The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 636: Break away from the tower

  The Leo who discovered this loophole would naturally not use such a good loophole, and he asked for bitterness. He placed some psionic traps carefully near the door, just like he did with the crystalline knights before.


However, this crystalline giant is different from the crystalline knight. The energy in its body is very stable. It is far from the crystal knight like a bomb that can explode at any time. The psionic trap only acts as an excitation device, not a powerful one. Psionic trap.


And now all of the psionic traps arranged by Leo are some trapping traps. As long as the psionic giant falls into the trap, it will be trapped by these traps. This may not be a long time, maybe only a few seconds. Zhong, but Leo is enough.


   is different from the casual attitude just now. Leo, who just felt the power of the crystalline giant, is very attentive to the layout of each psionic trap. He repeatedly deduced it in his heart several times before carefully setting the psionic trap.


  After everything was set up, Leo thought for a moment and changed the Gemini into the pattern of the cross sword, and then took the sword into the large library again, and the spiritual net and sight were also concentrated on it.


  I saw the crystalline giant, standing on a base protruding outward from the fifth floor window above his head, looking like a statue.


It did not respond to Leo’s move in at the moment. Obviously, entering the large library was not the main condition for activating its reaction, so Leo began to walk in. Until it reached the previous position, the crystal giant immediately took action. , Leaping directly from the air, while swinging his arms quickly, each time there is a swing, there will be some crystalline blocks, thrown from its arm, like a dagger, and thrust towards Leo.


Leo, who had been prepared for a long time, quickly backed away and avoided the dagger, but after avoiding it, he did not immediately exit the large library and retreated behind the trap he arranged, but slowed down a bit and let the crystal giant After landing, you can catch up with him to launch a round of attacks.


   I saw that the arms of the crystalline giant instantly turned into two crystalline swords, slashing towards Leo, the action was so familiar, as if it had been done ten million times.


   Leo's movement is also not slow. The cross sword in his hand is also transformed into a crystalline sword, and he greets the crystalline giant.


The crystalline swords of the two sides collided violently, and the collision produced a strong force to push the two away at the same time, and both were masters of swordsmanship. When the long sword was opened, they all turned around and swung the sword. The action, then the power of the bouncing and the centrifugal force of the turn, increase the power of the long sword.


  After a series of long sword battles that were almost evenly divided, although the swordsmanship of the two was similar, they were all masters, but the gap between the other parts had begun to gradually emerge.


Because of his size, Leo’s agility is much faster than that of the Crystal Giant, but also because of his size and physique, the Crystal Giant’s power is much greater than Leo’s, and its physical strength is far more than Leo’s. There is no drop in the strength or speed of the series of attacks.


Having tried the strength of the crystalline giant, Leo did not intend to continue to fight hard. When a weapon collided, he followed the strength of the opponent's long sword and threw himself out of the whole body, over the air. The trap fell outside the trap.


   The crystalline giant naturally chased it out, and his hands became crystalline long whips. It seems that he wanted to use a whip to cut Leo from a distance.


However, the moment it rushed out, it immediately stepped on the trap where Leo was placed, as Leo expected, and at the same time as one trap was triggered, other traps were also triggered in series, forming a A psionic beam binds the crystal giant.


Leo, who had already expected this situation, did not hesitate and rushed over in an instant. The long sword in his hand no longer appeared as the spar long sword, but the original double cross long sword was used and attacked. The object is not the head of the crystal giant, but the waist of the crystal giant, the corpse confined inside the crystal.


   Although the solid strength of the crystallization is far more than that of steel, and even comparable to the outer armor of the space warship, the blade of the twin swords is still like a piece of mud, but this piece of mud is slightly harder.


  Crossed long sword easily cut the crystal giant together with the corpse inside into two halves.


As the corpse was cut by the waist, the crystal giant also lost its power and fell heavily on the ground. Then the outer crystal of the corpse shattered into a star like a pierced balloon, and the corpse was the same as the previous one. The sword knight and the crystalline knight became ashes, and left a crystalline fire.


  Because of his previous experience, Leo is no longer surprised by the life memory of Karika’s Lambs obtained from the crystal fire, and he is also fortunate that he can overcome the crystal giant so easily.


Because from the crystalline fire, Leo’s memory shows that Karika’s Lambs is indeed like a legend, a mortal comparable to the gods. According to the level of psionic power, he has reached at least nine levels. Half of his feet have stepped into the realm of omega-class higher life forms.


However, it is clear that the encounter before his death caused great damage to his strength, and the problems of the Crystal Giant itself also prevented him from fighting like a real warrior. The procedural combat method is full of fatal Loopholes.


Although the power of the crystalline giant is much stronger than the power of other crystalline knights, the stable energy has not formed a crystalline stone that can cause the crystallization magic book to move after its death, and the crystalline fire that related to its experience has not been given to thunder. Europe provides any substantive psionic skills, most of which are Karika's Lambs's understanding of swordsmanship, and the extraordinary powers other than swordsmanship seem to be deliberately erased, and no traces can be seen.


Leo did not feel too disappointed by this. In fact, only Karika’s memory of Rambus’s life has helped Leo a lot, because in these memories, he often followed Janor The eldest son of the Lund gods and kings went out to fight. He saw the eldest son's lightning gun skills firsthand, and he also saw that the other knights under the eldest son had different lightning gun skills.


Although these memories can't let Leo immediately master a psionic skill like a crystal sword, they can give Leo a lot of inspiration. Through these specific usage memories, Leo can quickly create his own The set of psionic skills, of course, the magical witchcraft of the crystal sword, which is displayed with psionic energy, can also make him more understand the conversion of psionic and other extraordinary powers, which can greatly shorten the creation of his own psionic system. time.


After that, Leo continued to walk inside the large library, just like the books seen on the first floor, all other books in the large library have only one shell, and the contents inside are all blank. Leo is also Leo I also encountered some crystal knights guarding the large library. Because of the combat loopholes, Leo easily solved these crystal knights and obtained a crystal magic called crystal snatch.


   This kind of crystal gun is used as a long spear, and it can also be thrown out like a thunder gun, and it is also extremely powerful. It is also a strategic-level psionic skill.


The psionic skills obtained from the crystal magic book twice in a row are strategic-level psionic skills that are enough to make any omega-level higher lifeforms also exciting, which makes Leo look forward to the crystal magic book in the end. How many such powerful psionic skills.


Therefore, Leo did not rush to leave the big library afterwards, but carefully searched every layer of the big library to find any crystallization knight. Unfortunately, the number of crystallization knights is really limited, and after two excitations, the crystallization The crystal stone needed for the magic book has also been doubled. Leo solved more than a dozen crystal knights and still did not let the crystal magic book produce any movement.


During this period of capturing the Crystal Knights, Leo encountered four or five monsters that were far more powerful than other Crystal Knights. One of them was also a Crystal Giant, but this Crystal Giant did not leave a crystal fire after his death. , There is no crystal stone left.


In addition to the Crystal Giants, Leo also encountered Crystal Wizards. Some wizards who knew how to use Crystal Magic, whether they were Crystal Guns or Crystal Swords, knew how to use them, except that these Crystal Wizards used the most. Crystal dagger, because this kind of crystal wizard often stays in a safe place and fights with the crystal knight, it is a little more troublesome to deal with. On several occasions, Leo stood in the distance and solved them directly with a thunder gun.


   It's just that after the crystal wizards are killed, they don't leave the crystal stone or the crystal fire, but the crystal soul stone that is almost black and ink.


The memory of the crystal soul stone is known by Leo from the memory of Lambous of Carica. This crystal soul stone seems to be very important for the crystal old man. The crystal old man does not hesitate to use most of the manpower and material resources of the large book library to collect it. Crystal soul stone.


   It's just that when Leo obtained this black crystal soul stone, he thought of the abyss more.


Although due to environmental reasons, the introduction instrument is like being unable to analyze and imitate those divine powers, nor can it imitate the power of the abyss, which makes Leo unable to feel the power contained in this soul stone, but his intuition tells him that A crystal soul stone is definitely related to the abyss.


  However, Leo did not waste much time on this matter, and soon put it aside temporarily, and continued to climb upwards.


With the increase in the number of floors, the bottom guards of the large book library such as Crystal Knights are also rapidly decreasing, and the number of guards is also decreasing. Many times only one guard appears on the sixth and seventh floors, and the strength of the guard is also very powerful. It is comparable to the first-tier crystalline giant.


   What makes Leo unhappy is that after these powerful guards are killed, most of them will not stay, and even if there is something left, they are all black crystal soul stones of unknown role.


After climbing more than a hundred layers upwards, Leo came to a relatively empty room with no bookshelves. This room was very large and there were no walls around it. Only a stone column supported the tower and walked out to the edge. Looking around, Leo can see many things, such as Janor Lund's castle and so on.


   The thing that attracted Leo’s attention the most was not the city of the gods, but the mist connected to the sky in the distance. Leo faintly saw some giant monsters towering into the cloud from the mist.


After coming to this level, Leo did not continue to go up, not because he did not want to go, but because there was no way, or the content of the big book library in his memory was here, standing on the edge, Looking up, although the tower above can still be seen, it has become ambiguous, even a relief that is a few meters above the head is also ambiguous.


   "Should the node of consciousness be here?" Leo thought for a moment, then looked at the situation of this tower.


  Because there are no items, Leo's various situations in the tower are easily seen by Leo. Leo quickly finds something that may be a node of consciousness, something that is incompatible with the surrounding environment.


I saw a silver-white chip embedded on the pillar in the middle. This chip is not large, only one-hundredth of the size of the fingernail of the little finger. If it is not the spirit net, carefully scanned each stone column, I am afraid It is difficult for him to find it out of countless small gravel by naked eyes When digging the chip from the stone pillar, Leo behaved very carefully, because according to common sense, this time must be There will be one of the most powerful guardians to attack him and prevent him from taking chips.


   But the result was unexpected, because until he dug out the chip, confirming that this is the node of consciousness, only need to be activated by psionic power, he can leave this large library, but there is still no guardian.


   "Is my judgment wrong?" Leo hesitated a little, did not think about it any more, and still watched the surroundings vigilantly, while activating the chip with psionic energy.


   I saw that a burst of light burst out of the chip and wrapped Leo in it. Leo's body instantly disintegrated into a stream of information and disappeared from the tower of the large library.


Just when Leo disappeared, this world dominated by the large library, a little disintegration began to disappear from the edge, and this time a giant figure who wrapped himself in a robe slowly fell from the top of the tower , Fell to the tower where Leo disappeared, standing where Leo stood before, thoughtfully looking at the hole left when the chip was dug out of the stone pillar.


   Until the world's disintegration passed on to the mysterious robe, the robe still had no response and allowed his body to completely disintegrate.


   But just when the mysterious robe disappeared, a strong light flashed through the endless darkness, and then escaped into the darkness like a shooting star, and disappeared.

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