I saw that a powerful wave of energy came from a direction that covered the sky and the dust storm was rapidly advancing towards this side.

Leo can feel that this sandstorm is not as simple as it seems on the surface. The sandstorm is mixed with massive energy turbulence. If only ordinary people fall, these energy turbulences will not cause any abnormalities, but for the right For people with particularly bright and dark changes in the surrounding energy, this turbulence of energy will undoubtedly have a great impact on them, and even affect the strength of their own bodies.

  Leo had seen it on the battlefield more than once, and the psionicist caused his own psionic energy to bite back because of the chaotic flow of energy, and then bloomed like a firework in the void of the universe.

Although the energy turbulence contained in the sandstorms is much weaker than the energy turbulence in the universe, Leo does not know that he has never experienced systematic learning, and he does not understand the various protection methods that psionicists should have. Can it withstand the impact and impact of the energy turbulence in the sandstorm?

   Faced with this situation, Leo can only reopen through the psionic shock, opening the entrance of the underground building that has not been completely buried by the floating sand, and returned to the underground building to wait quietly for the dust storm to pass.

   Soon, the entrance was refilled by the floating sand, and the underground building returned to the dark and dull environment.

   Leo thought that the floating sand was not very reliable and might be swept away by the dust storm, so he moved to a position inside the building again.

   It didn't take long for the surroundings to be quiet for a moment, and then heard the sound of drum-like sounds coming in from outside, and accompanied by a turbulent flow of energy, the floating sand that penetrated the ground flowed in.

   At this moment, Leo is completely unable to use the spiritual net and any psionic skills, and can only rely on his extraordinary perception to determine the situation outside.

Fortunately, the terrible situation that Leo feared did not appear. Although the energy turbulence outside was very strong, the sandstorm caused by the turbulence was not very strong. It just swept away some of the topmost floating sand on the ground, which was not as good as him. Worry about that. All the floating sand is taken away, so he is safe in the buried underground room, provided that he does not use psionic or any extraordinary power.

   It's just, obviously, God seems to think that Leo's way of dealing with this natural disaster is too easy, so he deliberately found him some small troubles.

A rustling sound came from some floating sand blocking the breakage and doors and windows in the room. Leo then found out through his extraordinary perception that some sand scorpions actually got out of the surrounding sand and ran into the house. , Depending on the situation, they should also be here to avoid the sandstorms outside.

   hardly requires special careful identification, Leo has already recognized these sand scorpions as the fire scorpions that are special to the Savile Kingdom.

   This sand scorpion is the most famous poisonous sand scorpion in the Kingdom of Savile, and it is also recognized as the deadliest poisonous insect in the world of Velon.

The fire scorpion usually hides in the sand. When a prey walks over the sand it hides, the long tail thorn of the scorpion will drill out and plunge into the skin of the prey, even if the prey is wearing thick leather boots And can’t stop the sharp tail spikes

After being stung by this sand scorpion, the wound will burn like a fire, and the pain will quickly spread to the whole body, and only a few minutes will cause the injured person to die, and the body skin will also quickly after the injured person dies Forms moss like coke.

There are more than 4,000 people who die from this sand scorpion attack every year in the Kingdom of Savile. Fortunately, there are not many deserts suitable for this sand scorpion to survive, so unless they live in that desert People on the road, otherwise you just need to be careful to avoid those deserts.

   But now, Leo unavoidably faces these sand scorpions.

Without the influence of energy turbulence, Leo can easily destroy these highly toxic sand scorpions with only a psionic deterrence, but now he cannot use psionic and other extraordinary powers, he can only use other methods. For example, release your own breath of life.

The life breath of up to level 6 psionicists far exceeds the life levels of those sand scorpions. The suppression effect from the life level also inevitably appears on these sand scorpions. They all lie on the ground without exception. Any movement. Even other sand scorpions who hadn't had time to enter the house stopped drilling into this buried underground house.

   In this way, a sand scorpion crisis was eliminated by the life breath of Leo's sixth-level psionicist.

The sandstorm outside didn’t last long. About ten minutes later, Leo felt that the chaotic energy fluctuations in the air were rapidly weakening. After ten seconds, the shadowless disappeared, while the outside Sandstorms have also passed from this area.

  Seeing this, Leo stepped towards the door, and when the sand scorpion in front of him also approached Leo, he quickly avoided it and gave way.

Then Leo used psionic shock to flush away the floating sand at the entrance again, but this time after the floating sand was washed away, there was no backflushing of the floating sand at the washed out outlet. Obviously, the previous sandstorm has already maximized the fluidity. The strongest and lightest floating sand was all scraped away.

Leo returned to the ground and looked around. The first thing that caught his eye was the sandstorm that was going away on one side. It could be seen that this sandstorm did not weaken, but seemed to strengthen, and then his sight fell again. On the decoration of a building roof that came out of the sand pile not far away.

   "Karitu?" Leo quickly recognized the origin of the ornament, and then could not help but looked at the flaming sand scorpions in the room behind him, frowning: "How come I came to the Guga Desert?"

The roof decoration that Leo saw was a common decoration on the top of those ancient buildings in the Gujia desert. According to the analysis of archaeologists from various countries, this bird-shaped relief decoration should be one of the original beliefs of the local people in the Gujia desert. God beast, it is said that this kind of beast can absorb the heat and fire around.

Therefore, the locals made it into a statue and put it on the roof. One is to avoid the heat, and the second is to prevent fire. Even if the master of life and death has unified the faith of the entire Savile Kingdom, this kind of beast Faith is abolished, and it is allowed to spread among the tribes of the Guga Desert.

This traditional belief decoration can be seen everywhere in the ruins of the Gujia desert, but it stops abruptly after leaving the Gujia desert, so some people who retain this original belief in the Gujia desert call themselves the Gujia civilization. Descent.

  In Leo’s memory, the Guga Desert is on the east coast of Minsk, and the Port of Pender is on the west coast, which means he spans the entire Minsk continent.

Leo was also a little surprised by this, but he thought that the Axel Forest might be a subspace zone, and neither time nor distance can be inferred by common sense in subspace, so he also felt that he moved this long distance. What is incomprehensible.

   However, he was also thankful that he had not been sent deeper into the ground by the Axel Forest. Otherwise, if there was no space, all he was waiting for was the squeeze to death.

   Leo looked around for a while, hoping to find an obvious landmark in order to confirm his position, but apart from knowing that this is the ruins of the Gujia desert, he never found any useful landmarks.

As for the relics of Gujia, although they are not excavated, most of them are in the edge of the Gujia desert. Most of the ruins have been thoroughly excavated. The important things are collected by the Savile Kingdom or the Church of the Birth and Death of All Things When it is gone, the remaining relics become local tourism resources.

From the surrounding relics buried deep in the floating sand, it is clear that this is not any Gujia ruins discovered and excavated by the Savile Kingdom, so it is likely to be a ruin in the middle of the unmanned area in the Gujia desert .

The area of ​​the Guga Desert is very large, and the area itself is already the largest desert of the Savile Kingdom. If you count the other deserts it extends, then the Guga Desert occupies almost two-thirds of the area of ​​the Savile Kingdom. Even the only desert area in the northern ice and snow kingdom Deliyat extends from the edge of the Guja desert.

   It is precisely because of the huge area of ​​the Gujia Desert that many people go into the depths of the Guga Desert every year, and not many people can successfully come out in the end.

Since knowing the ruins of Guja, Leo has collected some books about the Gujia desert, most of them are archaeological books, but among the archaeological books, they are also included in some bookstores and related to the Gujia desert. Adventure biographies.

Most of these adventure biographical novels are written by the survivors of the Gujia Desert, most of which describe how unsuitable for human survival in the depths of the Gujia Desert, and emphasize that they can or come out entirely on their own Willpower, blessings of the gods, etc., excluding those that are not of much use, almost all survivors will emphasize the two points that go out of the depths of the Guja desert.

The first point is that the sun is not credible. In the Guga Desert, you must not judge the position based on the sun, shadow and other information, because the Guga Desert contains a mysterious force that will distort light and shadow, making people make the most wrong judgments. The end result is It is impossible to walk out of the Guga Desert for a lifetime.

   The second point is to take away with the light. After nightfall in the Gujia Desert, moonlight shines on the Gujia Desert. From time to time, a strip of light will appear over the desert. As long as you follow the direction of the light strip, you can walk out of the Guga Desert.

However, the problem is that the time and place of these light bands are uncertain. Not everyone is lucky enough to see it, and not everyone can see it, and they can continue to get guidance and eventually walk out of the Guji Desert. .

Before he came to the Gujia Desert, Leo did not know what the two main points of going out of the Gujia Desert were, but now Leo knew that the reason for all of this might be the weak energy field shrouded in the desert. related.

   These weak energy fields are also unstable chaotic energy fields, which will have a certain impact on Leo's psionic energy. For example, the spiritual network will be unable to accurately scan the surrounding objects under its influence.

  In addition, the psionic energy he casts will be affected and distorted by the energy field. For example, he just tried to display flying psionic energy, wanting to fly himself into the sky, to see if he can see the situation in the distance, and find something useful. But it turns out that the energy field can only be attached to the foot surface. Once it disperses to form an anti-gravity field, it will be disturbed, and the gravity effect becomes random, that is, he will sometimes float lightly and sometimes sink into the sand. .

  Although Psionics was affected, and the surroundings were not very clear, Leo did not plan to wait here until night, waiting for luck to wait for the light strip mentioned by the survivor to appear.

Because he can perceive the direction of the field effect of the energy field in the air through the spiritual network, it seems to him that the light band is the light and shadow effect produced by other energy impacting the energy field, and the field effect direction should be the direction that the light band directs, so he Decided to go directly along the field effect direction.

However, before going on the road, Leo still needs to prepare some things. I saw that he returned to the buried underground structure, quickly caught some fat fire scorpions, pulled out the stings of the sand scorpions, and then collected Okay, serve as food.

Although Leo has stored a little food in the storage space, the amount is not very large. In the desert, he does not know how long he will walk and will get lost, so unless he can’t find anything to eat, he will not take out these. Food.

For ordinary people, walking in the desert during the day is absolutely fatal, but for Leo ~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no difference between the desert under the scorching sun and the shady forest, a thin layer of psionic energy It is attached to the surface of the body, so that he can easily adjust the temperature of the body and isolate the outside heat. In addition, the spiritual energy attached to the bottom of the foot can also allow him to walk on the sand as if he were walking on solid ground.

Leo didn’t know how long he had walked, but the sky began to gradually darken, and the temperature also fell quickly. The temperature dropped to freezing point less than ten minutes after the sun completely disappeared. Obviously, this sudden temperature drop should be the same as Related to the energy field that envelopes the entire Gurga Desert,

   At this time, the moonlight was scattered on the Guga desert, and a light band appeared in the sky. The direction of the light band from the appearance to the disappearance was the direction of the energy effect field as Leo expected.

   Leo stopped at the moment when the light band appeared, and looked up slightly surprised at the moon in the sky, which should be the Weiya mother nest battleship.

   The reason why he behaves this way is because he feels that the moonlight projected on the moon is not only the moonlight, but also an energy beam. It seems that the moon is delivering energy to the Guga desert somewhere.

   "Does there still exist Weiya warships in the Guga Desert?" Leo sensed the energy field in the air, and immediately a conjecture appeared in his heart, and his emotions became a little excited.

As we all know, the core mother nest battleship of the Veja Fleet is not just a man-made planet that provides the Veja people with residence. This battleship also shoulders the important task of providing additional energy for the other battleships of the fleet. Original, relatively stable energy beam.

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