all the faces appeared on the walls.

The eyes of these embossed faces are always facing the giant walking slowly on the main road. When the giant passes by in front of their eyes, they will open their mouths as if screaming something, but they cannot hear Leo.

At this time Suddenly the sky shot a light arrow and hit the giant, adding a new hole to the giant, but the giant was not affected and still walking steadily.

Immediately afterwards, a continuous light arrow fell from the sky, hitting the giant like a laser weapon, each time leaving some holes of different sizes on the giant, and the giant was always unmoved, as if these The wound does not exist the same.

Leo turned his head and looked at the blood-stained sky. In addition to the blood-stained sky, the things that came into his eyes, as well as the ash butterfly he had seen at the end of everything, also made him sure that he and Luo The space where Pei Zhen reunites together is probably the place where everything ends, because only the place where all ends have the Ash Butterfly.

Retracted his vision, and slowly retreated to the couch beside the bed, not planning to do anything, nor to rush out to check the situation in order to satisfy his curiosity, all he has to do now is wait, wait for this sudden appearance The space overlaps in the past, to avoid too much contact with the things in the end of the place, and when the space overlap disappears, it is pulled over.

In this way, he sat quietly, even if he felt something abnormal around him, he did not turn on his vision, until the first ray of sunlight vented from the top of the hillside outside the town and shone on the curtains of the house, around The place that made him feel weird together before returning to normal.

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