The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 644: Misunderstandings and guesses

"I don't know what to call you gentleman gentleman yet?" Ilya Casa turned her head around and looked at Leo, asking.

"Leo Dodd, Inge." Leo also looked at Ilya Casa and replied.

"Ingrid? My name is Ilya Casa, this is the Kaka tribe." Ilya Casa was a little stunned after hearing Leo's self-introduction, and then introduced herself again, tentatively. Asked: "Do you have Savia descent?"

"No." Leo shook his head and said.

"Are you sure!" Ilya Kassa repeatedly confirmed, because in her opinion Leo has the same power as her because Leo has the Savile lineage, and is even more likely to have Kaka The blood of the tribe, but Leo now gave her an unexpected answer.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure." Leo easily guessed why Sylvia issued such a question, so after giving a reply, he added: "If you are because I am like you To guess that I may be a descendant of your people, then I think you may have guessed wrong, I am a pure English."

"How is this possible?" Ilya Casa hesitated and said: "In my memory, of all the magical powers I have seen in the kingdom, only I have such powers, and so are my ancestors. In the records of the ancestral books, our desert guides are different from others. Our desert guides rely on their own ability to travel in the desert and guide the correct path, while other desert guides pass through The desert primitive prayed to get the relevant instructions. If there are other people in the world with the same ability, my ancestors will definitely record it."

"The world of Velen is so big, your tribe has always lived in the desert of the Kingdom of Savile, and has not left this kingdom. How can your ancestors know if there are people in other kingdoms with the same strength as you?"

"This..." Ilya Casa didn't know how to answer for a while.

In fact, while denying Ilya Casa’s guess, Leo actually had some thoughts about Ilya Casa’s guess, because just as Ilya and her ancestors saw all the extraordinary powers in the Kingdom of Savile, The psionic powers are different. Leo’s real estate power encountered in other parts of the Velon world is also similar to psionic powers. This makes him wonder if he really has the bloodline of the desert tribe in front of him.

Thinking of this, Leo suddenly had a question. The woman in front of him claimed that psionic power is a unique ability possessed by this tribe. Then this tribe must have special power for the extraordinary power of cosmic civilization for special reasons. This reason What is it?

You should know that even in the universe, all civilizations are looking for ways to generate psionicists. The Earth Federation is also one of them. Various arguments such as effect field theory, high energy theory, ethnography, etc. are emerging, but without exception. The reason for the psionicist cannot be proven.

The only certainty is that when a cosmic civilization produces psionicists belonging to its own race, then the psionicists produced after this cosmic civilization will gradually increase, but the law of production is completely random, and some generations produce seven Of the eight psionicists, none of the dozens of generations has a psionicist, and there are no rules at all.

But now, the woman in front of me said that the ancestors of this tribe will often have people with the same ability as her. If this is true, then this means that the ancestor of this woman has inadvertently mastered a method to create psionicists. If this news reaches the universe, it will absolutely make all cosmic civilizations crazy.

For cosmic civilization, the psionicist is related to the status of a civilization in the countless civilizations of the universe, and a stable and effective method of generating psionicists is bound to break the balance of the entire cosmic civilization.

"What tribe are you? Can you tell me something about your tribe?" Leo Shensheng asked.

Although Leo has answered that he does not have the Savile blood, Ilya Casa still thinks Leo is related to his tribe, so when Leo asked about his tribe, he decided to hide it a little bit. Tell the tribe about the secrets of tribes, and see if Leo feels.

Ilya spoke carefully about the history of the Kaka tribe, Leo also listened carefully, and did not speak, but when he heard that Ilya said that the Kaka tribe originated in the Guga desert, he immediately thought of the buried Gaga desert The ancient prehistoric civilization, the huge civilization that was suddenly destroyed by unknown forces.

When Leo was in the Kingdom of Engel, he was interested in the civilization in the Guga Desert. He also considered that if the matter in Sylvia was over, and if there was nothing else, then go to the Guga Desert to take a look.

However, in that underground pyramid, Leo obtained some information about the Guja desert, which should be said about the civilization before the formation of the Guja desert, because the incomplete underground pyramid is the eternal wisdom found in the Guja desert. of.

Undoubtedly, if the information obtained from the pyramids is correct, then the ancient civilization circulating on the Guja Desert may be a cosmic civilization with powerful technological capabilities.

Ilya said that the Kaka tribe originated from the Gujia desert, they are descendants of the Gujia civilization, etc. It sounds like saying that they are giving themselves gold, and it is possible that this is possible.

It's just a little different. Leo feels that the Kaka tribe should not be a descendant of the creator of the Gujia civilization, and is more likely to be an experimental product of the Gujia civilization and a successful experiment.

This is not Leo's imagination, because from the perspective of the pyramid, it is a huge proving ground, and those humanoid creatures that did not complete the final evolution when they entered the pyramid indicate that the civilization in which the pyramid is located is experimenting with humans.

As for the builder of this civilization, it may be the Weiya people or the Bebossa people who have been annihilated by humans. The reason for this inference is mainly due to the structure of the pyramid and some subtle features.

It's a pity that the high agent that controls the pyramid has been mutated for unknown reasons. Although it is still constrained by the underlying code, it can make some fuss about some vulnerabilities in the underlying code, such as Leo needs to be related to the pyramid. , The other party modified and deleted a lot of information that should be related to the civilization of the Gujia desert, only to give a vague guide of a pyramid from the Gujia desert.

"You said that your ancestors left a lot of books for your tribe, I wonder if you can show it to me?" Leo asked when he finished speaking about the general history of the Kaka tribe. , And then when he appeared embarrassed on Ilya's face, he added: "Of course I will not read your books in vain, I am willing to pay enough money."

Speaking of words, Leo took out the passbook of the National Bank of England and quickly signed a large cheque, handing it to Ilya, saying: "This passable cheque can be opened by any merchant in the Kingdom of England. Of the bank’s currency."

Although Ilya Casa started to take over the tribe’s affairs in Abahan Casa’s deliberate decentralization, she still had no contact with financial matters, and the money she saw was all circulating currency of the Kingdom of Savile. Haven't seen any cash check at all.

For Ilya, Leo is a good thing to ask to read the books that the tribe has passed down, because she thinks this is because Leo has thought of things related to the Kaka tribe, so she is very willing to show Leo to those books.

But now Leo has taken the initiative to pay to see that it is better for her, not only to reach her cemetery, but also to subsidize some troubled tribal finances.

However, she still had some doubts about the piece of fragile paper that Leo handed over. She could not understand how such a piece of paper could be exchanged for money.

"Wait a moment." Ilya repeatedly looked at the cash check in her hand and was unsure, so she said to Leo and walked out of the tent.

Ilya, who left the tent, ran to her father’s tent and wanted to find Abahan Kasa to recognize the check in her hand, but Abahan was not in the tent. She took a female slave passing by the tent and asked clearly Immediately after seeing where Abahan was, he went angrily to a tent on the edge of the tribe, and shouted at the entrance of the tent: "Master Patriarch, I have something to deal with here."

Afterwards, he heard the sound of Zuo Suo's dressing, followed Abahan Kasa and came out of the tent with some disheveled clothes, and looked at his daughter embarrassedly. The topic, said: "Aren't you talking to the kid in the tent? How come you came to me?"

Ilya glared at his father fiercely, looked at some of the surrounding tribes as if arbitrarily watching this side, tolerated the urge to teach his father, then took out the check, handed it over and said: "The man said he wanted to look at the books left by his ancestors, and he was willing to pay for reading, but he did not give Jinsa, this kind of paper, he said that holding this paper can be in English Any bank opened by the person can be exchanged for corresponding money. Do you see if this is true?"

"This is a cash check?" Abahan Casa recognized the check in Ilya's hand at a glance. Although most of the businessmen who deal with the Kaka tribe are local merchants in the Kingdom of Savile, Abahan also dreams Tribes of their own have been able to carry out some cross-border transactions with huge profits from foreign merchants. Therefore, they have collected a variety of information related to cross-border transactions a long time ago. Recognizing the checks of national banks of various countries is naturally one of the most important.

Abahan snatched the check from his daughter, and the first thing that caught his eye was the large amount above, which made him take a breath. Although it was the golden shield of the Inge Kingdom, it was still the amount after it was converted into Jinsa. Amazingly, it is no exaggeration to say that the Kaka tribe has been doing business for ten years, and has accumulated no food or drink, nor can it compare to this figure.

After recovering from the shock, Abahan quickly checked the correctness of the check according to the method he learned, and repeatedly compared it two or three times, and finally confirmed that the check in hand was true.

At this time, what he had in mind was not the check in his hand, but Leo was able to take out such a large amount of money casually, just to read a book, then it represented that Leo would certainly be able to take out more money. .

When he became the head of the Kaka tribe, he did sand thieves for a period of time, kidnapped rich people, and asked for ransom. He did not do less. Although he has not dared to do such dirty work for many years, there is a gold mine Before him, he had to admit that his heart was moving.

As a daughter, Ilya knew very well what his father was, and easily guessed his thoughts from his eyes, so he didn’t wait for him to think carefully and said very seriously: “Father, you better dispel you. You don’t want to think about the state of the person when he walked out of the Guga Desert.

At the reminder of his daughter, Abahan immediately thought of the scene when he saw Leo, and the fire caused by the greed in his heart immediately went out as if he had encountered a downpour.

Of course he could see that Leo's spotless clothing was completely walking in the city's gardens, like a survivor who had just walked out of the depths of the world's most dangerous desert.

"How did he do it?" Abahan couldn't help whispering at this.

"I suspect that he has the blood of our Kaka tribe." Ilya explained his speculation and explained to Abahan's face, "He has exactly the same power as me." "

"Impossible!" Abahan shook his head said: "It is absolutely impossible, to know that the strength of our Kaka tribe desert guide is unique in this world, and it is absolutely impossible to have the same power. And even if he owns the blood of our tribe, he can’t have this kind of power. Don’t forget that our tribe’s desert guides are all women, and there has never been a male desert guide.”

"There are exceptions to everything. Maybe after several generations of inheriting the impure blood of his body, breaking the limits of the blood of our tribe?" Ilya argued vigorously and said very firmly: "I can be sure of his strength. Just like me, if you think about it, he can come out of the Guga desert without any damage. In your memory, who can do it except the desert guide of the Mekaka tribe."

After listening to Ilya’s analysis, Abahan was silent, because although he did not believe what his daughter said, saying that the foreigner had the blood of the Kaka tribe, he also had to admit that his daughter had some analysis Makes sense.

"Whether he is a descendant of our people or not, he is our guest first." Abahan, who was still suspicious in his heart, did not approve of his daughter's guess, but he did not reject this guess entirely, only to see that he raised the cheque in his hand. , Said: "The check is true, you will send the book to him later, let him stay in the tribe during this time, maybe you can find other discoveries."

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